In normal mode news, I was surprised by a slime rain and King Slime this afternoon while working on the pyramid that is in my desert, now jungle, and this time after another couple of upgrades, I didn't have a huge amount of trouble with him. Got a slime mask, a slime gun, and a ninja helmet!
Nice. I had a slime rain in my game but I forgot there was a boss for it, and it was super early, so I just stayed underground.
For me, Skeletron is now down. The key was I had forgotten that his homing projectiles in phase two don't go through solid blocks, so I had to make a low arena for my roof. Also I had money saved up so I bought a minishark to make sure I had the damage for it.
So, Dungeon is now looted and waterbolt is as great as ever. Oddly, my dungeon isn't connected - I fully explored it, but found only one biome chest and saw several big rooms offscreen that I can't get to until I can mine dungeon brick. I thought they were always connected before?
So, Dungeon is now looted and waterbolt is as great as ever. Oddly, my dungeon isn't connected - I fully explored it, but found only one biome chest and saw several big rooms offscreen that I can't get to until I can mine dungeon brick. I thought they were always connected before?
They added false walls to the dungeons. Large chunks will break away when you hit them. Dangersense potion shows them.
I just heard that the new bad torch thing with luck is being removed in the latest update.
Normal mode news on my Switch playthrough. FINALLY got all the parts for the Cell Phone last night. All that fishing stalled my playthrough way too much. Now I need to get some more Martian Invasions since I've yet to get a Cosmic Car Key drop. Then, before going after the cultist, I need to reconfigure as I've been running around fishing so long I need to figure out what my final accessory should be. I've got:
Yoyo Bag
Celestial Shell
Mechanical Glove
Spectre/Mechanical Wings
and the one I'm looking to replace, the Ankh Shield
I probably want to get the Cosmic Car Key and maybe Fishron Wings. Then I might just equip an Avenger Emblem, or Maybe go for the Papyrus Scarab and give myself a 3rd sharknado summon... Or I could equip the Tabi / Master Ninja Gear to add dodging, but I'm not sure I'd be very effective with an analog stick and since it would change the way I need to play so late in the game.
Any thoughts / recommendations?
Wednesday I finished Divinity: Original Sin 2 and started up a new Terraria game. Last night I beat The Eye twice and looking toward taking out The Eater so I can make the Nightmare pickaxe.
Just got my first Blood Moon as I was setting up my lava defenses.
Got a full meteorite set and a Space Gun. The set bonus is your space gun costs 0 mana. I forgot how good this is pre-hardmode
Normal mode news on my Switch playthrough. FINALLY got all the parts for the Cell Phone last night. All that fishing stalled my playthrough way too much. Now I need to get some more Martian Invasions since I've yet to get a Cosmic Car Key drop. Then, before going after the cultist, I need to reconfigure as I've been running around fishing so long I need to figure out what my final accessory should be. I've got:
Yoyo Bag
Celestial Shell
Mechanical Glove
Spectre/Mechanical Wings
and the one I'm looking to replace, the Ankh ShieldI probably want to get the Cosmic Car Key and maybe Fishron Wings. Then I might just equip an Avenger Emblem, or Maybe go for the Papyrus Scarab and give myself a 3rd sharknado summon... Or I could equip the Tabi / Master Ninja Gear to add dodging, but I'm not sure I'd be very effective with an analog stick and since it would change the way I need to play so late in the game.
Any thoughts / recommendations?
I have no idea about half of what you're talking about to give any advice, but congratulations!!! Didn't know all of this was in normal mode, so I'm happy to look forward to it later!
Wednesday I finished Divinity: Original Sin 2 and started up a new Terraria game. Last night I beat The Eye twice and looking toward taking out The Eater so I can make the Nightmare pickaxe.
Just got my first Blood Moon as I was setting up my lava defenses.
Yay for first Blood Moon's!!
Speaking of Blood Moon, I have been excavating and renovating the pyramid that I found in my small world home base and I think the game knew I was trying to work on it because it presented me with a Blood Moon event THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW! My character is at the point of being able to easily deal with Blood Moon's now, but it's still an issue of being constantly interrupted when trying to build!
