Section 8: Prejudice is one I hadn't seen before, the mention on Penny Arcade is the first I'd heard of it. I didn't play the original Section 8, so I don't know how it might compare. The game play trailer looked interesting. While the game would definitely seem 'lite' for a full priced title, at $15 for a download I'm going to keep an eye on it.
The original Section 8 was pretty awesome, although the single player campaign had some big problems. I've been looking forward to Prejudice. I'll probably pick it up on PC when it drops in a few weeks.
Ever since I first saw the trailers, I swear they are using the Halo Reach engine.
It's Unreal I think.
It's Unreal I think.
Oops, wrong thread. Think you are right.
I would not mind picking this up at later date. Sadly, the Goodjer community was very minimally represented in the first game. It was a better game then BF2BC in many ways.
I'll be checking out the demo. Looks like a lot of content for $15.
I really liked the first game, mostly because it had some of the best bots I've ever seen; they seemed very human. I like big bots and I cannot lie.
It also had mechanics that supported the non-twitch gamer. You could do very well by setting up good deployable nests in key locations. So I'll be buying this on at least two platforms.
Also, I still <3 Timegate for Kohan and Kohan II.
It's like they're trying to make their names even worse.
Long video on the game. Think I'll try it tonight if I can get away from Portal 2. Think you get a 30 minute demo.
It's coming to PC on 5-4...
on GFWL =/
=/ indeed
I just don't see why developers choose it, especially for multiplayer titles. Whoever thought it was a good idea to go with the platform that charges you to certify patches and often takes ages to do it, and they're not even QA checking whether your code is good, just that it works well with their online side. Makes perfect sense for a multiplayer game that can need quick changes to solve issues. At least on PC I suspect this may be dead in the water as a decent multiplayer game, and sadly for issues that are nothing to do with the gameplay.
The original Section 8 was a GFWL game as well. Who knows, maybe Timegate had a good experience with it. Or maybe they've already built a multiplayer game around GWFL, and don't want to reinvent the wheel.
Video review:
Wonder if the GFWL situation had something to do with XBLA? Is it coming out on PS3 this time? I see no mention of that. MS might have bought an exclusive.
It is coming to PSN but they don't have a timeframe.
GfWL? That's too bad. I was thinking about getting it.
Video review:
Wonder if the GFWL situation had something to do with XBLA? Is it coming out on PS3 this time? I see no mention of that. MS might have bought an exclusive.
Should be on tonight as well. At least for the demo.
Should be on tonight as well. At least for the demo.
Any idea what time? I'll look for you. I'm going to do the demo period, too. Not sure I'm buying, but it's likely. The beta seemed interesting, even if I didn't play much.
Whooo! Section 8! Chi-cago Fire! Ole, ole, ole!
And this one 'cause you can see me and my fam in the bottom left corner. I'm the one testing out his new DROID (this was 9/09).
Trashie wrote:Should be on tonight as well. At least for the demo.
Any idea what time? I'll look for you. I'm going to do the demo period, too. Not sure I'm buying, but it's likely. The beta seemed interesting, even if I didn't play much.
Likely around 8 pm CST. See you then.
I plan on picking this up tonight as well. For 15 bucks why not, multi seems to offer something different enough to check out.
Oh it will also be available on Steam but will still use GFWL for matchmaking.
Eurogamer was exceedingly kind to it on the basis of value for money.
I'll probably give it a go when it shows up for PS3.
...on Steam but will still use GFWL for matchmaking.
3rd-party DRM: Games for Windows Live
1 machine activation limit
And there goes a game I was interested in.
Oh it will also be available on Steam but will still use GFWL for matchmaking.
Does this imply cross-platform play? Seems a multiplayer-focused game, so getting more players is a good thing.
oilypenguin wrote:Oh it will also be available on Steam but will still use GFWL for matchmaking.
Does this imply cross-platform play? Seems a multiplayer-focused game, so getting more players is a good thing.
Not usually.
Atras wrote:oilypenguin wrote:Oh it will also be available on Steam but will still use GFWL for matchmaking.
Does this imply cross-platform play? Seems a multiplayer-focused game, so getting more players is a good thing.
Not usually.
Heh, couple of ways to take that.
GFWL doesn't usually imply cross-platform, but it is the only way to get it (for 360-PC at least) and I can't think of any other reason to use GFWL.
Or, do you just mean that more players is not usually a good thing?
oilypenguin wrote:...on Steam but will still use GFWL for matchmaking.
steam wrote:3rd-party DRM: Games for Windows Live
1 machine activation limitAnd there goes a game I was interested in.
Wow, surely that's not right. GFWL is normally 15 before you have to call.
Unless they've been exceptionally dumb and are using an additional layer just for the install limits. I think they have to use GFWL as they're using it for matchmaking.
I hope to pick this one up if I ever get to play video games again. Hopefully they'll have a bigger online player base than the first release.
MannishBoy wrote:Trashie wrote:Should be on tonight as well. At least for the demo.
Any idea what time? I'll look for you. I'm going to do the demo period, too. Not sure I'm buying, but it's likely. The beta seemed interesting, even if I didn't play much.
Likely around 8 pm CST. See you then.
Sounds like a plan. If we can get a MNC-style flash in the pan, I'm happy.
Still a crappy name though. "War. War never changes. It just gets vouchers to live in better neighbourhoods."