tundra wrote:Mimble wrote:I'll be starting up a new toon on Blackhand once Cata hits - maybe I will even learn to do some of the level 80 content beyond the dailies (and the jousting stuff, which I despise and suck at).
Is it OK for total raiding noobs to join in? I'd love to learn if there are guild members willing to teach me!
Absolutely welcome. We have some great people that are willing to help out in many ways. If you are willing to learn, we got the people willing to help you out. Send one of the officers a tell for an invite.
Woo!! perhaps I will make myself a bank alt on BH and see if I can get a little start up cash for decent bags for the toon I will make when Cata comes out :D
I know I have and also other GWJ members have supplied some bags to new members. So please if you are new and might need something just ask in guild chat. If someone has spare or spare mats to make something they will.
You never have to worry about startup costs with GWJ Alliance on your side. Bags, glyphs, mount money, answers to newb questions, whatever... we'll get you sorted. We're quite excellent at enabling WoW addiction.
GWJ is a den of filthy enablers, and GWJ-A is no exception.
KG - Let's talk in-game when you hit the level cap and we'll see if Ret/whatever kind of shaman you intend to be is viable. The last comp I played (many moons ago) was Ret/Disc, which was pretty good.
For sure. At this rate, I should be at 80 by Halloween easily.
I am leveling as Elemental. Most likely I will be elemental and resto dual specced. And I am planning on a Worgen druid as feral and tree of life specced come Cataclysm.
Since class/role needs were asked about earlier in the thread, I will just add once more that we can always use more ranged DPS, especially non-Hunter ranged. This was driven home for me as I scheduled the raids the last two weeks.
That said, a lot of people are in a bit of a WoW-doldrum until Cat, so who knows what we'll need by the time Cat raiding starts. Still, hard to go wrong as ranged or heals, and a ranged/heal dual-spec would be super easy to find groups with. We currently have no one raiding whose main character is Shadow or Boomkin (and I think only one each when including alts).
But again, needs fluctuate, so pick something you will be happy playing - you will be welcomed regardless of class, as long as you have class.
Mimble wrote:tundra wrote:Mimble wrote:I'll be starting up a new toon on Blackhand once Cata hits - maybe I will even learn to do some of the level 80 content beyond the dailies (and the jousting stuff, which I despise and suck at).
Is it OK for total raiding noobs to join in? I'd love to learn if there are guild members willing to teach me!
Absolutely welcome. We have some great people that are willing to help out in many ways. If you are willing to learn, we got the people willing to help you out. Send one of the officers a tell for an invite.
Woo!! perhaps I will make myself a bank alt on BH and see if I can get a little start up cash for decent bags for the toon I will make when Cata comes out :D
I know I have and also other GWJ members have supplied some bags to new members. So please if you are new and might need something just ask in guild chat. If someone has spare or spare mats to make something they will.
You never have to worry about startup costs with GWJ Alliance on your side. Bags, glyphs, mount money, answers to newb questions, whatever... we'll get you sorted. We're quite excellent at enabling WoW addiction. ;)
GWJ is a den of filthy enablers, and GWJ-A is no exception.
I love you guys.
I may make it a Warlock, but I already too one to 70 with epic flying. I could Female Doggo about how hard I worked for that Dreadsteed too. Back in my day we had to raid Scholomance and Stratholme. We had to spend hundreds of gold to a little jerk imp in Desolace.
They are crazy easy to level. Now I have not played one in some time. But I was always among the DPS leaders in Battlegrounds and Raids. My problem is that it seems affliction is still the only viable tree. I have to imagine that in the current state, with how much money there is to be had, they are even easier to level(they used to be the most expensive bar none as the pet skills were expensive as well. But you get access to some bad ass DOTS.
If you have not yet done a caster, especially a mage or shadow priest or lock, I suggest it. You feel powerful really quick. Mages and Locks are good especially as they are good crowd control as well-freezes and polymorph for mages, fear spells for the locks.
Also, I need 11 Frostweave bags.
Btw KG, my comments on class selection were not in relation to your Druid alt plan - it was something I'd been meaning to post since I planned the rosters yesterday, and was kind of reaching for enough ranged for both groups to be good on Deathbringer Saurfang.
