In order to determine what classes and roles we might need, we're requesting that those GWJers that intend to raid in near future (first couple months at least) with us please post your class and intended role. This will not only allow us to gauge which classes or roles we are short on, but give future raiders an idea of what the guild might need. Thanks for your time and assistance.
main: zeroKFE the hunter
role: rDPS
alt: Zeroanne the shaman
role: heals (off: rDPS)
Abanna mage rdps
Main: Lawkjaw - Paladin
Role: Tank main spec/Heal off spec
Prefer to tank, but always willing to heal as needed.
Alt: Lockjaa - DK
Role: mDPS main spec/Tank off spec
Looking to acquire primarily tanking gear while progressing through Cata content, so main spec will likely change to tank in Cata Raiding.
Main: Openminded - Shaman
Role: Leet Sexyness aka Enchancement MDPS
Azorius - Ret Pally (mdps)
This would probably be a good thread for everyone to make crystal clear what their main character and his/her main spec is/will be in Cataclysm. Clarity and everyone being on the same page for the win!!!!1!!1!!111!!
Main: TrashiDawa - DK Tank (pvp offspec)
Alt 1: Dorjeshugden - Warlock rDPS
Oh, not Cataclysm, not Mickey Mouse Club.
Goquelyrslf - Mage, Space Goat, Lover, Irreverent Devil
Role - Whatever you need, baby. Also rDPS
Also will be rolling a Worgen. Probably a priest, or maybe a druid.
Will the schedule be the same? Because my weekdays/nights are rather booked at the times you all raid.
But I can at least toss my name in for an occasional alternate.
Pequena-Sexy space goat Shaman. Main spec is elemental rDPS, secondary is restoration heals.
My alt will not be raid ready for cat. But I am rolling a Worgen Druid named Snuzzles who will be a tank and healer. I expect her to be set by February.
...Some poor sucker posts a thread...
You and Zeered's Chance to Dodge must be through the roof. Avoidance tanking FTW?
Will the schedule be the same? Because my weekdays/nights are rather booked at the times you all raid.
The way GWJ-A currently schedules raids (and probably will continue to, although we have no real attachment to the system so it could change) is as follows:
1. Some poor sucker posts a thread the week beforehand to collect people's availability and raiding interest for the coming week.
2. As the start of the raiding week approaches (Tuesday, that is) the poor sucker then looks at all the posts, throws them in a spreadsheet/performs some arcane incantation of black magic, and tries to assemble as many successful and useful runs as possible for the coming week.
2a. When there is progression content to be worked on, this will sometimes require making sure that all the toons scheduled meet some minimum performance requirement so that progression can continue and we can get that content to farmed status.
2b. When there is farmed content available, this typically involves trying to find the best possible way to get less geared/skilled toons involved so that everyone has a chance to enjoy the fights and build their characters to the point of working on progression content.
3. Raids are then posted as early as possible given when people post their availability, people show up, we kill stuff, profit.
So in recent times, it has largely been the case that people are most often available in the quantities and configurations needed to run raids on Tuesday and Sunday nights with start times between 7 and 8. However, throughout GWJ's history there have been times where raids regularly happened on other nights of the week, or where there were enough people who preferred later start times that later runs happened on a regular basis.
Anyway, moral of the story is to post your availability and raiding interest early and often when a given week's sucker puts up the scheduling thread, and if enough people are available to run on a given day at a given time, it should be able to happen.
Main: Pepys Mage DPS
Alts: No other 80s, but a couple lowbies
I never change, I'll be focusing on my priest and he'll be using a healing spec. Whether it's Disc or Holy will be determined by what the content calls for.
zeroKFE wrote:...Some poor sucker posts a thread...
You and Zeered's Chance to Dodge must be through the roof. Avoidance tanking FTW? ;)
Ret Pally
Mogens -Warrior DPS / Tank
Main = Knightly - mDPS (off tank if needed)
First alt = Littleirish - rDPS (heals if needed)
Second alt = TBD
Main - Maxoxx Assassination Rogue mDPS
Alt - Maxoxxoxam Unholy mDPS/Blood Tank
Main - Cayle - rDPS Hunter
First Alt - Darkensky - mDPS DK
Working on - Fionorose - DPS Warlock
Main - Walanadorl Paladin Tank
Alts - Elcameron DK Tank/mDPS, Repins Hunter rDPS, Pamarey Warrior tank currently lvl 60
Spynavyis - prot warrior
Hackwyrth - Holy Priest
Also will be getting the Rogue and Hunter to 85 pretty quickly, but I plan on playing the priest as my main.
Main - Anriis - mdps, unholy DK/tank
Alt - Laarana - mdps, assassination rogue
I am sorry to report that I am currently planning on not coming back for Cataclysm so please do not count on Sclerosis/Rebif being available any longer.
At this point I have decided that 5 yrs of my life dedicated to WoW has been enough. Here's hoping I can stick with this feeling and not get reeled back in
Not that I'll doing any raids, but here are my mains:
Lucifeer, Lvl 75 Blood DK
Amenoff, Lvl 75 Holy Priest (344 Enchanting / 388 Tailoring)
Ceilo, Lvl 75 Frost Mage
Sarasofia, Lvl 69 Demon Warlock (328 Jewelcrafting)
Stixvegas, Lvl 70 Ret Pally (385 Blacksmith, 428 Mining)
Of course I'll be starting up some Worgens too.
Not that I'll doing any raids, but here are my mains
That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
Propagandalf wrote:Not that I'll doing any raids, but here are my mains
That word, I do not think it means what you think it means. :)
I was thinking the same thing, but I let it go.
I am sorry to report that I am currently planning on not coming back for Cataclysm so please do not count on Sclerosis/Rebif being available any longer.
At this point I have decided that 5 yrs of my life dedicated to WoW has been enough. Here's hoping I can stick with this feeling and not get reeled back in :)
Sorry to hear that Rebif. Enjoy whatever it is that you do. You'll be missed.
I am sure one of my tanks will be my main, I just have no idea which at this point. Leaning towards the druid since hes been my main for so long. Warrior is right behind him in the running though.
Rainsmercy (Stormspain) talked me into moving back to Blackhand alliance. I have an 80 shaman and an 80 DK. I'll play when I can sneak away from my job, wife and dog, but my schedule depends a lot on my work.
Belmirus...leveling this Rogue to 85 as soon as I can.
Unknown what class I'll be going for in terms of my Wargen...maybe a hunter?
I am sorry to report that I am currently planning on not coming back for Cataclysm so please do not count on Sclerosis/Rebif being available any longer.
At this point I have decided that 5 yrs of my life dedicated to WoW has been enough. Here's hoping I can stick with this feeling and not get reeled back in :)
Good luck staying away. I started playing in September 2005 and have quit and returned multiple times. You will definitely be missed though. It was great playing with you.
Main - Maxoxx Assassination Rogue mDPS
Alt - Maxoxxoxam Unholy mDPS/Blood Tank
I plan on having an 80 Warlock named Maxoxo before Cataclysm hits that I will probably take to 85 after the rogue so mark me down for an rDPS alt as well.