Sign up for raids is up! You know the drill. Toon, raid interest and availability please.
An addendum - The Shattering should be happening soon, in the situation where there will be content that requires a raid, it will be added to whatever raid nights are posted if there is significant interest. I don't have any information on this but we're covering our bases.
Tues: Algalon 7:00 -?? (Due to popular request, Grinds has decided to make another go at Algalon, we will clear trash until Elycion gets on at 7:30)
Tanks - Lawkjaw + Walanadorl
Healing- Zeered, Elycion, Belias
DPS - Zerokfe hunter, Finial , Grinds , LaurenConrad, Openminded
Wed: ICC Continuation, LK 7:00-10:00 (Max, get on when you can, we'll clear things until then)
Bean tank of some sort, Kurind (He's having problems getting everything patched, if he can't make it then we'll switch Zeered to tank)
Grinds (DPS or Heals), Belias, Zeered (you pick'em healer)
DPS: Abanna, Finial, Yewen, Anriis, Maxoxx
Thurs: New ICC 7:30-10:00 PM
Tanks: Lawkjaw, Walanadorl
Heals: Zeered (you pick), Elycion, Littleirish (heal, dps)
DPS: Liferuiner, Openminded, Devington, Yewknight, Chuda
Notes: I know 3 priests is kind of odd, but I think these guys are all solid, and for the first night should be no problems. One of the melee might have to peel off and help out on the bloodbeasts for DBS.
Sun: ICC 7:00-10:00(get as far as you can, hopefully get up to or past Sindragosa, we'll use this ID to get LK for some more people on this run)
Tanks: Lawkjaw, Trashidawa
Heals: Zeered (you pick), Grindars, Elycion
DPS: Pepys, Zerokfe, Openminded, Cayle, Devington
Alt: Chuda
If anyone sees any problems please post them and I'll adjust. I know this is a lot of raiding for some of our veteran members, and I just want to thank them in advance. New raiders, please remember to gem/enchant/and bring pots and flasks, be prepared for raiding and please show up like 10 minutes early to group up. Raids start at posted times.
zeroKFE (rDPS), zeroanne (very pathetic resto shaman)
Tuesday or Wednesday 7 - 10 PM -- only one of the two though
Sunday 7 - 10 PM
Most interested in Algalon or RS, but obviously happy to help with whatever we might do.
I'd like Chuda (arcane mage) to raid with you guys, but I really have no idea what I need, and the only WOTLK raid I have done is a 25 man TOC on my woefully undergeared resto druid. My druid spent most of that raid prone and bleeding. It wasn't much fun. I did a lot of Kara in BC, that was fun.
Right now Chuda is running heroics to get JPs and as much ilvl 200 stuff as I can, but I know, or at least I think, that's not sufficient to do much of anything beyond Naxx. So... any chance I can join anything in the next couple weeks, or should I just keep doing the same ol' 5-mans?
Abanna RDPS
Posting for Bean as well: tank
Any day but thursday.
Guild LK kill.
Cayle rDPS
Tuesday Wednesday and Sunday
anything that is up
Any day after 7 server
Would really like a to see a guild LK kill. But I'm up for anything.
Elycion - Heals
Weekdays after 7:30 server, open on weekends.
Will raid anything, even the refrigerator.
Zeered and crew. Anytime after 7.
I 2nd the vote for fridge raiding. Alternatively, I'd go for some Big Bang theory, RS, LK, whatever.
Lawkjaw (Tank/Heals)
Any nights 7:00+
Lockjaa is a mess right now, and in no condition to raid.
1. Algalon
2. LK
3. RS
4. I wouldn't mind hitting a few more Hard-Modes in ICC
Edit: since I didn't explicitly mention it previously, I'm up for anything. Well, besides Mana-Tombs. I hate that place.
