Weight Loss Group - 2011 Edition (New Goodjers Welcome)

Yarr! No exercise and lots of dining out makes Kat gain weight. Lo, the holidays catch up with me:

Height: 5'7
Starting Weight: (12/12/09): 192 lbs.
Current Weight (12/27/09): 188.0 lbs.
Target Weight: 150 lbs
Target Goal Date: 5/4/2010 (~2lbs per week)
Weight Loss Progress: 4 lbs (up +2.4 from last week)

On the positive side, all the holiday stress has mostly abated, so things should be getting back to normal.

Starting Weight: (12/21/09): 289 lbs.
Current Weight (1/4/10): 284 lbs.
Weight Loss Progress: 5 lbs
Target Weight: 200 lbs.
Target Goal Date: 10/31/2010 (~2 lbs per week)

I had a good week. I didn't drink as much on New Years as I expected, and now I'm glad I didn't.

I updated stats from the most recent posts. Let me know if I missed anything. I'll be creating a spreadsheet this week and getting it up on GoogleDocs. It'll be easier to read and track progress.

I got on my digital scale this morning and was surprised to be at 190.0 exactly. I weighted myself 3 more times just to be sure and got the same results. That's a loss of 10 pounds in roughly 3 weeks, which is more than I had expected. I haven't been starving myself but I've been consuming significantly less calories (2500 ---> 1800-2000) and an much more active. Today I upped my cardio workout at the gym from 40 minutes to 60 minutes and tomorrow I'll be lifting weights for the first time in a while. 15 to 20 more lbs to go and I'll be at my target weight.

Speaking of the gym, the parking lot was jammed with barely any spots. I walk in and almost every machine is occupied. Strange until I remembered it;s the first business day of the year. I smilied knowing that I used to be one of these "Go the first few days of the year because of a resolution and then quit because I'm fat and lazy and would rather be doing something less active" people. That was always me and now I felt really good about wanting to be there and fully committed to my efforts.

Random question: Do any of you eat canned sardines and if so, any suggestions on the best (least gross) way to eat them? I looked online a bit and the consensus seems to be mash them with other ingredients into a spread, grill them and splash with herbs and lemon juice, or straight out of the can. Also, do you eat the bones too?

Well the PT I found has me mostly doing cardio right now, the only changes I've noticed so far is I seem to be more sweaty and sleepy

He was somewhat surprised at how well I did with the runs (I was as well) since I get next to no exercise and I have a pretty small lung capacity (or some crap like that) but then I remembered that I live on the top floor of an apartment building, I guess going up and down those stair like a billion times a day helps.

I'm mainly dreading the strength training, I'm the sort of person who would do 8 reps and lose interest.

Random question: Do any of you eat canned sardines and if so, any suggestions on the best (least gross) way to eat them? I looked online a bit and the consensus seems to be mash them with other ingredients into a spread, grill them and splash with herbs and lemon juice, or straight out of the can. Also, do you eat the bones too?

Try this one.

93_confirmed wrote:

I got on my digital scale this morning and was surprised to be at 190.0 exactly. I weighted myself 3 more times just to be sure and got the same results. That's a loss of 10 pounds in roughly 3 weeks, which is more than I had expected. I haven't been starving myself but I've been consuming significantly less calories (2500 ---> 1800-2000) and an much more active. Today I upped my cardio workout at the gym from 40 minutes to 60 minutes and tomorrow I'll be lifting weights for the first time in a while. 15 to 20 more lbs to go and I'll be at my target weight.

Congrats! It's totally normal to lose a lot of weight right at the start (and then taper off a bit), as your body gets used to the new lifestyle. But it sounds like you've been making the right sort of changes to make a difference.

I know it was from a few pages ago, but this:

Rubb Ed wrote:
KaterinLHC wrote:

So in the interest of helping further the whole healthy habit thing, my husband and I are thinking about starting an "adventure night" each week, where we go do some fun, exercise-related activity (like rock climbing or ice skating). Any suggestions for our first one?

I'm going to suggest something that I'm planning on doing once I hit a milestone (so my knees won't be killing me): swing dancing. Or any type of dancing, really. I took classes many moons ago, and it was a hell of a lot of fun, but also quite a good cardio workout. Even at the slow pace we were going, the constant moving for most of an hour really kept my mind off of "oh, I'm exercising" and more on "okay, where's that triple-step again?"

is an excellent suggestion, Rubb. Hubby and I took dance lessons for about a year, before we had to quit to save for a house. I think tonight it's time to find an open dance night somewhere in town.

