What are you playing this weekend?

Octopath Traveler II unless my wife co-opts the Switch to try to finish Fire Emblem Engage — she’s so close! Otherwise, it’ll be Final Fantasy XVI.

I may try to get in a couple more chapters in Octopath Traveler II, but I also want to get some more time in CrossCode as well. It's a club game sort of weekend (month).

I've been on vacation for the past week going through gaming withdrawal.

SteamWorld Heist 2 and the quest to reach platinum on Street Fighter 6 continues .Good times ahead.

Veloxi wrote:

Mostly more Taxinaut for me. I'm pretty hooked right now.


Banishers: Action/RPG where you play a pair of ghost busters, one a ghost, in the 17th century I believe. Its not 100% great but its fun enough and in such a unique environment for a game.

You basically go around and investigate hauntings. Gather clues, fight some ghosts, then render a judgement when you have all the evidence.

The judgment will change the outcome of the end game apparently. And it's a bit odd as you can choose to either get rid of the ghost or kill the actual human that was haunted. It's a bit odd you can just go around killing people especially when your character is supposed to be somewhat likeable.

So it's not perfect but unique enough.

Doom VFR: Didn't even know this was a thing but it's a version of Doom 2016 in VR. Apparently the vanilla release of this is pretty terrible but you can mod it to get free movement, instead of the default teleport, and be able to turn using the controllers instead of having to physically turn your body. It was on sale for $4 so figured worth a go. Will mod it this weekend and give it a go.

Udio: They added this feature to "remix" songs - either ones you created in Udio or songs you upload. It basically puts a new take on the song. So, your song may feature different instruments, or change the arrangement, or how its sung.

As with anything on there it doesn't work 100% all the time and sometimes you get strange arrangements with the music or it just completely ignoring lyrics. But when it does come together it's pretty neat to listen to the different takes.

Probably won't be using it more than just for a novelty but it's a neat tool to add.

I've picked up Scythe, Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers, and Steamworld Heist 2 this week, so that's my weekend sorted.

On the menu this weekend: more Earth Defense Force 6 (PC).

beanman101283 wrote:

Taking on another Extreme Trial in Final Fantasy XIV and hopefully making some progress in Dragon Quest XI.

More of this. I also started Diablo 4, and I'll be going on a friend's stream as he played Final Fantasy VII for the first time.

Well, I have been unable to avoid carrying some workload over to the weekend thanks to catching some sort of flu early in the week. Work doesn't wait, it just piles up, so, meh. I'll also be out of town so only portable systems will be available to me. I will nevertheless try to play something along the lines of SMT IV as I continue to plug away slowly in the main game. I will likely dabble in other little diversions on the 3DS and perhaps on my Switch.

Decided to drop into LOTRO again, rolling up my usual LoreMaster since I'll be soloing it again.

Still gutted about the loss of my permanent pet, but I'm about to venture into the Old Forest, so I'm sure I'll have other stuff to occupy me soon.

Other than that, probably my usual palate cleanser of ETS2. Having done the achievements for the Baltic, the Balkans and the Adriatic, it's time to slap on the sun cream, put my arm on the window and go for Spain and Portugal.

Assuming I can get past my 110 employed drivers, many of whom seem to have got into the habit of taking stuff from all over Europe to Faro (Portugal) then going back empty...unsurprising really, I've been to Faro and it's not exactly an industrial or commercial centre, so having 30 drivers a day deliver stuff and look for cargo to take back to the rest of Europe is never going to be profitable.

Somehow I fell down a Dark Souls 3 hole. I played the first game a few years ago and absolutely loved it. Tried and completely bounced off the second. Then started and was really enjoying #3, but found out the hard way that From doesn't take advantage of Steam Cloud for saves. But I decided to give it a try again a week or so ago and am already beyond where I was when I rebuilt this computer and lost the save.

Axiom Verge 2 -- Its so interesting how this game is so similar to its predecessor but also the bones are completely different as well. I am really digging it and finding it much more approachable than the first Axiom Verge--but also...I kinda really liked how grueling the original was, while this seems to focus on exploration. Regardless, I am still loving it. I never was into Metroidvanias growing up, but this may be a genre I have more patience for in my twilight years.

Arma Reforger. I resurrected the Arma 3 thread to sing it's praises and round up some Goodjers to go to battle. It has some great co-op, full mod support and a couple of really interesting modes. It's much slower and more tactical than COD/BF and has alot of rewarding components to learn and master. I'm having a blast playing it!

The Cruel King and the Great Hero, which I started yesterday.

World of Warcraft: The War Within: The Prepatch. I have 45 characters to get ready! And before you call me crazy, the limit is 65!

I should finish Erdtree but I’m not in the mood. A back recovering from a strain doesn’t help. Possibly some Animal Well.

