SWTOR: Catch-All

I finally got around to reading the latest dev blog.

When people have asked me about this game, the first question is almost always, "so how is this any different from anything else?" or something to that affect.

My answer is usually, "I don't know, Bioware won't let me play it yet" but I think where it could shine will be class structure.

Take a look at these roles:

Bounty Hunter Advanced Classes

Mercenary (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

PowerTech (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

As previously announced, the Bounty Hunter’s Mercenary Advanced Class now features the ‘Bodyguard’ skill tree, allowing this iconic class to fill the role of a medic if desired.
The ‘Advanced Prototype’ skill tree, shared between both Bounty Hunter ACs, now features an upgrade to the base class flamethrower, which allows the player to rotate while using the ability.

Imperial Agent Advanced Classes

Sniper (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing)

Operative (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

The Sniper’s entire skill tree has been reworked to include PvP feedback from internal and external tests. The Sniper is now able to entrench himself, providing a viable initial counter against attacks that would previously knock him out of cover. The Sniper also gained Cover Pulse, a player triggered pulse mine that can knock an unsuspecting attacker away from the Sniper.
The Operative has received a number of updates aimed at providing an alternative, less cover dependent gameplay option if skilled accordingly. Operatives are now more viable in mid and close range combat, using their stealth field generator to approach the enemy unseen before delivering heavy burst damage with their energy blade.

Jedi Knight Advanced Classes

Jedi Sentinel (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing. Wields dual Lightsabers)

Jedi Guardian (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing, Tanking. Wields a single Lightsaber)

Based on feedback from testing and requests from the general community, we reworked one of the skill trees on the Jedi Guardian Advanced Class to be focused on dealing damage while utilizing a single Lightsaber. Previously, the Guardian’s only available role was as a tank.
The Sentinel Advanced Class remains targeted at players that prefer damage dealing gameplay over other roles. The variety between Sentinel skill trees has been increased, allowing players to specialize in several very different ways of dealing damage.

Jedi Consular Advanced Classes

Jedi Shadow (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

Jedi Sage (Roles: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

The Shadow Advanced Class now has a skill tree that allows them to fill the role of a tank effectively, using Lightsaber defense and Force powers.

Based on testing feedback, the Force Slam ability shown in early videos of the class was replaced with Project, which we decided to make more versatile through skill tree abilities (e.g. the ability to project multiple objects at a target). It’s proved more popular with our Game Testers, so it stays in!

Smuggler Advanced Classes

Gunslinger (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, wields dual pistols)

Scoundrel (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing, wields scatter gun)

While we demonstrated a healing-focused Scoundrel at PAX East (watch our Developer Walkthrough for details), the scatter gun-centric ‘Scrapper’ skill tree has not been forgotten. Recently, we made several updates aimed at making the Advanced Class more viable in PvP.
The Gunslinger’s Sweeping Gunfire ability has been updated to allow the player to move the cone of fire while the ability is active. While this improves the feel of the attack quite a bit, it also introduces a bit of a risk factor for Smugglers who are not overly concerned with what they are hitting!

Sith Inquisitor Advanced Classes

Sith Assassin (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

Sith Sorcerer (Roles: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

Similar to the Jedi Shadow, an Inquisitor trained in the Assassin Advanced Class now are able to fill the role of a tank, if they work their way up the ‘Darkness’ skill tree, which includes abilities to increase defensive Lightsaber capabilities and area-of-effect damage.
The ‘Madness’ skill tree, shared between both the Assassin and the Sorcerer, has received considerable upgrades with the goal of creating a range/melee hybrid gameplay option.

Sith Warrior Advanced Classes

Sith Marauder (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing. Wields dual Lightsabers)

Sith Juggernaut (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing, Tanking. Wields a single Lightsaber)

As with the Jedi Guardian, we have given the Juggernaut Advanced Class access to a skill tree that focuses on damage dealing using a single Lightsaber. Previously the high damage dealing option was only available to the Marauder Advanced Class.
Similar to the Jedi Sentinel, the damage dealing-centric Marauder Advanced Class’ offensive arsenal has been significantly reworked and diversified, now allowing for several very different play styles. The Marauder also gained access to a new ability called Force Cloak, granting a short term combat stealth.

Trooper Advanced Classes

Vanguard (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Ranged Tanking)

Commando (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

Like the Bounty Hunter, the Trooper’s Commando Advanced class now has access to a healing focused skill tree, making the Trooper a completely viable medic. An example ability is an Advanced Medical Probe for quick on the field triage, which can also be upgraded to deploy a temporary defense screen on the target.