Height: 5'10
Starting (12/31/09): 335 lbs.
Current (01/05/10): 329.8 lbs.
Goal: 250 lbs.
Goal Date: 2/8/11
Progess so far: 5.2 lbs. (6%)

At least I should be able to start using the Wii balance board to weigh myself again.

I have started to taper off myself. I am eating around 1200-1500 calories a day and only drinking water. I started playing tennis once a week and am going to start playing racquetball twice a week to help boost my metabolism. I also starting eating breakfast again. Currently I am eating a granola based cereal with raisins and dates. It increases my caloric intake by 280 Cal. but I find that I can eat a smaller lunch as I don't feel as hungry.


Height: 5'11
Starting (12/10/09): 288 lbs.
Current (01/05/10): 270 lbs.
Goal: 250 lbs.
Goal Date: 2/1/10
Progress so far: 18 lbs. (47%)

I am pretty much half way to my first goal, but unless I can start losing at the same rate I was I fear I might miss it by a few weeks, maybe a month.

Quick Physiology lesson. Your body will only burn stored fats for about 28 days, at this point your body will decide this is the new equilibrium point for about 2 weeks, so when you go two weeks with no loss and maybe a slight gain, don't bedisheartened, it's meant to do that, it's also a good time to relax the diet, and treat yourself (don't overdo it though). after your body has settled into it's new equilibrium you can hit it again for another month or so of weight loss. just expect this cycle.

I am in for 2010 if its not to late to join.

Height: 6' 0''
Starting Weight: TBD
Goal: 210lbs (Less weight on my knee)(Really to reduce my bra cup size to an A cup. I hate upper body workouts.)

I have undergone a few weight swings. I was able to get 207lbs via diet alone. Starting a bootcamp at that weight, I blossomed into 228lbs of Dread-Loc'd lusciousness. Injury precipitated the journey back to ~240lbs.

I didn't read all the previous posts but being a veteran of a few bootcamps and tracking progress, I have learned to reduce the amount of variability in weighing myself by doing it every morning, butt-naked, after elimination. If you can keep your water intake consistent as well you won't be fooled by losing 4lbs of water after a workout.

AnimeJ wrote:
Random question: Do any of you eat canned sardines and if so, any suggestions on the best (least gross) way to eat them? I looked online a bit and the consensus seems to be mash them with other ingredients into a spread, grill them and splash with herbs and lemon juice, or straight out of the can. Also, do you eat the bones too?

Try this one.

That was from the Good Eats shown last week right?

Sigh I do OK then I do something silly like buy chips and soda... Cutting back on those isn't fun as my body craves the pure sugar rush, but it's getting better again.

Yea, it's from season 13, which should make it fairly recent. I haven't actually watched it yet, but it's on the DVR.

Prozac wrote:

Quick Physiology lesson. Your body will only burn stored fats for about 28 days, at this point your body will decide this is the new equilibrium point for about 2 weeks, so when you go two weeks with no loss and maybe a slight gain, don't bedisheartened, it's meant to do that, it's also a good time to relax the diet, and treat yourself (don't overdo it though). after your body has settled into it's new equilibrium you can hit it again for another month or so of weight loss. just expect this cycle.

I think I'm at a plateau right now. I've weighed in at 190 even for the past 5 days despite working out longer and harder and eating less calories. I'm hearing there are two primary ways to start losing weight at this new equilibrium point. Any thoughts on these? Here's a link for more info on weight loss plateau-ing.

1) Interval Training

Instead of doing a long, steady cardio workout at a medium-energy level, you do short bursts at full energy followed by short periods at low energy level. So in a 20 minute workout, you might do a 5 minute warm-up at low intensity, 1 min at high intensity, 1 min at low intensity, 1 min at high, 1 min at low, etc. and finish with a 5 minute cool-down period. I tried a 25-min version of this on the eliptical yesterday and I was pretty worn out aterward.

Does anyone else imcorporate this method in their cardio workout?

2) Zig-Zagging Diet

Zig-zagging, or calorie cycling is the process of varying daily calorie intake, while maintaining the same weekly intake. Instead of consuming (for example) precisely 1800 calories each day - you can mix it up. Eat 1500 calories one day, and 2100 calories the next. This can be as simple as halving then doubling a portion size, or adding a post-workout shake into the plan. Just keep your body guessing.

