Post a Picture of Your Silly Purchase of the Month.

Paleocon wrote:

got sick of trying to split wood at my campsite with a Fiskars hatchet, so I broke down and got an Estwing Campfire Friend. It feels a little silly for a four time a year purchase, but it make life a lot easier.


How does it deal with human bones? Asking for a fiend.. err... a friend.


Sold the old chapel. Made some money, discovered I was no good at having money. So bought a new Chapel to be poor again, I am better at that. Now some painting and renovations to do!

Top_Shelf wrote:

That thing looks WAY too top-heavy to be good for a throwing competition? Maybe I'm wrong?


I may have gone a bit wild on a Kickstarter that heavily features Dwarves, also adding collector's editions for a ruleset I already have and additional cloth maps. I may have a problem.



This arrived yesterday

Chairman_Mao wrote:

This arrived yesterday

How is this? After reading some reviews I’m on the fence.

It's very straightforward, slightly whimsical but very much grounded in the world we live in. An appetizer more than an entree. The art is great though.

I stumbled across this looking for more info. Fascinating!

That was great, thanks for sharing, Orphu!

That was quite humbling to watch and I have to caveat my brief analysis--it is my impression that it is very much grounded in the world we live in, but that could be me projecting my own biases and point of view on it. Would love to hear what others think, but this could be a book worth coming back to now and again to see how my reaction to it changes over time.

Shifter wrote:
Chairman_Mao wrote:

This arrived yesterday

How is this? After reading some reviews I’m on the fence.

I own it. Still in the box. Free time is too limited. Curse the need to sleep.

I bought a meat chopper based on a recommendation from a cook on YouTube. Works great!


Counterpoint, we got one of them, it quickly got retired because two spatulas do a better job.

Jonman wrote:

Counterpoint, we got one of them, it quickly got retired because two spatulas do a better job.

Same (although just one spatula), plus it’s annoying to clean.

UpToIsomorphism wrote:
Shifter wrote:
Chairman_Mao wrote:

This arrived yesterday

(Image of the Mysteries)

How is this? After reading some reviews I’m on the fence.

I own it. Still in the box. Free time is too limited. Curse the need to sleep.

Read it. The story is nothing, but the art is good (not amazing, but good). It is a good coffee table book, but nothing more.

PaladinTom wrote:

I bought a meat chopper based on a recommendation from a cook on YouTube. Works great!


I have a similar one that looks like the two spatulas mentioned and I feel it does a better job dealing with browning. Hope it goes well!

I just use a wooden spatula, but this medieval weapon looks like fun.

Plus it’s great for home defense!

I’ve only used it twice, but it definitely works better for me. (TMI, but my hands ache all the time nowadays and using this tool is much easier.)

Meat definitely sticks to it more, but I just thwack it off.*

* I considered rewriting this, but the way I wrote it makes me giggle so I’m leaving it as written.

PaladinTom wrote:

I bought a meat chopper based on a recommendation from a cook on YouTube. Works great!


Ohh can you link that please? Also how easy is it to clean?

My experience was that the dishwasher wasn't up to snuff for cleaning it - it required a hand wash.

Which wasn't hard, but is an extra step.

Jonman wrote:

My experience was that the dishwasher wasn't up to snuff for cleaning it - it required a hand wash.

Which wasn't hard, but is an extra step.

To clean it I bang it to knock anything off and the give it a quick rinse. THEN it goes in the dishwasher because it’s touched raw meat.

Here’s the one I bought, but there are tons available.

Meat Chopper for Ground Beef,...

I have this meat chopper. It works with non-stick pans, too. To get a spatula to do the same job you need a very rigid (metal) spatula. While I prefer stainless steel pans my wife only uses non-stick. I use this in my crockpot as well. Cleanup has been easy for me. I rinse it off when I'm done and have no issues with it in the dishwasher.
Even with stainless steel all-clad pans I will never go back to using spatulas like a peasant. This just works better and is safer for all kinds of cookware.

Thanks guys!


Finally got my uke to complete the family set. The two small ones are sopranos for my daughters, the medium size is a concert size for my spouse, and the largest is my new tenor size uke.


Mario_Alba wrote:

Nice! :)

Thanks! Mrs. Mix and I are getting decent at Hallelujah, Stand by Me, and Sara Perche Ti Amo. I've got I'm Yours and a few others down pretty well that I transposed from guitar.


Anycubic Mono M5s. This is now the 3rd resin printer and 5th 3D printer overall that we've added to the house. This print bed is twice the size of the previous resin printer (Anycubic Photon Ultra DLP) and has forced me to drastically rethink my wash and curing process. With the specialty High Speed resin, this thing just cranks - this 200+ mm print took a grand total of 4 hours to finish up. And the print that is on here would previously have been 8 separate plates on either of the previous printers I had.

Ok, but what... is it?

It's a 3d printer that uses liquid resin instead of rolls of plastic. The model is "Dragon Koi" by The Dragon Trappers Lodge