WOW GWJA: GWJ Raiding time 1/4/11-110/11 Posted for Tuesday and Thursday


***UPDATED 1/4/11 11pm server****

Blackwing Descent
7pm Tuesday 1/4/11

Tanks: Lawkjaw, Bhumpy
Heals: Zeered, Rantin
Flex: Grinds
Dps: Zerokfe, Maxoxx, Abanna, Openminded, Knightly

*****CHANGE******* Thursday will be Bastion of Twilight Raid

Thursday follow up 1/6/11 8pm start

Tanks: Bhumpy, Lawkjaw
Heals: Zeered, Rantin, Eppyrose
Dps: Zerokfe, Abanna, Anriis, Alydra, Ranalin,

EPGP is also put of until next week so we have a formal plan in place for everyone to read. Bhumpy will be raid leading for this run.

I am trying to get a follow up for Sunday posted also. For those not put on the list this week, I didn't forget you. I will get you into a run as soon as we can. We are in need of some tanks and some heals to make more runs happen. EPGP will be administered for these runs. Be geared, be gemmed, be enchanted, bring food and flasks. Welcome to Cata raiding.

Ok Folks... time to give the raids a try. Please post your availability, toon name, spec and ilvl of your gear.

Grinds- DPS/Heals Boomkin/Resto
Available: Tuesday 6-11pm, Wednesday 6-11pm and Sunday 6-11pm

Tue, Thursday, Sunday 7-11pm
ilvl 349

Any night but Wednesday
Ilevel 347

Grinds did not touch on this in his opening post, but on top of ilevel (we should really be aiming minimum of 340 equipped IMO. Please make sure to log into the wowarmory to see what your equipped ilvl is, your ingame ilvl is sometimes inflated due to things in your bag. Aim for MINIMUM 340 equipped ilvl), being raid ready means having the appropriate flasks and food buffs with you. Its too early in Cata so we probably won't have as many fish feasts as we were accustomed to in LK, so please stock up on the food buff that is best suited for your role. I know flasks may be expensive at this point, but you're doing a disservice to yourself and the 9 other people you are raiding with if you do not come prepared.

Also, please take the time to read up on the fights or watch some tankspot videos of the encounter. Though our strategies may slightly change from what you watch time to time, its still a good idea to have an understanding of the encounter prior to going in.

My ilevel is still too low to run heroics or raids, but if anyone needs any Cata food items I'd be happy to send them some. I'm one of the few people who enjoys fishing and cooking. I have the +90 critical strike or haste or intellect recipes right now. I know you all have probably leveled the same recipes for your own use, but thought I would mention it just in case. In game: Sujan

Openminded Enhance Shaman

Tues-Thur and Sun (If I HAD to I could work fri-sat in but i really enjoy free weekends) anytime!

My Gear score is only 327, however i have sat sun and mon off work. Not to sound conceided, but even with this score every group I have been in I have been out dpsing everyone.... so it can only go up!

I am hit capped and will work on food and flasks this weekend.

I'm free to raid any night after 7pm server, though 7:30 is better to avoid wife aggro.

Anriis - mDPS/Tank
My ilvl is currently something like 334 but getting better every day.

Bean wrote:

Any night but Wednesday
Ilevel 347

Grinds did not touch on this in his opening post, but on top of ilevel (we should really be aiming minimum of 340 equipped IMO. Please make sure to log into the wowarmory to see what your equipped ilvl is, your ingame ilvl is sometimes inflated due to things in your bag. Aim for MINIMUM 340 equipped ilvl), being raid ready means having the appropriate flasks and food buffs with you. Its too early in Cata so we probably won't have as many fish feasts as we were accustomed to in LK, so please stock up on the food buff that is best suited for your role. I know flasks may be expensive at this point, but you're doing a disservice to yourself and the 9 other people you are raiding with if you do not come prepared.

Also, please take the time to read up on the fights or watch some tankspot videos of the encounter. Though our strategies may slightly change from what you watch time to time, its still a good idea to have an understanding of the encounter prior to going in.

Another thing to add after looking at a few people on the armory please make sure all of your gear is enchanted and gemmed.