Oh, I make no assumptions. I was checking out the guild roster not too long ago. There is a below average number of locks and rogues. Hunter, rogue, warlock used to be the most popular classes. I just think that if you have not leveled a caster before, it is a cool change of pace. And like I said, you feel crazy powerful as a warlock or a mage.
For the warlock in dungeons, something to not be overlooked are the buffs the pets can give. The stamina boost from the imp can be huge. The charm of the succubus is great crowd control. In some circumstances a warlock can even off tank with a combination of sacrificing a voidwalker and life drain.
For anyone who hasn't played a mage on the PTRs or in the beta, they are very, very fun to level now.
Is the level 10 ice elemental pet for frost spec temporary or permanent? If it is temporary, is there a talent to make it permanent a la the death knight's ghoul?
Permanent, one way or the other. I only know because my wife has one.
Permanent, one way or the other. I only know because my wife has one.
Currently, I want to say it's glyphed at the cost of the freeze ability. In Cata, it's permanent from when you get it at level 10.
Yay! This has helped stave off my altitis for at least a week or 5 business days =P
My sexy lady Mage is chilling in Goldshire right now. I need to ask, in the last couple years have human females gotten breast augmentations? I am thinking she will be a tailor as that carpet mount is pretty cool.
Resubbed. My client was on 3.3 so I had about a day's download worth of patches to install. See you all there.
I haven't played WOW since vanilla (had a level 45ish rogue). I would love to get back into it and play with you guys, but I really don't know if I should purchase the previously released expansions or just Cata when it comes out. What will I be missing if I just play vanilla until then? I really haven't followed WOW since I quit and will probably start another toon from scratch due to all the play mechanics that have probably changed.
You have to buy the BC and LK expansions before you can upgrade to Cat, but if you wait until after launch, Blizzard might offer a Battle Chest deal that's cheaper then the $70 you'd pay at the Blizzard store right now.
Without the two expansions, you're capped at level 60, won't have access to the Draenei or Blood Elf races, nor be able to create a Death Knight character. Otherwise, it's business as usual - you can join the guild, go into all the classic dungeons, etc.
After Cat, the leveling experience from 1-60 will be completely revamped (and probably much more friendly/streamlined), so that's something to think about too.
I'm gonna hop in on this! Mostly will be leveling a new warrior (one of two classes I have not gotten to 80), but I also have my 80 paladin on Blackhand. Who should I contact when I see GWJ Alliance people on?
/who GWJ and message anyone on the list. Either they'll invite you or inform the powers that be who will.
Hello, i just ran a raid with some of your guild members. It was alot of fun to raid with people who did not get angry after dying to a boss. I've been looking for a friendly guild to join lately. i am interested in joining your guild and i was told to post on here. If you would like to talk to me in game my characters name is Laurenconrad. thanks
If you would like to talk to me in game my characters name is Laurenconrad. thanks :)
Glad to have you along, and thanks again for bearing with us on our alt/tourist run!
The next time you are in game, just do a /who GWJ and ask anyone who's on to get an invite for you from an officer -- assuming one is online, we'll get you a g-invite right away.
Friendly? Do I need to stop making cooking related dick jokes?
I got a scroll of resurrection cast on me. I moved my main over to Earthen Ring, but I've rolled a Death Knight. I may move my 80 back, but I bet I can hit 80 before December 7.
I'm thinking I'll transfer one of my 80s over to raid with you guys.
I've got a hunter (who doesn't?) that's very well geared ~5400 gs. And I've got a fresh mage. Which would help more?
I haven't got a problem bringing either. I just know it'll be a couple runs before my mage starts doing serious dos.
I'm thinking I'll transfer one of my 80s over to raid with you guys.
I've got a hunter (who doesn't?) that's very well geared ~5400 gs. And I've got a fresh mage. Which would help more?
I haven't got a problem bringing either. I just know it'll be a couple runs before my mage starts doing serious dos.
Well, the standard answer is always bring what you enjoy playing the most, and in this case it probably applies even more than usual since we more or less the same number of raiding hunters and mages. Well, maybe slightly more hunters. But still, whichever you prefer.
What Zero said, especially about us having more hunters than mages.