You know, I could see Bruce Campbell as Greatjon Umber.
For those that watched Rome on HBO. What are your thoughts on the actress who played Cleopatra being a fit for Dany?
I like it, I lke it a lot. Like NathanialG said, she might be a little too old for the character as she's portrayed in GoT, but if the TV series portrays her as being 16-17, I can totally buy it.
HBO need to cast it as well as they cast The Wire. There were no weak links in The Wire cast at all, though the superlative script really helped.
Agreed, and since this is going to be another collaborative effort between the BBC and HBO, I would expect the cast to be of no less stellar quality than Rome's.
HBO has always done a good job on casting, imho. This isn't going to be the Sword of Truth series where they took all the leftover extras from Hercules and Zena and gave them starring roles.
Ian Richardson would've been my choice for Tywin.
Give me Charles Dance (Bleak House).
The Native American guy from Brotherhood of the Wolf could be a cool Drogo.
Ray Stevenson seems absolutely perfect for the Hound. While I'm casting Rome characters, Max Pirkis (young Octavian) is perfect for Joffrey. Hell, just recast ALL of the Rome characters, Posca could play Varys, Simon Woods (Older Octavian) as Robb Stark, James Purefoy (Mark Antony) in a fat suit as King Robert and without the suit as Renly. Tobias Menzies (Brutus) as Theon Greyjoy. Ciarán Hinds *IS* Tywin Lannister, no question.
I have a feeling I could go on like this all day. Just recast Rome's cast in the asoiaf show and the job is done.
The Native American guy from Brotherhood of the Wolf could be a cool Drogo.
I always find it amusing when I see him hosting Iron Chef on the Food Network. He does flips through the kitchen and they add swooshing sounds when he moves his hands.
Ciarán Hinds *IS* Tywin Lannister, no question.
You sir, are a genius!
garion333 wrote:HBO has always done a good job on casting, imho. This isn't going to be the Sword of Truth series where they took all the leftover extras from Hercules and Zena and gave them starring roles.
Ian Richardson would've been my choice for Tywin.
Give me Charles Dance (Bleak House).
That would certainly work.
I was trying to find someone for Purefoy to play and you are right he would make an awesome Renly. Who would be his Loras Tyrell though?
Who would be his Loras Tyrell though?
Looking at headshots of the Rome main characters, I think Simon Woods is the only choice, which means we'd need a Joeffry as well, but I think that Loras is a better role for Simon, he's androgynous to pull it off.
Neither from Rome, but I'd like to see
Connie Nielsen as Melisandre
Aidan Gillen as Littlefinger
From Rome, I just want Zuleikha Robinson to be cast for something, because she's smoking hot.
How about James Callis for Loras? He could certainly pull-off the arrogance without breaking a sweat.
I think Simon woods would be a little too old for Joffrey though. Max Pirkis would be a much better fit.
Also, sticking with the Rome theme, Karl Johnson (Cato), totally gets my vote for Walder Frey.
EDIT: I know this falls under the category of bold-faced typecasting, but anytime I watch a scene from Rome, with the Egyptian eunuch in it, all I can think is Varys.
From Rome, I just want Zuleikha Robinson to be cast for something, because she's smoking hot.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have found a Shae.
I need to reread the books. I don't know who any of these people are. (With a few exceptions.)
Good call Oso. Who would play the fair maid of Tarth?
He's basically Liam Neeson
Hey, yeah.
Paula Malcomson would, IMO, make an excellent Catelyn.
I could see that sure. Just dye her hair red.
Or Lena Headly probably has a gap in her calendar now. She could do Catelyn. And, it occurs to me somewhat tragically, Natasha Richardson could have too.
Or Lena Headly probably has a gap in her calendar now. She could do Catelyn. And, it occurs to me somewhat tragically, Natasha Richardson could have too.
Lena Headey would be horribly wasted on a vapid role like Catelyn Stark.
DudleySmith wrote:Or Lena Headly probably has a gap in her calendar now. She could do Catelyn. And, it occurs to me somewhat tragically, Natasha Richardson could have too.
Lena Headey would be horribly wasted on a vapid role like Catelyn Stark.
What? I think that Cat is a much more challenging role than the other female roles. She actually has to do some acting rather than coasting on a power hungry evil tart thing like Cersei or Melisandre. She has several moderately complex arcs, requiring actual acting. Showing the coldness towards Jon, her suspicion of Tyrion, the growing numbness as she has to deal with the loss of Ned and the younger kids, the subtle ways she has to influence Robb without destroying his authority, the Stoneheart stuff. I reckon it's the meaty role that will require an actress with a bit of skill and gravitas to pull it off rather than a blonde wig and big tits.
This series sounds really complicated.
I reckon it's the meaty role that will require an actress with a bit of skill and gravitas to pull it off rather than a blonde wig and big tits.
Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Good call Oso. Who would play the fair maid of Tarth?
Sarah Jessica Parker?
More seriously, how about Heather Matarazzo (Weinerdog from Welcome to the Dollhouse)?
I just hope this turns out better than the HBO Earthsea adaptation.
Crouton wrote:From Rome, I just want Zuleikha Robinson to be cast for something, because she's smoking hot.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have found a Shae.
Also, Helena Bonham Carter as Lysa Tully and Brian Cox as Mace Tyrell would be good to see.
I always thought of Brie more like this:
Oso wrote:DudleySmith wrote:Or Lena Headly probably has a gap in her calendar now. She could do Catelyn. And, it occurs to me somewhat tragically, Natasha Richardson could have too.
Lena Headey would be horribly wasted on a vapid role like Catelyn Stark.
What? I think that Cat is a much more challenging role than the other female roles. She actually has to do some acting rather than coasting on a power hungry evil tart thing like Cersei or Melisandre. She has several moderately complex arcs, requiring actual acting. Showing the coldness towards Jon, her suspicion of Tyrion, the growing numbness as she has to deal with the loss of Ned and the younger kids, the subtle ways she has to influence Robb without destroying his authority, the Stoneheart stuff. I reckon it's the meaty role that will require an actress with a bit of skill and gravitas to pull it off rather than a blonde wig and big tits.
Maybe I'm doing her wrong, but IMHO, Cat's role could be played by the mother on any Disney Channel show or network sitcom that plays during the family hour. She's the medieval equivalent of the bored soccer mom. I suppose the story needs an anchor, someone who acts like a normal person and can be sympathetic. Certainly the way she chose duty over everything else and then had to watch while people who made the opposite choice ruined her life, family, and civilization is central to the story. Still, whoever plays her is playing a part where the main action is sitting back and watching. (at least in life.) I don't think that Lena Headey is a good fit there. Certainly someone line Annette Benning or Meryl Streep could craft a masterpiece out of Caetlyn's internal pain at the destruction of her world, but again, the action is all internal. While a great actor could make the role memorable, the story won't really suffer if someone of lesser talent is there to remind us that nice people aren't fit to survive in the place the seven kingdoms have become.
I have to go back and re read these books. I forgot how good they were.