My wife and I stalled out on Plantera months ago, but are playing a couple of new worlds again and enjoying it a lot.
Played and beat the game in journey mode. I think genuinely enjoyed it more that way. I've already grinded up to wall of flesh multiple times before. Removing the grind and keeping the enemy spawn rate at an acceptable level was great. Went all the way to the moon boss. Fun and glad I beat it overall.
Beat the Moon Lord (Classic) last night with an asphalt sky bridge. Failed my second attempt but succeeded the 3 times after that. Also killed Duke Fishron enough that I got all his weapon drops. Got the Terrarian yoyo on my last Moon Lord victory.
Played and beat the game in journey mode. I think genuinely enjoyed it more that way. I've already grinded up to wall of flesh multiple times before. Removing the grind and keeping the enemy spawn rate at an acceptable level was great. Went all the way to the moon boss. Fun and glad I beat it overall.
Yea I'm enjoying Journey Mode a lot more than the last time I tried to get back in. There still is a grind in Journey Mode, but it's a much more reasonable one, in my opinion. That's not to say that normal/heroic/master aren't worthwhile modes. If I had a lot of time to invest in this, I think it'd be overall a more rewarding experience. But since I don't, Journey Mode will let me see all of the content in a time frame I can actually manage in the foreseeable future. I'm really taking my time as is. Just got into hard mode a few days ago.
I'm still working on Master Mode, but I took a long detour through the Defenders event stuff (which was new to me, since I'd skipped 1.3).
But I've now downed Golem+Eclipse+Martians, and I'm almost done prepping for moon man. Been stuck for two days trying to find a Star Veil, of all things. Drops from regular mimics, which are rare and crazy impossible to farm
I get a lot of mimics on my hell platform. A lot is relative, of course. I also get them on my 'highway' which is just a very long Caverns level tunnel.
Welp, master mode Moon Lord is down
I did wind up farming mimics in the underworld - they spawn there alright, they just didn't drop my cross necklace until I had like 6-7 of all their other drops. Once they relented, Lunatic Cultist went down in one try, a smattering of deaths on the pillars (Nebula is a real bear), then died to Moon because I forgot some preparation. Was short of fragments to resummon him, so back through all the pillars again, and downed him second try.
My humble trophy-filled abode:
Finally had a successful Pumpkin Moon with the Celebration Mk2 rocket launcher. Not only made it to Wave 15, I ended up with 64 Pumpking trophies (which means 64 individual Pumpkings killed during Wave 15) but only 33 Mourning Wood trophies.
Despite Celebration Mk2 being great against Pumpkin Moon, it's not as successful against Frost Moon. The only problem being the Ice Queen does not chase like the Pumpking does. So far I haven't been able to get past Wave 18. I'm going to try switching to a melee build and use the Terranian yoyo.
Made it to Wave 19 of Frost Moon but nothing I've tried has worked better than the Celebration Mk2 (with Mini Nukes) at killing Ice Queens. The Snowman Cannon fires homing rockets but still kills slower than the "drunk rockets" fired from the Celebration Mk2.
The guide suggests the Tsunami bow with Holy arrows so I'll try that next.
Nope, only got to wave 18 with the Tsunami bow.
- utility items
- new decorations etc
- challenge seeds
- melee weapons reworked
- few bosses reworked
- balance tweaks