Has anyone use these effectively to break out of the plateau? It seems to be a pretty popular and highly recommended method.

93, check out Tabata training, it's a form of interval training, and there are some great 20 minute workouts you can do with no equipment.

I'd say I've used a combination of both of your points. Using Tabata for the interval workout and relaxing calorie counting during the 2 week equilibrium part of the cycle.

Stupid Grandma being all nice and sending me a box of homemade cookies for my birthday. What a jerk.

So, I ate a few cookies last night, but other than that, I've been pretty good about what and how much I eat.

I'm trying to stick to a weekly weigh-in (first thing Monday mornings), though I did weigh myself last night, because I'm super curious (I'd weigh-in 10 times/day, if I'd let myself). I was in at 280, which surprised me for a couple of reasons: it was at night rather than the morning, I'd had 5 liters of water that day, and I'd just eaten cookies (glorious, glorious cookies). Hopefully the weekend goes well and I can come in at or below where I should be for week 3.

I'll help motivate you Kaos! you need good cardio to be my right hand man

I'm concerned that so many people are MIA this week. I'd like to see some stat updates!

I'm 188.9 as of this morning, which is about 40% of my 3/31/09 goal. I'm starting a new schedule this week to address my plateau.

Saturday - Upper Body Weight Training
Sunday - EA Active (Wii) Cardio Workout (2 x 30 min)
Monday - Lower Body Weight Training
Tuesday - Interval Cardio Training (30 min)
Wednesday - Upper Body Weight Training
Thursday - Interval Cardio Training (30 min)
Friday - Nothing

In addition, I'm going to incorporate a zig-zag diet where I alternate 2300 calories one day and 1900 the next for a week. This method will supposedly force the body to break out of it's homeostasis and result in additional weight gain.

Prozac wrote:

93, check out Tabata training, it's a form of interval training, and there are some great 20 minute workouts you can do with no equipment.

I'd say I've used a combination of both of your points. Using Tabata for the interval workout and relaxing calorie counting during the 2 week equilibrium part of the cycle.

The first time you try the Tabata Method, you might want to have a barf bag ready.

93_confirmed wrote:

1) Interval Training

Instead of doing a long, steady cardio workout at a medium-energy level, you do short bursts at full energy followed by short periods at low energy level. So in a 20 minute workout, you might do a 5 minute warm-up at low intensity, 1 min at high intensity, 1 min at low intensity, 1 min at high, 1 min at low, etc. and finish with a 5 minute cool-down period. I tried a 25-min version of this on the eliptical yesterday and I was pretty worn out aterward.

Does anyone else imcorporate this method in their cardio workout?

Do a search for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). I do some sprints, but the bag work I describe below is a variation on this. In the summer, I'll also do things like flip tires and swing the sledge hammer.

I am now two weeks into my return to exercise. Here's the routine I've been using:

Day 1: Cardio
Day 2: Weights, lower body
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Weights, upper body
Day 5: Rest

Cardio means hitting the heavy bag, with strikes and kicks, for 5 5-minute rounds.
For my diet, I do a very basic high protein, clean food diet, based on water, fruits, spinach, rice, eggs, fish, lean beef, and chicken. I also use lots of supplements, inc. protein powder, post-workout shakes, BCAAs, and fish oil. I do one cheat meal in that 5 day cycle, for dinner on day 4.

I actually need to gain weight (according to my girlfriend, who thinks I'm too scrawny). Maybe I need to start the Goodjer Weight Gain Challenge!

Baaspei wrote:

I am in for 2010 if its not to late to join.

Height: 6' 0''
Starting Weight: TBD
Goal: 210lbs (Less weight on my knee)(Really to reduce my bra cup size to an A cup. I hate upper body workouts.)

I have undergone a few weight swings. I was able to get 207lbs via diet alone. Starting a bootcamp at that weight, I blossomed into 228lbs of Dread-Loc'd lusciousness. Injury precipitated the journey back to ~240lbs.

I didn't read all the previous posts but being a veteran of a few bootcamps and tracking progress, I have learned to reduce the amount of variability in weighing myself by doing it every morning, butt-naked, after elimination. If you can keep your water intake consistent as well you won't be fooled by losing 4lbs of water after a workout.