Abana wrote:
Bean wrote:

Any night but Wednesday
Ilevel 347

Grinds did not touch on this in his opening post, but on top of ilevel (we should really be aiming minimum of 340 equipped IMO. Please make sure to log into the wowarmory to see what your equipped ilvl is, your ingame ilvl is sometimes inflated due to things in your bag. Aim for MINIMUM 340 equipped ilvl), being raid ready means having the appropriate flasks and food buffs with you. Its too early in Cata so we probably won't have as many fish feasts as we were accustomed to in LK, so please stock up on the food buff that is best suited for your role. I know flasks may be expensive at this point, but you're doing a disservice to yourself and the 9 other people you are raiding with if you do not come prepared.

Also, please take the time to read up on the fights or watch some tankspot videos of the encounter. Though our strategies may slightly change from what you watch time to time, its still a good idea to have an understanding of the encounter prior to going in.

Another thing to add after looking at a few people on the armory please make sure all of your gear is enchanted and gemmed.

Dont know about others, but i have like 3 pieces still not enchanted because they're low end pieces that will be replaced at any moment. If for some reason they're not its easy enough to slap an enchant on them.

Anytime after 7 for me. Zeered, healy, ilvl 344.

As for enchanting, belt buckles, gems, etc. feel free to ask an Officer for some help getting setup. Alternatively, learn to use the profession tab.

We also have a few nice things in the gbank, if you're planning to raid and it's an upgrade don't hesitate to ask.

zeroKFE wrote:

(If you aren't sure if you are ready to raid or how to get ready, this thread may be helpful.)

zeroKFE - rDPS, liability
Tuesday: 7 - 10 PM
Wednesday/Thursday: 7 - 10 PM, but at most one night of these two
Sunday: 7 - 10 PM

342 equipped, but I'm about 500 rep away from at least one very nice upgrade.

Please use this thread. It is a good one stop shop thread. Links to the armory where you can check your equipped ilvl and items not enchanted. Also what ad-ons that will be needed for raiding.

I'm TKfourtwone...Mage...available most evenings at about 700 server time. Current gear is at 343.

Chabuda wrote:

I'm TKfourtwone...Mage...available most evenings at about 700 server time. Current gear is at 343.


I think I'll hold off on raiding for a bit. I don't even have a decent ilvl score. Just gonna do content stuff and lvl my professions for now.

Cheeto1016 wrote:

Openminded Enhance Shaman

...even with this score every group I have been in I have been out dpsing everyone.... so it can only go up!

After being an Enhance Shaman for a few years, seeing this makes me really, really happy.

Eppyrose ... Healer ... Tuesday 6-11pm, Wednesday 6-11pm, Thursday and Sunday 6-9:30 pm

Hey Oily, I would suggest buying a couple maces and trying enhancement for mele dps. I am loving it.

Promontory - rDPS, SV Hunter

Available Sundays at 7 on and most Thursdays after 9

Knightly(mDPS) and Schnuggles(rDPS) - any day after 7. Still working on gear.

Have all the Cata BS patterns if anyone needs anything.

(If you aren't sure if you are ready to raid or how to get ready, this thread may be helpful.)

zeroKFE - rDPS, liability
Tuesday: 7 - 10 PM
Wednesday/Thursday: 7 - 10 PM, but at most one night of these two
Sunday: 7 - 10 PM

345 equipped.

KingGorilla wrote:

Hey Oily, I would suggest buying a couple maces and trying enhancement for melee dps. I am loving it.

Thinking about it, KG. I think step 1 is studying how to maximize what DPS my elemental build can do first. I've never had to look at it before since I did enough damage to survive. However, if that falls through than I'll start with what rep gear I can get and then bother you and cheeto for tips =)

Any night but Monday after 7:00. For EPGP sake, I can't be ready to pull until 7:15 most nights. I can be at the entrance, or inside if raid is already formed, and on Vent flasked and buffed though.

Currently only @ i337 (Equipped tank set), but hoping to get to i340+ before Tuesday.
Just hit 340 equipped

Are we hitting Blackwing Descent first?