3/4 classes have a healer tree. 3/4 classes have a tank tree. Those tank and heal classes share a tree with a damage role so you can assume that you can be a light healer and still do some damage. Do you see an single class that's only DPS?

The more time I spend looking at breakdowns like this, the more excited I get.

/Sith Juggernaut of the Future

3/4 classes have a healer tree. 3/4 classes have a tank tree. Those tank and heal classes share a tree with a damage role so you can assume that you can be a light healer and still do some damage. Do you see an single class that's only DPS?

Yeah, Rift does this also. Between these 2 MMOs and any new ones, I truly hope the days where one character is pigeonholed into one role is going away. long live flexibility!

oilypenguin wrote:

I finally got around to reading the latest dev blog.

When people have asked me about this game, the first question is almost always, "so how is this any different from anything else?" or something to that affect.

My answer is usually, "I don't know, Bioware won't let me play it yet" but I think where it could shine will be class structure.

Take a look at these roles:

Bounty Hunter Advanced Classes

Mercenary (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

PowerTech (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

As previously announced, the Bounty Hunter’s Mercenary Advanced Class now features the ‘Bodyguard’ skill tree, allowing this iconic class to fill the role of a medic if desired.
The ‘Advanced Prototype’ skill tree, shared between both Bounty Hunter ACs, now features an upgrade to the base class flamethrower, which allows the player to rotate while using the ability.

Imperial Agent Advanced Classes

Sniper (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing)

Operative (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

The Sniper’s entire skill tree has been reworked to include PvP feedback from internal and external tests. The Sniper is now able to entrench himself, providing a viable initial counter against attacks that would previously knock him out of cover. The Sniper also gained Cover Pulse, a player triggered pulse mine that can knock an unsuspecting attacker away from the Sniper.
The Operative has received a number of updates aimed at providing an alternative, less cover dependent gameplay option if skilled accordingly. Operatives are now more viable in mid and close range combat, using their stealth field generator to approach the enemy unseen before delivering heavy burst damage with their energy blade.

Jedi Knight Advanced Classes

Jedi Sentinel (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing. Wields dual Lightsabers)

Jedi Guardian (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing, Tanking. Wields a single Lightsaber)

Based on feedback from testing and requests from the general community, we reworked one of the skill trees on the Jedi Guardian Advanced Class to be focused on dealing damage while utilizing a single Lightsaber. Previously, the Guardian’s only available role was as a tank.
The Sentinel Advanced Class remains targeted at players that prefer damage dealing gameplay over other roles. The variety between Sentinel skill trees has been increased, allowing players to specialize in several very different ways of dealing damage.

Jedi Consular Advanced Classes

Jedi Shadow (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

Jedi Sage (Roles: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

The Shadow Advanced Class now has a skill tree that allows them to fill the role of a tank effectively, using Lightsaber defense and Force powers.

Based on testing feedback, the Force Slam ability shown in early videos of the class was replaced with Project, which we decided to make more versatile through skill tree abilities (e.g. the ability to project multiple objects at a target). It’s proved more popular with our Game Testers, so it stays in!

Smuggler Advanced Classes

Gunslinger (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, wields dual pistols)

Scoundrel (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing, wields scatter gun)

While we demonstrated a healing-focused Scoundrel at PAX East (watch our Developer Walkthrough for details), the scatter gun-centric ‘Scrapper’ skill tree has not been forgotten. Recently, we made several updates aimed at making the Advanced Class more viable in PvP.
The Gunslinger’s Sweeping Gunfire ability has been updated to allow the player to move the cone of fire while the ability is active. While this improves the feel of the attack quite a bit, it also introduces a bit of a risk factor for Smugglers who are not overly concerned with what they are hitting!

Sith Inquisitor Advanced Classes

Sith Assassin (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

Sith Sorcerer (Roles: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

Similar to the Jedi Shadow, an Inquisitor trained in the Assassin Advanced Class now are able to fill the role of a tank, if they work their way up the ‘Darkness’ skill tree, which includes abilities to increase defensive Lightsaber capabilities and area-of-effect damage.
The ‘Madness’ skill tree, shared between both the Assassin and the Sorcerer, has received considerable upgrades with the goal of creating a range/melee hybrid gameplay option.

Sith Warrior Advanced Classes

Sith Marauder (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing. Wields dual Lightsabers)

Sith Juggernaut (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing, Tanking. Wields a single Lightsaber)

As with the Jedi Guardian, we have given the Juggernaut Advanced Class access to a skill tree that focuses on damage dealing using a single Lightsaber. Previously the high damage dealing option was only available to the Marauder Advanced Class.
Similar to the Jedi Sentinel, the damage dealing-centric Marauder Advanced Class’ offensive arsenal has been significantly reworked and diversified, now allowing for several very different play styles. The Marauder also gained access to a new ability called Force Cloak, granting a short term combat stealth.