Alright, starting weight: 252.4lbs

It is aggressive, but I will give a goal date of 06/30/2010.

A little heavier than I thought. Knowing is half the battle.

Height: 6'1
Starting Weight: (12/21/09): 296.5 lbs.
Current Weight (1/09/10): 289.4 lbs.
Target Weight: 276 lbs.
Target Goal Date: 3/21/2010 (~2 lbs per week)
Weight Loss Progress: 7 lbs

Height: 5'10"
Starting Weight: 335 lbs. (I weighed myself after and realized I was off on my starting number)
Current Weight (1/10/10): 334 lbs.
Target Weight: 210 lbs.
Target Goal Date: 5/1/11
Weight Loss Progress: -1 lb.

I gotta go to Weight Watchers... they've been about the only thing that's worked for me.

Rubb Ed wrote:

Height: 5'10"
Starting Weight: 335 lbs. (I weighed myself after and realized I was off on my starting number)
Current Weight (1/10/10): 334 lbs.
Target Weight: 210 lbs.
Target Goal Date: 5/1/11
Weight Loss Progress: -1 lb.

I gotta go to Weight Watchers ... they've been about the only thing that's worked for me.

I understand that people have trouble with food and dieting, but really, you should be okay as long as you stick to fruit, vegetables, lean meats, and water, with a few whole grains thrown on top. A good rule of thumb is, "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't have recognized as food." She wouldn't have even known that an Oreo or Dorito was meant to be eaten, so we shouldn't be eating them.

No changes here. I still clock in at 200lbs. I did fill my fridge up with yummy fruits and veggies yesterday. Here's to a better start for the week.

Won't be able to weigh in this week, as I'm traveling, so I'll have to use yesterday's weigh-in instead:

Height: 5'7
Starting Weight: (12/12/09): 192 lbs.
Current Weight (1/10/09): 186.2 lbs.
Target Weight: 150 lbs
Target Goal Date: 5/4/2010 (~2lbs per week)
Weight Loss Progress: 5.8 lbs (down 1.8 from last week)

The holiday bloat's gone, but while I'm away, it may be hard to stick to healthy eating habits. Especially since the hotel I'm staying at has an entire restaurant devoted to chocolate desserts. Hmm...

I'm going to try to pick up a new scale tonight, so I should be able to post an update tomorrow morning. Not particularly looking forward to it, though, as I've eaten pretty terribly the last couple weeks. Blech.

So, the weather in Ohio hasn't really been cooperative lately. I haven't made it to the gym as much as I'd like due to base closures and late openings. I was 210 on the scale this morning though, which is good.

Count me in. We've got a biggest loser contest going at work starting this week but the more motivation the better.

Starting: 203 lbs
Goal: 185 lbs
Height: 5'11
Goal Date: Ideal: 4/10
Progress so far: 0 lbs.

Rubb Ed wrote:

Height: 5'10"
Starting Weight: 335 lbs. (I weighed myself after and realized I was off on my starting number)
Current Weight (1/10/10): 334 lbs.
Target Weight: 210 lbs.
Target Goal Date: 5/1/11
Weight Loss Progress: -1 lb.

I gotta go to Weight Watchers... they've been about the only thing that's worked for me.

If you don't mind me asking...

What kind of foods are you eating now? How often? What kind of activity level do you have?

93_confirmed wrote:
Rubb Ed wrote:

Height: 5'10"
Starting Weight: 335 lbs. (I weighed myself after and realized I was off on my starting number)
Current Weight (1/10/10): 334 lbs.
Target Weight: 210 lbs.
Target Goal Date: 5/1/11
Weight Loss Progress: -1 lb.

I gotta go to Weight Watchers... they've been about the only thing that's worked for me.

If you don't mind me asking...

What kind of foods are you eating now? How often? What kind of activity level do you have?

I'm trying to trend more towards, as CptGlanton put it, stuff my great-grandmother would recognize as food. I'm not perfect there, yet, but I'm eating more vegetables and fruit, and fewer fattier foods. I'm also trying to up my activity, but since I've been pretty minimal on that front as a general rule, that's slow-going. I'm currently just walking about a half-hour a day in two 15-minute spurts during the work week, and then whatever comes up as a result of doing household chores and such during the weekend.

Seriously, though, I've had some success on Weight Watchers in the past. I just need to get over the hump that happens about 6 weeks in where my weight loss slows down, and not freak out about it.