Subbing to thread. I'm in for this but this month's play money is gone. Have to wait until payday this weekend before I can join in. If there's a dedicated server I can host it.
Here's ~40 minutes of gameplay if that 4 minute video wasn't enough for you.
Tagging for future reference. Sounds very intriguing and would like to pick it up on the cheap one day.
Ditto. Damn my pile!
Subbing to thread. I'm in for this but this month's play money is gone. Have to wait until payday this weekend before I can join in. If there's a dedicated server I can host it.
IIRC, the dedicated server will be out in a couple weeks. They're still working out some Steam licensing issues and eliminating the player cap.
Ah screw it. It's just a couple of days until payday and the pantry is stocked. No reason I can't dip into the grocery money. In!
Erik, do you know what size the world in the picture is?
I went with medium but then I remembered that the LP mentioned that their medium size map was now the small and their world was frickin' huge.
Erik, do you know what size the world in the picture is?
I went with medium but then I remembered that the LP mentioned that their medium size map was now the small and their world was frickin' huge.
I do not know what size it is, sorry. I am also doing a medium map and it seems pretty huge to me.
enabled, thanks GWJ.
Ah screw it. It's just a couple of days until payday and the pantry is stocked. No reason I can't dip into the grocery money. In!
Exactly what I did. It's $10, not $50 or $60. And my birthday is Monday. I can spend all I like ... right?
Whoa, your inventory carries between worlds! My first world sucked. It was all sand. So I figured I'd start new with my knowledge and see what it generated now. Now at first glance I've got a great world, and I have all my loots to boot.
There's a 50 minute solo game by that same streamer. He was trying to go out at night and said that you should only do it in multiplayer so that one of you can be the torch bearer.
Torch bearer, eh?
I cant even get the game to launch.. nearest I can figure out based on the forums is my .Net and XNA installs are messed up or outta wack
As interesting as I think this looks, the interface just seems to janky for me. I guess I'll give it a pass but keep looking up the "let's play" videos. Maybe a patch or two down the road I'll cave.
I'm hoping for an option to turn down the spawn rate for single player. From what I've seen in the vids, it's pretty much constant combat with the occasional few seconds to actually mine or whatever. Sure, it's more manageable in multiplayer, but that kind of ruins the idea of "pick up and play whenever" that I seem to require from games nowadays.
It's not that bad in singleplayer. At least during the daytime.
It's not that bad in singleplayer. At least during the daytime.
You can also just carry around a bunch of dirt to wall yourself in while you mine things.
ruhk wrote:It's not that bad in singleplayer. At least during the daytime.
You can also just carry around a bunch of dirt to wall yourself in while you mine things.
Interesting. Damn, every time I think I've talked myself out of it, I ended up poised over the "buy" button yet again...
iaintgotnopants wrote:ruhk wrote:It's not that bad in singleplayer. At least during the daytime.
You can also just carry around a bunch of dirt to wall yourself in while you mine things.
Interesting. Damn, every time I think I've talked myself out of it, I ended up poised over the "buy" button yet again...
DO IT! The pros of this game far outweigh the cons.
Well, I tried to put up a server, but it's very primitive and incomplete; it doesn't even have the ability to specify what IP address it's listening on. It just grabs the first thing it sees, which ends up being my VMWare private network. I can't even connect to it locally.
I mean, it's just so stupid to bind to a specific IP address unless you're directed to specifically by the user. You bind to unless you're told otherwise. This is such a rookie mistake that I suspect their net code will take a long time to shake out.
I could put a server up in a virtual machine, but then if I actually wanted to play it, I'd have to buy a second copy.
This looks interesting. It also looks like a huge time sink.
I'm really glad that indie games give us release dates that aren't Christmas-bait, but my wallet wishes that no new games were coming out until November.
iaintgotnopants wrote:ruhk wrote:It's not that bad in singleplayer. At least during the daytime.
You can also just carry around a bunch of dirt to wall yourself in while you mine things.
Interesting. Damn, every time I think I've talked myself out of it, I ended up poised over the "buy" button yet again...