Trooper Advanced Classes

Vanguard (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Ranged Tanking)

Commando (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

Like the Bounty Hunter, the Trooper’s Commando Advanced class now has access to a healing focused skill tree, making the Trooper a completely viable medic. An example ability is an Advanced Medical Probe for quick on the field triage, which can also be upgraded to deploy a temporary defense screen on the target.

3/4 classes have a healer tree. 3/4 classes have a tank tree. Those tank and heal classes share a tree with a damage role so you can assume that you can be a light healer and still do some damage. Do you see an single class that's only DPS?

The more time I spend looking at breakdowns like this, the more excited I get.

/Sith Juggernaut of the Future


While having the ability to have multiple roles in each AC is a plus you're only given so many points to use. So you have to decide what you want your role to be and focus on the skills needed.

Though a respecc is only credits away. I hope they take a note from WoW and give people 2 builds to switch between.

oilypenguin wrote:

Though a respecc is only credits away. I hope they take a note from WoW and give people 2 builds to switch between.

From what i've read on the forums thats all up in the air.

Problem with vaunted flexibility is that while it sounds exciting it'll take a month or two before the cookie cutter min/max specs emerge and the population gravitates towards those builds.

bandit0013 wrote:

Problem with vaunted flexibility is that while it sounds exciting it'll take a month or two before the cookie cutter min/max specs emerge and the population gravitates towards those builds.

1 or 2 months? They're already out and being updated as new info comes along.

Friday update is about the art and introducing an informative community Q&A.

bandit0013 wrote:

Problem with vaunted flexibility is that while it sounds exciting it'll take a month or two before the cookie cutter min/max specs emerge and the population gravitates towards those builds.

Giving people flexibility to flip flop between roles isnt really the problem anymore.. pretty much that exists now in WoW.. all the Tank and Healing classes can do DPS roles as well as "pure" DPS classes for the most part (ignoring FOTM specs)

The REAL problem is that in most of these games.. the holy trinity of class design ignores the fundamental problem that Tanking and Healing tend to be the LEAST "fun" thing to do in the game and/or really only serve a purpose and role in groups and "raids". So in essence you take the least fun "role" then reduce the amount of them needed in a specific "instance" to a handful and you thus continue to create the issue that has plagued these games since their original design.

But yes... for sure like you said the other issue is that "Flexibility" all goes out the window if the game still follows the basic "holy trinity" mechanics.. Once a game commits to the threat mechanic then its pretty much a death kneel to "flexibility" as "approved" specs will become almost mandatory.

TheGameguru wrote:

The REAL problem is that in most of these games.. the holy trinity of class design ignores the fundamental problem that Tanking and Healing tend to be the LEAST "fun" thing to do in the game and/or really only serve a purpose and role in groups and "raids". So in essence you take the least fun "role" then reduce the amount of them needed in a specific "instance" to a handful and you thus continue to create the issue that has plagued these games since their original design.

Unless you're me, in which case you love tanking to the exclusion of all else and get very very sad when for some reason you have to DPS.

TheGameguru wrote:

Tanking and Healing tend to ... really only serve a purpose and role in groups and "raids".

I think that might be the point of the NPC companion character... if you're soloing as a healer then you've still got a heavy-hitter to heal, and if you're a tank then you've still got somebody to protect.

It remains to be seen whether or not that will actually work.


Ya travel is another thing they've been closed mouth about. We know that they'll have speeders and the like being used like the gryphons in WoW, but nothing about personal travel. Like do we get our own transports and what will it be.

I'm getting super excited for E3 this year because i suspect we'll have a bunch of our questions answered then.

ranalin wrote:

Ya travel is another thing they've been closed mouth about. We know that they'll have speeders and the like being used like the gryphons in WoW, but nothing about personal travel. Like do we get our own transports and what will it be.

Q: Will Bounty Hunters be able to use their jetpacks outside of battle to get around faster or for another way of movement other than walking/jumping? – JornFalm

A: We have no plans currently for jetpacks as a mode of fast travel outside of combat. You’ll have to rely on your personal transportation for that (details to be revealed later!) which offers a much more comfortable ride anyway.

Sounds like some sort of WoW-style mount, but who knows what it'll be. I want a tauntaun so I can ride around making annoying noises all the time.

muttonchop wrote:
ranalin wrote:

Ya travel is another thing they've been closed mouth about. We know that they'll have speeders and the like being used like the gryphons in WoW, but nothing about personal travel. Like do we get our own transports and what will it be.

