Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!
I must say, I do like the look of the Imperial Agent...
From http://finance.alphatrade.com/story/...
Fiscal Year 2012 Key Titles by Label and Platform – this list excludes Star Wars®: The Old Republic™, which is scheduled to launch in the second half of calendar 2011.
From http://finance.alphatrade.com/story/...
Fiscal Year 2012 Key Titles by Label and Platform – this list excludes Star Wars®: The Old Republic™, which is scheduled to launch in the second half of calendar 2011.
EA Says There’s An ‘Outside Possibility’ Star Wars: The Old Republic Could Slip to 2012
so it begins...
I will not be pleased if they push it to 2012. That would make me a sad jawa.
Star Wars: The Old Republic will be launched as a Digital Service.
Is that marketing talk for "It'll be online"?
We're holding the date for two reasons:
1. Don't want to tip off the competition.
That's kind of interesting, seeing as the leaked Blizzard schedule says their next expansion is in Q2 2012. Unless they're thinking of someone else as competition. Guild Wars? Rift? A non-MMO that can take all the oxygen out of the room (COD)?
Still, it's quite something to imagine that two companies are hostile to each other by placing games in different markets to release at the same time. Even though COD and SWTOR are very different games, I'd imagine there's some overlap and some people will say one or the other. Can't they all just get along?
Maybe the PVP in SWTOR is actually a first person shooter where it's smugglers vs bounty hunters?
I was joking about PVP being an FPS, but there are a number of bullet points there comparing features to those in Black Ops. I don't know how to feel about my new found psychic abilities.
Each player is allowed to assign one commendation at the end of the match to any teammate. These commendations increase the rewards acquired by that player.
That is awesome. This sounds good. PvP might be a viable way to level once you've done both sides of the story.
They're using the big life pool style from WAR. Where you have to have concentrated fire to take people down. No 2-3 shot kills.
I haven't played WAR so I'm not really quite sure what this means. Are they increasing HP or decreasing damage done? Something else maybe?
Probably a combination of both. They said they're in the process of tuning it, but they made of point stating they didnt want 2-3 shot kills.
Due to that your fights last longer. This was the case in WAR. Especially 2 tank types. You'd be banging on each other awhile before a fight would finish.
I can appreciate this as there's nothing more discouraging in PvP than to go running around a corner and find yourself engulfed in some AoE and instantly dying... over and over again.
New Devblog is up and its about the Codex system and more info on the Holocrons.
Explorers and Collectors Rejoice!
We give away some codex entries for free. For example, we think that it’s important that players have basic background about the locations they are visiting, and key people in their class story arcs will almost always merit a codex entry. For the rest, though, we want people to explore the planets a little more, and take on some challenges a little ways off the beaten path.Wandering to distant locations on the map will unlock codex entries about those far flung corners of the globe. Unlocking the codex entry for the k’lor’slug, for example, involves killing a hard to find, tougher k’lor’slug deep in one of Korriban’s tombs. Additionally, exploring the artifacts in the Academy’s library can reveal ancient bits of lost lore, and doing quests for various alien species can unlock their entry in the codex.
Currently, none of these are locked behind a serious challenge – our codex unlocking k’lor’slug is a challenge for its level, to be sure, but not a ‘OMGPWN3D go bring back 3 friends in epics!’ challenge – and that’s intentional. Explorer gameplay should, first and foremost, reward exploring.
I only explore for loot upgrades. If all exploring is going to get me is holocrons, I shall pass.