Same. I think I'm going to watch one more video and then make another decision...
Well, I tried to put up a server, but it's very primitive and incomplete; it doesn't even have the ability to specify what IP address it's listening on. It just grabs the first thing it sees, which ends up being my VMWare private network. I can't even connect to it locally.
I mean, it's just so stupid to bind to a specific IP address unless you're directed to specifically by the user. You bind to unless you're told otherwise. This is such a rookie mistake that I suspect their net code will take a long time to shake out.
I could put a server up in a virtual machine, but then if I actually wanted to play it, I'd have to buy a second copy.
Considering this game has had so little development time, none of this surprises me.
Got it, enjoying it. Similar to Minecraft, you can only get so far before you need to start digging in to wikis and let's plays. You level out quite quickly once you've got enough gold to make all your gold gear. Gold isn't strong enough to get through the corrupted stong, though, and you need to get through that to get a number of the higher level tools.
I'm having two big issues right now: I have a big corrupted biome very near my spawn point. I would like to cross it, but easier said than done, even with iron armour and a gold broadsword. And a grappling hook. I love that thing.
The other issue is that none of my mines seem to go very deep before I find solid water. I only found skeletons once.
Anyone got any strategies?
I'm pretty meh about this game. It's a more or less constant stream of enemies. You can make yourself safe from most things, but there's these worms that travel through solid objects and hit you from angles where you can't hit them back. I find them extremely frustrating.
Digging is very slow, so gathering resources is very, very tedious. And crafting isn't especially interesting, at least so far. I made an iron short sword, which I find I hate, but gathering enough iron to make a broadsword instead is going to take a long, long time, because it's just so sloooow getting anywhere, even when you're exploring caves. It takes a lot more digging to move around than it does in Minecraft, and crafting stuff requires a lot more resources, so the upshot is that you spend a much higher percentage of your time digging.
There's probably fun there somewhere, but too much tedium to get to it.
syndicatedragon wrote:iaintgotnopants wrote:ruhk wrote:It's not that bad in singleplayer. At least during the daytime.
You can also just carry around a bunch of dirt to wall yourself in while you mine things.
Interesting. Damn, every time I think I've talked myself out of it, I ended up poised over the "buy" button yet again...
Same. I think I'm going to watch one more video and then make another decision...
After watching several videos of the game, I think I will probably not buy this game.
Damn. I just spent the last half hour looking at the wiki. I've barely scratched the surface in the game. This thing is nuts.
I'm pretty meh about this game. It's a more or less constant stream of enemies. You can make yourself safe from most things, but there's these worms that travel through solid objects and hit you from angles where you can't hit them back. I find them extremely frustrating.
Digging is very slow, so gathering resources is very, very tedious.
Really? The only time I notice the constant stream of enemies is overland at night. In the day time, or when in the caverns, I run into a couple critters every few minutes, no biggie. If mining is taking you a long time, you're probably going horizontally instead of vertically. After a couple hours I learned the best way to get ore is just to dig a two-space wide channel straight down, diverting for ore when you happen to see it with your torch, and eventually you hit a layer where gold is very plentiful. At that point you start going mainly horizontal until you have enough gold to get whatever you'd like.
If you ever get down to the point where you see veins of lava in the walls...stop digging. That place will f*ck you up, badly. Badly.
This gun exists in this game:
The MiniShark is a minigun that is "half shark, half gun, and totally awesome" according to its description.
I'm having a hell of a time finding iron ore. I'm surrounded on both sides by vast lakes/oceans so I pretty much just have to dig straight down and haven't found much more than dirt yet.
I'm having a hell of a time finding iron ore. I'm surrounded on both sides by vast lakes/oceans so I pretty much just have to dig straight down and haven't found much more than dirt yet.
Problem with randomly generated worlds is that sometimes you get dealt a bad hand. Sure there are checks in place to try to make any output world playable but even then sometimes something slips through. It happens in Minecraft and in Dwarf Fortress too. My first world had tons of sand all over the place and thus I always had more glass than stone.
You can take your character, move into another world and everything in your inventory follows. Not too sure about the stuff in the chests.