Q: Will Bounty Hunters be able to use their jetpacks outside of battle to get around faster or for another way of movement other than walking/jumping? – JornFalm

A: We have no plans currently for jetpacks as a mode of fast travel outside of combat. You’ll have to rely on your personal transportation for that (details to be revealed later!) which offers a much more comfortable ride anyway.

Sounds like some sort of WoW-style mount, but who knows what it'll be. I want a tauntaun so I can ride around making annoying noises all the time.

"Arrghhh, robble robble".

Oh mutton, I have faith that you'll somehow find a way to be annoying without making taintaun noises =)

(and if you need me, I'll be in the vent channel labeled "jawa language only")

oilypenguin wrote:

Oh mutton, I have faith that you'll somehow find a way to be annoying without making taintaun noises =)

(and if you need me, I'll be in the vent channel labeled "jawa language only")

Dink dink?

Seems like Bioware is having another press event. The Fan Site Summit is 3 days 24th-26th. So should be getting some more hands on and hopefully new info next week.

Tanglebones wrote:
oilypenguin wrote:

Oh mutton, I have faith that you'll somehow find a way to be annoying without making taintaun noises =)

(and if you need me, I'll be in the vent channel labeled "jawa language only")

Dink dink?


muttonchop wrote:
Tanglebones wrote:
oilypenguin wrote:

Oh mutton, I have faith that you'll somehow find a way to be annoying without making taintaun noises =)

(and if you need me, I'll be in the vent channel labeled "jawa language only")

Dink dink?


eeeewanna wanga

Chabuda wrote:
muttonchop wrote:
Tanglebones wrote:
oilypenguin wrote:

Oh mutton, I have faith that you'll somehow find a way to be annoying without making taintaun noises =)

(and if you need me, I'll be in the vent channel labeled "jawa language only")

Dink dink?


eeeewanna wanga


Holonet on the Great Hyperspace War

Edit: FYI this is old news. I missed clicked reading the dev tracker and was at the beginning of the years post.

It was new to me, so I'm glad it was posted.

speaking of Dev reports... thought you guys would like this nugget.

Any info on leveling side by side with someone?

We’ve put a lot of time and effort into making sure that group play and playing with a partner is important. To answer some of the individual questions:

1. No, Republic and Imperial players cannot meaningfully group or play with each other. For the most part, they have entirely different content and progression paths through their planets.

2. If you're on the same side, once you leave your Origin World, your class stories will tend to take you to roughly the same planets, areas and quest hubs at the same time (even if you are not the same class). This has proven pretty vital to keeping groups together and happy. There are quest areas that the class stories do not drive you towards, where play is more freeform.

3. Most of the key moments of a class story happen in a class phase. You can enter the class phases of party members (to, for example, help out with combat events). Many players choose to, but many also choose not to, instead choosing to craft, farm xp, or do their own class quest if it happens to be nearby.

4. There are moments where the class quests send you to largely divergent locations (for example, a Jedi might be sent back to Tython to report in to the council, whereas another class is sent to an abandoned asteroid facility). These tend to be relatively obvious and relatively synchronized with each other. In most of my own playthroughs, the group typically chooses to do these events on their own time.

This is, obviously, an area of great importance to us, and one we continue to iterate on, but it is one area of the game where we've made a lot of progress, design-wise. It's quite fun, right now, to play the game with a steady group.

Found this on the forums but not convinced this is a real post by Zoeller.

Currently, we do not see the need to allow for dual spec at release. It's something that we'll definitely monitor over time, but we do think there is enough flexibility in the class system to keep people occupied well past launch.

Looks like that quote is real. It was in response to people fussing about an interview he did where he said the following:

Q: will there be dual spec?
A: most advance classes support several specialisations within their respective talent trees. Once you decide on a AC you get two special talent trees. And a talent tree which is shared with the class. That allows every player to fulfill several roles. There will be a cheap way to respec as well.

That seems like a poor decision on their part.

Wembley wrote:

That seems like a poor decision on their part.

I see both sides and not sure which is right. Of course with WoW doing it there's a LOT of people used to it and they're throwing a fit on the forums now.

You also have to consider that the new hotness, Rift, currently allows a single character to have 4 roles that they can switch between and that are mixed and matched from multiple class combos. Between that and WoW, a lot of theme park MMO players are hooked on the idea of not being locked into a single role with their main character.

For SWTOR if I'm playing a trooper would I like to be able to switch between a tank spec and a dps spec? Sure. Will it kill me if I can't? No, but I'd probably be expecting it in a patch within the first year of play.