New Catch-All for the up coming MMO by Bioware.
Sign up for the Republic guild here
Sign up for the Sith guild here
Confirmed Class/Race breakdown
Gameplay and Trailers
Beat me =)
Nice graphic, Ran!
I'm assuming we will be importing the appropriate links to the guilds and such.
That is a pretty sweet graphic. Now all we need is a release date.
[Disenchanted grumbling]
Release day prediction: "I sense a great disturbance in the Force, as if a million gamers expecting ToR to be awesome cried out in anguish."
If starting storyline matters to you, I'd suggest the Sith guild. If you're OK with being one of the Scooby Doo gang blundering your way through things that call for an experienced adult's touch then you may like Republic.
[/Disenchanted grumbling]
"lazy" nothing. Waiting on democracy to work its magic (again).
Release day prediction: "I sense a great disturbance in the Force, as if a million gamers expecting ToR to be awesome cried out in anguish."
I'm not sure what to expect of TOR. One way I'm looking at it, with DA2 as a data point is that Bioware really want to make a big BIG RPG, and a MMO might be the only way to do it and be viable from a business perspective (the lucrative Star Wars cash cow). I'm not sure what to expect between a WoW clone or a Bioware RPG taken to the largest scale.
Well, the cross-faction guild rivalry didn't take long to start up!
What if you want to be a Bounty Hunter?
OP is off to a nice start! Can we have a link to the original SWTOR thread, in case anyone wants to refer back to the earlier conversations?
Tagged.. you know, for kids.
This based off of anything or just a normal prediction?
It's based off personal experience. While I'm willing to fudge a bit on NDA issues, anything more detailed than what I've already said definitely isn't happening on a public forum.
Going Sith. Preferably PvP as well if such servers exist.
"lazy" nothing. Waiting on democracy to work its magic (again).
My fault, hehe.
i really dont know anything about this game at all yet...
I expect it'll be decent but not awesome...star wars doesn't have a good multiplayer record imho, nor even a good record at all lately. The earlier the star wars game, the better the game.
But, i'm certain i'll be playing if it's got good pvp aspects to it.
My tendency would be sith for sure, but probably will roll for whichever side most of the players appear to NOT be playing for.
I'm a sucker for star wars...used to be a sucker for bioware but Dragon Age 2 cured me of that...i havn't bought the game..and havn't for a moment even thought about buying it...so i'm cured of being a bioware sucker...but that isn't helping with the star wars bit.
Of course, i knew absolutely NOTHING about rift till after it was released either and now i'm a huge fan of it and level 45 already and planning to be a raid player...
I'm all signed up for the Republic guild (Kilyari). I'm down as a Jedi Knight, but there will definitely be some sort of Smuggler and Consular action in there as well.
I expect the game to be good. Not great. But I don't think I consider any MMO great at this point. Even WoW, which has improved, has lost my interest for some inexplicable reason with Cataclysm. Hell, I'm fine with that, though.
...and yet, every time I hear that John Williams score, my nerd guts tingle just a little bit.
ranalin wrote:This based off of anything or just a normal prediction?
It's based off personal experience. While I'm willing to fudge a bit on NDA issues, anything more detailed than what I've already said definitely isn't happening on a public forum.
I signed up for the guild as djolar.
I had trouble signing up earlier but it went through today.
Has there been any discussion about time zones for the guild's servers? Our WoW guilds have been Central, to try and give the largest amount of people decent pings.
Disclosure: I live in Central time. But I still think it's good to have a server located in the center of the country, since we pull Goodjers from coast to coast.
As an east coaster, central works fine by me.
Has there been any discussion about time zones for the guild's servers? Our WoW guilds have been Central, to try and give the largest amount of people decent pings.
If possible, folks should look into the actual physical location of the server's data center. Time zone is just a number that often ends up meaning nothing in regards to actual connectivity. A good example of this is the Blackhand server which is in freaking Chicago, which is hardly a "central" physical location. While I was living in Oregon the latency to Chicago really played hell with my game experience.
From what I've seen the best compromise for both US coasts seems to be when companies offer servers based in Texas.
From what I've seen the best compromise for both US coasts seems to be when companies offer servers based in Texas.
Sounds good to me!
But I thought Blackhand was in Dallas?
I don't think we get to choose which server our guild is going to be placed on using the method we have for guild creation. I think that all guilds created before the game is actually launched will just automatically be imported into a server.
App'ed to Republic guild as Jedi Knight. I'm thinking I'll be more on the Republic than the Sith, since I have a very hard time playing bad guys in video games. I do plan on trying out the Bounty Hunter class, though.
ranalin wrote:This based off of anything or just a normal prediction?
It's based off personal experience. While I'm willing to fudge a bit on NDA issues, anything more detailed than what I've already said definitely isn't happening on a public forum.
They're not in friends and family beta yet, so it's still early.
So we have two catch alls?
Elycion wrote:ranalin wrote:This based off of anything or just a normal prediction?
It's based off personal experience. While I'm willing to fudge a bit on NDA issues, anything more detailed than what I've already said definitely isn't happening on a public forum.
They're not in friends and family beta yet, so it's still early.
Actually, friends and family beta has come and gone.
The EA corporate guy who said that recently must have been confused as Bioware devs have said that they are in a closed testing phase with around 2k testers, with more invites going out routinely.
If I had to guess, I would say they are on track for a September release, with an open beta likely tied to preorders this summer.