Below is a link to my main, if that's useful!
EDIT: **link deleted**
So do y'all chat somewhere? cause in-game guild chat is dead as dead, nobody ever responds or says anything I've ever seen
Also, I am in Act 6 and getting one-shotted by many/most boss type mobs. Clearly I need to get my health up, and I think I need to get some teleporty/blinky stuff going.
Anyone up for give me some tips?
EDIT: I also need better resistances, I'm working on that for now.
Folks play at all different times, and depending on what you're doing and don't have chat filters on it's very easy to miss guild chat.
Best place to get tips is here and youtube.
Also, I am in Act 6 and getting one-shotted by many/most boss type mobs. Clearly I need to get my health up, and I think I need to get some teleporty/blinky stuff going.
Anyone up for give me some tips?
EDIT: I also need better resistances, I'm working on that for now.
Yep - you hit the big traditional difficulty spike. Act 6 is always the toughest...beating Act 5 means a -30% resistance penalty across the board. You will die, in one shot, frequently, without capping resistances (75%) because most baddies will do elemental damage now.
You need to prioritize resist gear, and probably mitigation/life on your skill tree next.
Thanks WizardM0de!
Type "Life" into the passive traits search bar and see if there are any easy ones you missed. That can help jack up your survivability pretty quickly.
mmm good idea
So do y'all chat somewhere? cause in-game guild chat is dead as dead, nobody ever responds or says anything I've ever seen
Also, I am in Act 6 and getting one-shotted by many/most boss type mobs. Clearly I need to get my health up, and I think I need to get some teleporty/blinky stuff going.
Anyone up for give me some tips?
EDIT: I also need better resistances, I'm working on that for now.
Prioritize resists over damage at all times to stay max capped. Rings, amulets, belts typically have the best resists. Every piece of gear should have some resists on it - if it doesnt - find something that does. What type of builds are you playing?
I only mentioned Life because you all had recommended the Resists. But also sometimes there's a powerful Life node near the start that's pretty painless to grab.
So I noticed shortly after signing into pathofexile .com someone tried to sign into my twitch account, and I've been having troubles with my pc since then as well (strange windows errors, like my windows defender refuses to load, and my windows button no longer brings up the start menu).
No idea if there's a link, but that's the only "new" service I've signed into again recently, and seem to recall some issues when I first signed up for it back in 2019.
How is your password hygiene, Dakuna? You using a password manager, and making sure not to duplicate passwords? It sounds like at least your email address has been grabbed and someone is trying the usual sites to see if you have an account on them.
The stuff like Windows Defender refusing to load suggests you've already been hacked, so you might want to do a complete wipe and rebuild on your system, then put up an Windows Defender, an antivirus, and another malware detector (like for rootkits and such). Then you could go to a password manager if you don't already have one. (If you do it now, then you might end up with a hacked account, unfortunately).
Of course, it could also be an old system that is finally starting to fail.
Eh, I run all that stuff already, so idk.. I really should wipe and rebuild, I'm about due.
Hmm, trying to 6-link a chest armour, this is frustrating
Hmm, trying to 6-link a chest armour, this is frustrating :)
Buy the 6 link prophecy if you can afford it. Search for Fated Connections prophecy in poe trade.
edit: current price about 3.3-3.4 exalted(330-340 chaos) pathofexile.com/trade
Or grind for Tabula Rasa cards in act 10, I think.
Eh I have one tabula rasa but my archer is using it. I have a second 6 link rare with ok stats I am trying to get linked with the colors I want
Thanks for the tips!!
If anyone needs a Tabula Rasa message me. I usually have one kicking around and if I don't I'll get one for you.
The Maven 4 boss battles are nuts. I've been easily rolling over content up to the Shaper. Tried the Breachlord 4 way battle on Awakening 6 and got steamrolled. Ouch. I have since tried the 4 way Shaper Guardian invitation on Awakening 0 and managed a win with a couple deaths. I would recommend making sure to scour the challenge and go to A0 the first time you try these. Next on the list is the Elder Guardian challenge. I'm hoping it's a bit easier without the minotaur AOE rocks filling the whole screen.
I dropped a half decent fencing sword in the guild stash - Daresso's Passion Estoc, I think it's called. I'm dual-wielding Prismatic Eclipse Twilight Blades now
I grabbed it; I should be the right level soon. However, if anyone else needs it now, just post and I'll drop it back in the chest.
Man, that's pretty. The animations look so much better.
And they're clearly making some quality improvements with some neat twists.
Looks good!
The campaign looks a lot nicer and more polished as well
So who's going to be playing the new Scourge league Friday? Anyone excited about the guild improvements?
Guild improvements? Wait, what?
I installed last night because I began feeling burned out on Diablo 2 Res. I've played that game way too much over the years and felt the fresher coat of paint from POE would be welcome.
So, me!
Are you in the Guild from the past, Garion? If you would like an invite, post a character name and the League that character is in, here, and I'll hook you up. Looks like someone cleared out the League Epic stash but there's still learning to be had before Friday.
Thank Grinding Gears for stash tab folders. I haven't touched my Standard league stashes in like 3 years lol. Soooo many tabs to drain and sell. The folders really help.
Remember, League folder purchases don't extend to Standard. So don't go overboard on League stashes and expect them to be in your Standard list as well. ...Sigh.
Are you in the Guild from the past, Garion? If you would like an invite, post a character name and the League that character is in, here, and I'll hook you up. Looks like someone cleared out the League Epic stash but there's still learning to be had before Friday.
A long, long time ago on PC, maybe.
I'm gonna give this a go on my Series X, so probably doesn't much matter about the guild. No cross play, right?
Pretty sure that is right. Sorry. Good luck!
I occasionally play on my Xbox, definitely no cross play, but still fun. I should take my one Maps character out for a spin after this Rocket League season ends.
I installed last night because I began feeling burned out on Diablo 2
Hearing that this day in age is funny... Lot of us did that 20 years ago