Ranakin - rdps/hunter
ilvl 343 - 8% hit
any night except Fri

Isoalpha- Assassination Rogue mDPS, EDIT: iLvl 343 and climbing, with iLvl 346 weapons.

Tu-W: 5p-11p
Th: unavailable
F: 5p-11p
Sa-Su: any time
Mo: 5p-11p

oilypenguin wrote:
KingGorilla wrote:

Hey Oily, I would suggest buying a couple maces and trying enhancement for melee dps. I am loving it.

Thinking about it, KG. I think step 1 is studying how to maximize what DPS my elemental build can do first. I've never had to look at it before since I did enough damage to survive. However, if that falls through than I'll start with what rep gear I can get and then bother you and cheeto for tips =)

Well two, and the armory may be out of date. One of your prime glyphs is Lava Lash, only enhancement shaman have that ability. I would suggest adding either glyph of shocking(reduces your cool downs) or glyph of lightning bolt to increase damage. I think you confused Lava Lash with Lava Burst.
I would also suggest Glyph of Lightning shield for convenience. It will never drop under 3 charges. This has two main benefits. One, you will only have to cast it once. Two, by never dipping below 3 your rolling thunder will fill faster.

Lastly, experiment with spell rotations.

Take my build with a grain of salt. It is really a PVP build first. Most of my raiding is done as a healer. You may want to forget totemic reach in favor of Unleashed Rage for the party buff. You may also put points into call of flame and reverberation over Spark of Life. I have that because I often need to do a lot of healing to survive that first Arena onslaught. Also, when Maelstrom procs I can get an instant greater healing.

Alydrra - mDPS

Tues: 10 - 12 Server Time
Wed/Thurs: 8 - 12 Server Time
Sunday: 8 - 12 Server Time

Currently IL 339 equipped but running heroics and gaining rep for upgrades. Am currently Hit and Dodge capped.

Edit: Now IL 342 equipped

For those not aware, I am a part time law student in addition to my Job, so time is tight.
Enhancement and Resto Shaman
Ilevel 335 and growing
And bear with me as I grasp the ins and outs of EGP.

My schedule is finalized. I can roll after 9:30 server time Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Thursdays I am available at 8 server time. Fridays and the weekend are open, but it is a rare weekend that I will have to spend consecutive hours for raid content.

As I look at the coming weeks, Consider me more as an alternate as needed for raid content, or for heroics for gear. With PVP and running Tol Barad, I am getting some good gear.

Maxoxx - Assassination Rogue - mDPS

Tu, Th-Su 7+
M, W 8+

That being said I can only do two of those days.

342 equipped with rare gems and enchants ready to go.

Belias - Tues, Thurs

Bumping - raid schedule in original post.

I'm around ilvl 342 but I need more seasoning tanking cat heroics. I'll be signing up next week.

Thanks to all the guildies that have helped me with tanking strats in heroics. I know its been painful!

TrashiDawa wrote:

I'm around ilvl 342 but I need more seasoning tanking cat heroics. I'll be signing up next week.

Thanks to all the guildies that have helped me with tanking strats in heroics. I know its been painful!

Your doing just fine. Thanks for tanking.

Blackwing Descent Wowhead

Magmaw Wowhead
Strat video Tankspot
This fight looks relatively straightforward. Tuesday's group may run into a bit of trouble AoEing the adds down quick enough. We'll see. Thursday's group is probably ideal for this fight.

Omnotron Defense System Wowhead
Strat video Tankspot
This looks like a fun fight. Going to be a 'heads up' fight, meaning people are going to need to watch what is going on and try not to get tunnel vision. Attack the wrong target and poof, you are dead. The first green post on Wowhead really sheds some light on this fight that the Tankspot video didn't.

Maloriak Wowhead - Check the green post by GraveDiggerX. He also made the video linked below.
Strat video - This isn't a walk-through like the Tankspot ones are, but it will at least give you an idea of how the fight plays out.
Thank baby Jesus for our 20% reduced repair costs. This one might take a few tries. A lot of stuff to keep tabs on.