Got a full meteorite set and a Space Gun. The set bonus is your space gun costs 0 mana. I forgot how good this is pre-hardmode
I have a meteorite that has just been sitting around on my world, but I've been keeping it around so that another meteorite doesn't fall. It's a small world, so only one meteorite at a time is allowed. I wonder how much I can dig out before I destroy the biome since it would be neat to have that meteorite set and space gun. Or I suppose I could kill the Eater of Worlds on my large world now that I can deal with the sandstorms to get there and let meteorites fall and harvest those.
The Switch just got a huge Terrarria update to 1.3.5!
(I don't play my Switch game as much because my left joycon has drift plus the joystick is halfway unresponsive when moving up and down. Playing any games that actually involve any sort of twitch would seem almost impossible now. Wish they had gone with the gamepad like the 3DS instead of those joysticks. Never had these sorts of issues on the 3DS even though overall I like the Switch better.)
Worked a good bit on my pyramid last night. I'm digging it out all around and putting a glass "barrier" with glass walls all around it that also works as a pathway. Put a double door walkway at the top entrance with an empty (for now) pit trap to deal with Blood Moons and hopefully goblin invasions and other events in the future. One additional bonus is that oftentimes daytime slimes get stuck in there and so new ones do not spawn and so I am left to build in relative peace.
Re: stick drift - have you tried some electrical contact cleaner? Works like a charm on my sons’ joycons.
mrtomaytohead wrote:I probably want to get the Cosmic Car Key and maybe Fishron Wings. Then I might just equip an Avenger Emblem, or Maybe go for the Papyrus Scarab and give myself a 3rd sharknado summon... Or I could equip the Tabi / Master Ninja Gear to add dodging, but I'm not sure I'd be very effective with an analog stick and since it would change the way I need to play so late in the game.
Any thoughts / recommendations?
I have no idea about half of what you're talking about to give any advice, but congratulations!!! Didn't know all of this was in normal mode, so I'm happy to look forward to it later!
Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’ve played Terraria for dozens (hundreds...?) of hours but those were mostly vanilla. And I have no idea what they’re talking about. This could literally have been made up on the spot and I wouldn’t be able to tell. I love all the crazy random and weird stuff in Terraria.
Re: stick drift - have you tried some electrical contact cleaner? Works like a charm on my sons’ joycons.
I've been trying to avoid actually opening up the joycon and just trying to brush rubbing alcohol into the cracks, but I may just have to bite that bullet!
+18% size
This thing has its own zip code.
Wow! What are the main walls and background made of?
Also what are the chances my only 2 meteorites land in the exact same spot?
Wow! What are the main walls and background made of?
Stone slab. You make them with a heavy work bench.
I relearned a very handy inventory management trick last night. Hold alt and click on something in your inventory to Favorite it. Now when you hit Quick Stack, your Favorites will not get moved into chests. Very handy for things like potions, food, or the Spelunker's Glowsticks
All my NPCs hate their housing now. I'm trying to decide if I want to create a new world and create a new base there where I pay some attention to them, or just leave it because exploration is more my jam and I don't need to buy a lot from them anyway.
I have mucked about with this game for years and now I'm trying to do the real progression. The Eye, Brain, and Queen Bee are done.
I have a sweet full set of Crimson Armor, but now that I'm used to using a Miner's helmet I lose the bonus when I switch to a helmet.
Are there other follow-me light sources that I can craft to keep my armor set bonus active?
For follow-you lighting its not craftable, but one you can definitely get is this heart thing that flops around after you and gives a little light. It drops from Crimson Hearts and lasts until you dismiss it (I think its consumable)
As far as NPC happiness you can tell anyone where they sleep using the Housing button in your inventory, so you can salvage an existing world by building small bases around your map and moving the NPCs. The main benefit is the teleport things they'll sell you once they're happy enough. The gold discount can be nice too but its not critical. Since those are the only benefits there's no rush to do it.
The crimson heart thing is a pet that you put in your "light pet" slot, so you can have a "pet pet" and a "light pet" and it doesn't get consumed when you stop using it, but just an item you can carry around with your or put in a chest or whatever you want to do with it! The light it puts out isn't the greatest and has a red tint to it, but it's better than no light at all. I still like to put torches around everywhere I go to really light up the various areas.
Expert Wall of Flesh is down, and let me tell you that expert hardmode is not joking around. I didn't really prepare any farming arenas, and now I'm dithering about where to go and what to aim for. Not sure whether to go smash altars and try to mine, or maybe try to farm souls or something else, in hopes of getting a weapon before I start spamming crimson around the world?
