The Plague 4.1: Last edited October 20 2010
Swat R2: 107-98
Liberty Lobster: 76-65
Stupidhaiku: 52-29
fyedaddy: 47-35
JayHawkerGWJ: 46-84
Mystik Violet: 44-43
xGumbie: 40-44
Thin J: 34-13
KrazyTacoFO: 28-22
MaxShrek: 24-87
Sir Rockford: 22-38
Trashie: 20-66
Trowan: 17-55
PXAbstraction: 16-46
RubbEd GWJ: 13-32
RiverRatMatt: 16-28
Edgar Newt: 8-21
Croutonic: 2-6
Johnny Polite: 2-6
Souldaddy: 1-1
Zero: 0-0
LibertyLobster: 41
scotttos: 35
AtomicVideoHead: 35
PXAbstraction: 28
Sir Rockford: 21
Shotgunphil: 21
zeroKFE: 21
necrocinnabon: 19
KrazyTacoFO: 13
TheWanderer14- 163,138
Stupidhaiku- 151,128
Swat R2- 103,281
CrazedJava- 100,206
Chiggie- 182,578
MaxShrek- 72,445
TALOSZ- 67,639
Endgin- 65,697
CrazedJava- 36,030
MaxShrek- 16,933
PyromanFO- 11,368
LOTHAR71- 10,442
TALOSZ- 8,430
PXAbstraction- 5,073
Adventure/ Championship
Effin Bear: 2,828,310 / 3,931,940
MaxShrek: 2,468,710 / 4,524,500
PXAbstraction: 1,780,600 / 3,725,270
LOTHAR71: 1,205,850 / n/a
jonnypolite: 768,210 / 768,210
Johnvanjim: 589,930 / 948,180
casktapper: 742,580 / n/a
Magmarok GWJ: 630,020 / n/a
fyedaddy: n/a / 566,920
[color=blue]Deadline / Overall: [/color]
Stupidhaiku- 32,804,565
RiverRatMatt- 20,718,145
Psychokillerz- 14,390,295
Souldaddy- 10,876,375
Swat R2- 9,347,655
Yoreel- 8,276,795
ElysiumGWJ- 6,226,480
Coldforged- 5,859,781
Y3llow5- 5,649,685
Nei HD- 4,595,885
PXAbstraction- 4,484,345
sHuREf00t- 4,169,815
Casktapper- 4,004,465
Merphle- 3,831,715
DeeVoc000- 3,365,170
Stupidhaiku- 9,895,350
MaxShrek- 1,129,420
pneuman- 694,720
Fly GWJ- 587,150
Elysium GWJ: 921,127
MaxShrek: 314,863
Mystik Violet: 276,638
StaatsM: 247,935
fyedaddy: 6,106,260
Legion SB: 3,016,340
MaxShrek: 2,164,920
Liberty Lobster: 1,928,750
Coldforged: 1,509,150
PXAbstraction: 1,313,350
Fly GWJ: 913,650
jonnypolite: 693,040
MrGreen: 508,870
RubbEd GWJ: 347,400
MaxShrek: 324,100
Stupidhaiku: 311,970
Vcore: 299,650
Ruckus (Mr Crinkle): 294,480
x92Confirmedz: 292,830
Mystik Violet: 283,890
Trashie: 233,740
Elysium GWJ: 233,500
fyedaddy: 196,690
DSGamer: 186,580
T3 Knarf: 274,900
souldaddy: 168,330
Sir Rockford: 167,790
Legion SB: 141,040
ThePolypusher: 139,320
PXAbstraction: 128,830
Nei HD: 120,340
zeroKFE: 117,780
trowan: 114,050
jonnypolite: 106,990
dhaelis: 105,530
T3 Einstein: 23,624,400
Certis: 21,269,560
Croutonic: 20,831,220
Lothar: 19,735,720
MaxShrek: 2,031,678,908
fyedaddy: 554,378,076
GWJ Rabbit: 288,113,711
Edgar Newt: 197,031,132
Elysium: 156,490,109
Desram: 148,223,748
casktapper: 196,660,597
RubbEd GWJ: 130,599,974
brizahdwizahd: 124,783,263
PXAbstraction: 83,266,451
jonnypolite: 81,754,949
Merphle: 30,377,362
Max, it might be a good idea to take down the 'Geometry Wars: Waves'... since it's going to be part of Geometry Wars 2.
That's not how you spell Cemetary. Or Plaque.
And holy crap, I'm at the top for Bomberman? I haven't played that in months and I'm not even hardcore to have bought any of the expansions. Someone needs to correct that anomoly, stat!
It's not a cemetary, either, it's a cemetery.
.. and it's also not the plaque. It's The Plague!
Spelling Nazi.
MaxShrek wrote:It's not a cemetary, either, it's a cemetery.
.. and it's also not the plaque. It's The Plague!
Spelling Nazi.
Yeah, seriously.
I was going to Female Doggo about how those games are stupid and how "cemetery" is misspelled, but then I noticed that I'm on the list twice.
I have 60 puzzle pieces in Braid.
Geometry Wars 2:
Deadline - 3,097,020
King - 2,822,530
Evolved - 8,014,570
Pacifism - 23,090,200
Waves - 2,394,180
Sequence - 23,955,040
I sent an invite for the Scores clan.
There needs to be an API or something to harvest these scores... That has to be a HUGE pain in the ass to maintain manually. Thank you!
Awww, not a book page this time?
32,190,795 in evolved.
This is probably a little offtopic but why did Stephen King spell it "Sematary"?
This is probably a little offtopic but why did Stephen King spell it "Sematary"?
I think the sign in the story was made by a child.
Braid: 53 puzzle pieces
- Deadline: 8,917,655
- King: 3,970,650
- Evolved: 14,249,655
- Pacifism: 109,312,200
- Waves: 1,347,755
- Sequence: 27,733,925
The XBLA Plague book page is apparently on the "Bookshelf" ? Take that link, see if you can add your score, if not, I'll check it every now and then and update the scores!
That did the trick. Did a test edit, correcting Sinatar's misspelled name.
I kept thinking Sinistar, I was playing it on MAME. What a silly goof!
Nice cover story, but we all know what you were really thinking:
Then again, that might just be me
Huh... there is no longer option to edit!?
Any how, GeoWars2 - Sequence - 49,703,630
Please note my winning score in 1942. Thank you
Bring on the competition!
Hm, I need more practice at everything but Pacifism.
Heh, I'm 5 rank spots behind Sinatar!
Which board are we using for Pinball FX?