As a few of you know, I plow snow in the winters up here in Minnesnowta. We average about 23 plowable snowfalls every year. Those 23 nights always seem to fall on the most inconvenient nights possible (Christmas Eve, New Years etc). Typically I'll try to have my availability reflect what the weather shows from this point forward. However, there will be times throughout the winter that I'll be unable to make it to a raid that I am scheduled for. It will almost never come without about a 24 hour warning though. Probably making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be since the only times I'll have to actually miss a night is when I plow 2 or more nights in a row (VERY rare), but at least its out here for the RLs to see.
Right now Chuda is running heroics to get JPs...
Give a holler in gchat before you queue. I'm pretty much always game to tank or heal a few heroics.
Walanadorl available to raid Mon-Friday anytime.
Okay, Chuda (arcane mage) is available any day, any time for raiding anything, provided I can contribute. My hit rating right now is only 133, and wowpedia says Draenei casters need 420 (yay Heroic Presence), so I need to get some more gemmable gear on.
Liferuiner for icc
Laurenconrad for anything else
tuesday 7:00pm
thursday 7:00pm
Available 7pm+ any night this week. Would prefer 8pm+ on Wednesday and Sunday.
Pepys is ready next Sunday or Monday.
I've gotta travel this week for work...
Finial/Forshay: T, W, Su (two-night max). Prefer Finial.
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun - 7:30pm - 11:30pm server
Yewen - rDPS Warlock
Yewpal - tank Paladin
Yewknight -mDPS Death Knight
1. Kill LK
2. ?
3. Profit!
(Actually up for any and all fun with folks.)
Trashidawa - DK Tank
Tuesday & Thursday: 8PM Server
Sunday: 6PM Server
Devington-Rdps Hunter
Any week night. Wanting to do any raid. I am a raid virgin so be gentle with me if I can contribute. Bought A mic and headphone set, I just need to figure out how Vent Works. Really want to contribute to the guild more than I have in the past.
Grinds crew- Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday 6-11pm
I'd like Chuda (arcane mage) to raid with you guys, but I really have no idea what I need, and the only WOTLK raid I have done is a 25 man TOC on my woefully undergeared resto druid. My druid spent most of that raid prone and bleeding. It wasn't much fun. I did a lot of Kara in BC, that was fun.
Right now Chuda is running heroics to get JPs and as much ilvl 200 stuff as I can, but I know, or at least I think, that's not sufficient to do much of anything beyond Naxx. So... any chance I can join anything in the next couple weeks, or should I just keep doing the same ol' 5-mans?
Dont forget about reforging. You can reforge some other stats to get the hit you need.
Also, once you are able to queue directly for the icc 5 mans (forge of souls, pit of saron, halls of reflection) I would recommend doing so. Although by not doing a random you lose that 24 JP bonus at the end, but by choosing those three specifically you will get some serious upgrades. Those three instances drop ilevel 232 gear which will be a nice jump compared to the ilevel 200 gear from the other heroics.
Bean beat me to the punch. Was going to say reforge and also the ICC 5 mans should take priority.
This week for Openminded (enchancement shaman extrodinaire)
Tues, Thur, Sunday after 6 server I am good to go.
I will do anything wanted or needed, however, if I had to chose it would for sure be Lich King.
New raids posted, please post if there's a mistake or problem.
I can't make it before 7:30 on Tuesday. I can be there by the time you're ready for Algalon but you'll have to clear trash without me.
I cannot run on Tuesday night. Sorry for the late notice.
Please let us know if you won't have time to download a 1GB patch between getting home and raid time tonight. While it's playable before downloading all of it, I don't think I'd want to be playing with Al while it's still downloading in the background.
It will be a tight squeeze for me, but I should certainly be online by 7:30 server (and at the very least I can be on vent to let me know your status). And in case a few folks are a tad late, we can probably 5 man (or less) FL and 7 or 8 man XT.
You will be on time and you will like it!
I can be on vent to let me know your status.
Parsing... Parsing... *brain melts*
It will be a tight squeeze for me, but I should certainly be online by 7:30 server (and at the very least I can be on vent to let you know my status). And in case a few folks are a tad late, we can probably 5 man (or less) FL and 7 or 8 man XT.