Remember, if you've spent more than like $480 on the game, ever, you get the Early Access for free...
Link to script to see how much you have spent
I'm not surprised at the number that came back for me as I've had a lot of fun in the game but it definitely was over the $480
Crap, this looks amazing. Guess I'm gonna have to pick up a supporter pack.
I had a lot of fun with it at Pax - debating if I buy early access or wait a little.
I was in on the first Early Access in 2012, and I'll be in on this one. I've certainly spent enough to qualify lol. If this is as high-quality an ARPG as the first game, it'll be well worth supporting, TenCent or no.
sorry for bringing this to the conversation, but i'm actually worried about the companies that Tencent has a part of because of our current political climate. I feel it's only a matter of time before they shift their gaze to them which is a much more entrenched target than TikTok
They are functionally different though. Tik Tok and Huawei Communications are and were ubiquitous, TT in social and Huawei in comms. Each of these has a far wider reach and capability of disruption than a games company, although TenCent could offer some information (although PoE is not traditionally monetized, so that kind of useful information is essentially opt-in).
Tik Tok has been used to collect *massive* demographic and other information on Americans, including illicit downloads of files from devices, and Huawei was set to take down military, intel and civilian networks in a time of conflict. TenCent, while it is big to gamers, does not have anything like the same depth and breadth of information to provide, at least not in the case of PoE.
My focus on TenCent is on their abusive monetization of some of their games. PoE is not one of them, so... I'm less concerned.
It was my understanding that Tencent is much more than a game company. they built weChat and other social apps that are the biggest in the world. I know many folks who I work with that have relatives in China use it on the regular
Yes. I thought we were talking about the games division, my bad.
Tencent gives the money, but they don't code the games in China. I think there may be more than a few legal issues for American companies to do espionage on purpose as directed by a foreign publisher.
As with Tik Tok, the subsidiaries don't have to be involved at all. They just need to have connections back to the mother ship. Even covert ones.
sorry for bringing this to the conversation, but i'm actually worried about the companies that Tencent has a part of because of our current political climate. I feel it's only a matter of time before they shift their gaze to them which is a much more entrenched target than TikTok
They acquired PoE in 2018. The game has had crazy growth in the last 6 years. I hope they realize that GGG is a cash cow for them and just lets them keep earning money the way that they have been.
ranalin wrote:sorry for bringing this to the conversation, but i'm actually worried about the companies that Tencent has a part of because of our current political climate. I feel it's only a matter of time before they shift their gaze to them which is a much more entrenched target than TikTok
They acquired PoE in 2018. The game has had crazy growth in the last 6 years. I hope they realize that GGG is a cash cow for them and just lets them keep earning money the way that they have been.
I have 0 issues beyond their predatory MTX gambits (which they dont enforce with GGG), as a gaming entity. With our current political climate here in the states i would not be surprised if someone in the government started taking swings at China owned/partly owned companies and cause problems that way.
That's my worry too. PoE is a real gem among ARPGs and I'd hate to lose it.
Turns out you get some stuff early if you preorder some of the packs(in PoE, not PoE2) I'm currently designing my Dreadnought hideout so it's ready and looking awesome when PoE2 releases
Got my EA access, but it's not actually in place yet. The link goes to a non-existent page.
Got my EA access, but it's not actually in place yet. The link goes to a non-existent page.
You should've gotten an email with the keys for each platform... I think the website GGG version isn't open yet, but the Steam key works.
I bought EA through Steam, and it was not clear how to actually get the key.
First, I bought one of the EA packs.
Then, I was reading through their FAQ, and it says to check to see if you have access to Early Access you can click here.
Then, once I logged in, I had an option to "Claim key".
Clicked the button, got a key, and then added that to Steam through the usual method.
I looked again, and the key was there. Thanks everyone!
Please post your experience playing this title on the Steam Deck. I'm very interested in the control scheme ease of use and the functionality of the pause/power button on the Deck. With a young child, I simply cannot game anymore without being 2 seconds away from a dark screen.
Path of Exile is rated as "Playable" on Steam, due to small text in in-game menus and info boxes and such.
I haven’t tried it since I first got the steam deck but I vaguely remember it ran fine but the controls were sort of cumbersome and the lower resolution made it hard to tell what was going on sometimes. This was years ago though so it may have gotten better.
Like all other online games, putting the steam deck to sleep will force a disconnect and boot you back to the login screen because the wi-fi connection shuts down when the deck is sleeping.
Anyone found the download link for Early Access yet?
It's not in Steam
Anyone found the download link for Early Access yet?
It's not in Steam
"We’ll be making the standalone PC client available for download at 5pm on Thursday, December 5th (PST).
Xbox - pre-download is already available. There will likely be updates on launch.
PlayStation - Founder's packs should go live 24 hours before Early Access starts. Purchasing one of these packs should allow for pre-download on PS5.
And of course their website is hosed.
To be expected. On one of my screens, I sat in their Discord and watched people complain about how they couldn't preload a game immediately (when in reality, there were 18 hours until the game released so it didn't matter anyways). On the other, I watched Stargate SG1 since I never did watch the entire series. About 9pm the Steam preload button was up and I basically maxed my connection downloading it.
I expect pretty long queues today for how popular this game is. They sold over 1 million EA keys. Either way, we have 6 or so months at least to play EA before the game is 1.0.
Yeah, I saw a video last night from the developer basically going "Uh.. holy crap folks. We've sold over a million EA keys. That's amazing... and there are going to be queues in the EA period. We've ramped up as much infrastructure as we can, but we (I) have concerns about our backend. Thanks so much!"
So... I would guess the first several hours will not be amazingly smooth.
Well, at least PoE2’s log-in screen is prettier than the first game’s.
Well, at least PoE2’s log-in screen is prettier than the first game’s.
An unexpected disconnection occurred.
The queues are just a few minutes long and the game runs smoothly now. Not bad.