New hobby... so new kit required.
Do any other GwJers tap dance?
New hobby... so new kit required.
Do any other GwJers tap dance?
No, but it has been a secret thing of mine where I wish I knew how and could do it. Yet, I'm too lazy to put forth the effort to learn.
Take vids of your progress for us.
No, but it has been a secret thing of mine where I wish I knew how and could do it. Yet, I'm too lazy to put forth the effort to learn.
Take vids of your progress for us.
Yeah, it was a secret thing of mine too. I grew up on a steady diet of 30s, 40s and 50s musicals, and so inevitably I watched a lot of tap. But, having missed out on the easier route into dance as a child, I never had the courage or - in truth - inclination to try it as an adult.
However, I've become braver of late, so I'm giving it a go. No vids yet, but if I make progress over the coming weeks and months, then I may make something available.
No tap dancing but my wife and I have been getting into Salsa dancing lately. Dance adjacent.
No tap dancing but my wife and I have been getting into Salsa dancing lately. Dance adjacent.
Mild, or Hot?
fuzzyslug wrote:No tap dancing but my wife and I have been getting into Salsa dancing lately. Dance adjacent.
Mild, or Hot?
I only tap dance when I'm asking for a raise at work.
I only tap dance when I'm taking the Lord's name in vain.
Jesus Tap-dancing Christ!
My old Macbook just wasn't cutting it any more. I could barely run Discord and Chrome at the same time, and heaven forbid I want to open a PDF while those two programs are open, something I need to do all the time when playing D&D or any other TTRPG online.
I've been a loyal Mac user for over 20 years, but I just cannot justify the cost of Apple machines anymore. So I picked up a "gaming" laptop:
I put gaming in quotes 'cause, as Gaald pointed out to me, it's not very powerful for a gaming machine, but that's OK with me. I just wanted a good sized screen, a big ass hard drive, and a decent amount of ram. All I really want to do is finally finish Shadowrun and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, revisit the Half Life Games, and maybe the rest of my steam library that I couldn't access when Apple updated their OS to 64 bit.
If I'm going to play a AAA game it'll be on my PS5, and nowadays that's only when it's on sale a year or more later
I love 8bitdo and what they um... do, I will impress my nerdy colleagues by using this numpad add-on to my work laptop before splurging on the full NES-style keyboard.
So I picked up a "gaming" laptop...
Nice! Getting a new machine always feels good. I have had an HP Omen for the past couple of years and it has been a good laptop.
Also, please take this opportunity to switch to Firefox.
I love 8bitdo and what they um... do, I will impress my nerdy colleagues by using this numpad add-on to my work laptop before splurging on the full NES-style keyboard.
That is gorgeous.
Not silly because making things helps with my nuero spiceyness. Silly because now they are going to be releasing a bigger format one in the next quarter, and I would like to print full size character/cosplay helmets without having to slice them into a bunch of sheets.
Yet another entry to my shelf of TTRPG books I love reading and owning but will probably never play. This is one of my favorites, though. The book is gorgeous! And it feels good, too.
Your links are to Discord resources and it looks like they don't load properly for the rest of us.
Drazzil wrote:I just recently dropped it on a neighbor who needed a TV. His whole family loves it.
So many ways to parse this. Most of them hilarious.
I lugged it to my door carrying it with both hands, barely. Before handing it to him *carefully* I mention that it's heavy.
He was like
"Oh that doesn't look that hea"
he almost drops it
"Oh christ!"
I move in to steady him, we eventually work out that we each carry a side to his apt.
Your links are to Discord resources and it looks like they don't load properly for the rest of us.
Boo, they worked before. I'll try imgur later. The book is Eat the Reich.
I certainly didn't NEED this, and yet I DID need it.
It's a video game based off the amazing British comedy, Yes, Prime Minister, and it came out in 1987.