Chumpy_McChump wrote:Re: stick drift - have you tried some electrical contact cleaner? Works like a charm on my sons’ joycons.
I've been trying to avoid actually opening up the joycon and just trying to brush rubbing alcohol into the cracks, but I may just have to bite that bullet!
You don’t need to open anything up; you can spray the cleaner under the rubber seal under the joystick. YouTube has a bunch of good demonstrations. It’s super easy; takes about 45 seconds the first time when you don’t know what you’re doing.
I’ve done the joystick replacement using a kit from Amazon, it wasn’t too bad if one is comfortable with small electronics.
bekkilyn wrote:Chumpy_McChump wrote:Re: stick drift - have you tried some electrical contact cleaner? Works like a charm on my sons’ joycons.
I've been trying to avoid actually opening up the joycon and just trying to brush rubbing alcohol into the cracks, but I may just have to bite that bullet!
You don’t need to open anything up; you can spray the cleaner under the rubber seal under the joystick. YouTube has a bunch of good demonstrations. It’s super easy; takes about 45 seconds the first time when you don’t know what you’re doing.
Well I finally figured out how to get under that flap. All along I was thinking the wrong thing was the flap and wondering why it was so difficult to pry it up. So I put some alcohol under there with a q-tip. Will see how it goes!
Chumpy_McChump wrote:bekkilyn wrote:Chumpy_McChump wrote:Re: stick drift - have you tried some electrical contact cleaner? Works like a charm on my sons’ joycons.
I've been trying to avoid actually opening up the joycon and just trying to brush rubbing alcohol into the cracks, but I may just have to bite that bullet!
You don’t need to open anything up; you can spray the cleaner under the rubber seal under the joystick. YouTube has a bunch of good demonstrations. It’s super easy; takes about 45 seconds the first time when you don’t know what you’re doing.
Well I finally figured out how to get under that flap. All along I was thinking the wrong thing was the flap and wondering why it was so difficult to pry it up. So I put some alcohol under there with a q-tip. Will see how it goes!
If that doesn’t do it, try something like https://www.amazon.com/WD-40-Special...
I have no idea about half of what you're talking about to give any advice, but congratulations!!! Didn't know all of this was in normal mode, so I'm happy to look forward to it later!
The Switch just got a huge Terrarria update to 1.3.5!
Thanks, and that explains why my kids were commenting how the water was moving around more and why now my deserts are almost constantly in sandstorm mode. Cool/not cool.
Also what are the chances my only 2 meteorites land in the exact same spot?
Had basically the same thing happen to me earlier today, and it deactivated my surface Hallow until I regrew it some.
And an update, I looked up some things and tactics and I'm going with more defense, dropping the wings now that I have the UFO mount and need to rebuild some of my arena and such. I lost to the Moon Lord 3 times now, but had him in the red on the 4th target, and just got caught on some blocks leading to my death.
Woohoo, got the Ankh Shield today. Involved turning the surface of my Hallow desert into a Corrupt desert so I'd get Dark Mummies.
Woohoo, got the Ankh Shield today. Involved turning the surface of my Hallow desert into a Corrupt desert so I'd get Dark Mummies.
I'm not in a hurry to get to any modes besides Normal anytime soon, but I am very much looking forward to having a Hallow area with unicorns, even if they are hostile.
(Not that what I said really has anything to do with your post since you turned yours to corrupt, but that's just how my mind works!)
Didn't turn the whole Hallow corrupt, just the desert part. Now I get attacked by corrupters and unicorns there.
I finally beat Moon Lord! I reforged all my accessories to Warding, added a summoning and rage potion to my prep and added a small alcove to block some attacks (yay, ver 1.3.5!) to my arena. Then i did it a 2nd time pretty easily. Got the prism magic and summon items. Gonna go back to get the yo-yo and craft all the things I might want. Man, that feels good as I had stalled on PC at Planterra back on 1.3.1.
And now my kids have seen all of the boss fights and such in the game, and my oldest is currently preparing to go after the Wall of Flesh on his own. I must say, watching him (not) manage his inventory is really hard to not say anything and just let him do what he's going to do, since I've already talked about it before. I would so love to be able to co-op with him, but the devs have failed to deliver the promised splitscreen co-op for nearly a whole year now.
I haven't been able to play much of anything the past few days due to attempting to get taxes and work done, but I'm eager to get back to my pyramid!