All Octopath Traveler II all the time, can't stop won't stop 'til we see the credits rise like the sun.

Maybe finish CrossCode - it's possible with a bit of luck.

Fire Escape is a somewhat interesting VR whodunnit which I just started last night and intend to play more of. Will also play some Manifold Garden, and make progress in Dead Space 2 and Spiritfarer.

Finally, some Quake Champions in honor of the ongoing Quakecon and all the in-game currency that can be earned right now, even if Bethesda apparently f'd up the event by having no high-level tournament.

Garth wrote:

Axiom Verge 2 -- Its so interesting how this game is so similar to its predecessor but also the bones are completely different as well. I am really digging it and finding it much more approachable than the first Axiom Verge--but also...I kinda really liked how grueling the original was, while this seems to focus on exploration. Regardless, I am still loving it. I never was into Metroidvanias growing up, but this may be a genre I have more patience for in my twilight years.

I was so happy to see you playing Axiom Verge 2 when looking at my friends list on the PS5. Your right it's not as punishing as the original but the controls in the original felt seriously dated even if it did carry a certain charm once you got the better upgrades & weapons. AV2 feels much more modern specifically the weight of the character, the jumping & momentum feel such a step up. Also the grabbing onto ledges & mantling over them, love those little touches.

AV2 also has one of the most stick in the head songs with 'Drowned' that constantly had me humming it. It's the underwater theme, so damn good.

Going old school this weekend with GTA San Andreas.

I received the PC adapter for my PSVR2 so this weekend is two games:



mrwynd wrote:

I received the PC adapter for my PSVR2 so this weekend is two games:



Crap! I had a reminder to buy that in my calendar. Did it come out early?!?

If you get bored with that now sold out adapter, I would rent/buy it from you.

I still can't believe we didn't get more Half Life games. Such a travesty.

davet010 wrote:

Decided to drop into LOTRO again, rolling up my usual LoreMaster since I'll be soloing it again.

Still gutted about the loss of my permanent pet, but I'm about to venture into the Old Forest, so I'm sure I'll have other stuff to occupy me soon.

Other than that, probably my usual palate cleanser of ETS2. Having done the achievements for the Baltic, the Balkans and the Adriatic, it's time to slap on the sun cream, put my arm on the window and go for Spain and Portugal.

Assuming I can get past my 110 employed drivers, many of whom seem to have got into the habit of taking stuff from all over Europe to Faro (Portugal) then going back empty...unsurprising really, I've been to Faro and it's not exactly an industrial or commercial centre, so having 30 drivers a day deliver stuff and look for cargo to take back to the rest of Europe is never going to be profitable.

This again - except I'm finished with the Old Forest and on to Weathertop, where the locals are reporting that there has been some recent unpleasantness.

Now that I've figured out birding, more LOTRO! Along with Taxinaut, of course.

Well last weekend didn't go as planned. So...

Doom VFR: Did not give this a go yet. But after failing to get the Alien: Isolation VR mod working today I'm not as hopeful getting the mod for this working either. Will see.

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time - Another VR game. Was on sale for $3 so picked it up. This is with the 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) helping you out. Actually, she's trapped and you're supposed to help her out. So it's a lot of puzzle solving. Didn't get too far into it. But you get to experience the Doctor Who opening credits in VR and that was pretty great. And getting the Tardis to travel took fiddling around with all those controls in a Simon like game. Kinda fun.

In any case the game looks pretty decent (PCVR) and I know later you come across the Weeping Angels, which should be pretty scary in VR.

Udio: Ok, they really need to give you the ability to lock your generations down, so you don't accidently delete them.

I had basically completed a song I had been working on for over a month. But after finishing I figured I'd keep trying a few more generations to see if I could get an even better ending. Needless to say, I accidently deleted it along with a few more versions that would have made it easy finish off of.

With what I have It's probably only another 3-4hrs to complete it to where I'm happy again. So, I'm not devastated but it's pretty annoying.

With OT2 in my rearview, the world is my gaming oyster!

For starters, I can return to Persona 5 Royal to get myself caught back up to the real-world calendar. Before taking my excursion to Solistia, I left off on "July 27th" perched at the start of a Mementos dive, so I have some dungeoneering to do.

Otherwise, the way is clear for me to finally start digging into CrossCode in earnest! Eager to give that some more time.

And as for things from left-field, well, I realized that I never actually finished Monster Hunter: World, so that's been reinstalled onto the PS5. I'll be sneaking in some hunts when I can snag the living room TV, I already cleared character creation and the first lil Jagras hunt this morning.

Same as last weekend:

bobbywatson wrote:

On the menu this weekend: more Earth Defense Force 6 (PC).