TUESDAY 9/14 ICC 10 Normal 8pm-10pm
Tanks: Sclerosis(MT) and Walandorl(OT)
Heals: Scarpee, Elycion, Belias toon (azuth? off dps when needed)
Mdps: Lockjaa, Belmirus,
Rdps: Zerokfe, Lilirish, Grinds
Raid lead: Belias toon
Alts: cayle,
Weekly quest: 6pm to form groups
Fun raid: 7pm numbers are low for a run at For the alliance, so let me see what we can come up with, maybe a OS3Drakes so we can get people a title. I'll post this later in the week after I talk to a few people.
Please post availability for raiding this week. Format will be :
Toon name : Grindars/Grinderz/Grinds
Days and times (server) available: T,W,Sun 6-11pm
Content you'd like to run: Heroic ICC10, ICC 25, will help with anything though
Role: Healer(mdps offspec), Mdps(bad tank offspec), Rdps(unknown heals),
Goals for raiding: Kill LK as a guild
Thanks for picking all this up. Your time and effort are appreciated greatly. Looking forward to helping in any way that I can.
Toon name : Bhumpy / Schnoz / Corind / Khorra / Mynari / Beane / Beaned / Curveball / Critta
Unfortunately, next week will be a bad week for me. Having my gall bladder taken out Monday and have no idea what recover time to expect. If I can be there as a fill in for something I will try my best, but obviously can't commit to anything at this point. The following week should see me back to normal availability.
Xbox live: Beanfuzz | Steam ID: Bumpie | Origin ID: BeanFuzz | PSN: Bumpie
Azorius (Ret), Fedeykin (Elemental, mediocre resto OS)
Sunday 7pm or later (unfortunately, our return to raiding week is one of limited availabilty for me)
I'm down for anything this week.
mDPS, rDPS, lame heals
LK kill as guild would be great!
EDIT: Get well soon, Bean!
The even LITTLER fremen!
SW 8367-1790-9698
Thanks to all for taking on the burden of leading the guild. I think you lot will do a fine job.
As for raiding:
Toon Name: Anriis (Blood DK), Laarana (Mut. Rogue)
Days and times (server) available:Any day after 7pm, though 7:30 would be better
Content you'd like to run: Heroic ICC10, ICC 25, RS, will help with anything though
Role: Anriis - MS:MDPS, OS: Bad Tank, Laarana - MDPS
Goals for raiding: Kill sh*t and have fun
Thank you Grinds for taking on the guild leadership and appointing the new officers.
Toon: Abanna
Days: Sunday and Tues
Content: Heroic ICC10, ICC 25, will help with anything though
Role: RDPS and the bringer of the fish feasts
Would love a all guild LK Kill
As Bean stated next week will be bad. I will be taking care of him and don't want to commit to anything. If I can be there as a fill in for something that would be best. The following week I am good to go.
Thanks again Grinds for taking on the leadership, and great choice in Officers
Toon: Cayle
Days: Any days 7pm or later
Content: Anything, would like to try it all.
Role: Hunter DPS, (will stalk Zerokfe) lol
Goals for raiding: To get as good as you guys, get experience and of course gear/mounts. Also like to do the Horde cities also. (for the Alliance etc).
Good luck with your surgery Bean, get well soon and good luck Abana in looking after him lol.
Cayle - GWJ Alliance
Steam: [GWJ]-Cayle10, SW-Tor: Caylee - Gray Council
Toon: zeroKFE
Available: Tuesday or Wednesday 7 - 10 PM -- only one of the two though, can stretch to 11 PM if really needed
Sunday 7 - 10 PM
Content: Short of a trinket from Heroic Deathwhisper, my gear is about as good as it's going to get outside of ICC25 Hard, but I'm still missing kills in ICC10 hard and ICC25. That said, I'm happy to help with any raid the guild puts together in order to get GWJ raiding again.
Role: Murdering dudes from where they can't hit me in the face.
zeroKFE on: XBL | Steam | Instagram
Toon name : Repins/Walanadorl
Days and times (server) available: M-F 6pm-11pm
Content you'd like to run: ICC 10/25
Role: rdps, would like to tank with my pally. (Only tanked 1st four fights in ICC, would like to do more with him)
Goals for raiding: progressing through ICC
Thanks for stepping up Grinds and the officer selections look good.
GT Wi11Nick
PSN Mainster
Toon name: Knightly(mDPS), Littleirish(rDPS), Ataris(crappy tank)
Days and times (server) available: Any day (barring work complications) 7-10pm
Content you'd like to run: Anything, pref ICC10/25
Role: DPS
Goals for raiding: Anything and everything, guild LK kill, would like to see Ulduar on a fun run basis.
Would like to head into ZG again before it goes away(mount runs and such).
BNET: Knightly#1335
You and me both. Lets get together sometime and run it over the weekend.
WoW|Steam MMOs: Lockjaw XBL: Lockjaw GWJ
Ill probably be on Sat night and Sun afternoon
BNET: Knightly#1335
Dorjeshugden - rDPS
TrashiDawa - off tank DK/mDPS
I can run Saturday next week or after 10 server on Tuesday and Thursday.
Better availability to follow...
I haven't raided with the GWJ crew before, but I'd love to give it a shot. I'll add a very strong disclaimer that I haven't been an active raider since the days of Blackwing Lair and haven't set foot in any Northrend raid zone other than Naxx. Having been a hardcore raider in other MMOs I understand that it can be undesirable/infeasible to haul along inexperienced folks so I'd be quite happy to be considered even on an alternate or emergency stand-in basis. I can (and will) read about & watch videos of any fights to prepare, but experience has taught me that until I've done something personally at least once I'm unlikely to perform perfectly.
Toon name : Elycion
Days and times (server) available: Any 7:45PM Server time and later.
Content you'd like to run: Any
Role: Healer (rDPS offspec but not geared for DPS)
Goals for raiding: See content, have fun, watch people get purple toys. - Elycion#1914 | iOS - Elycion TX | Origin - Elycion | Uplay - Elycion
Thanks for your response. Right now we want people who are willing to learn, have some fun, and get to know the raiders in the guild. I'm pretty sure we can pull you along on some of the content, if we can't we will have fun trying.
"What I lack in skill, I make up for in comedic relief, and I'm really funny."
SteamID: grinds2gwj
Toon Name(s): Belias and Co
Days and times available: Flexible with notice
Content: Down LK with guild, H-ICC 10, ICC 25
Role: Can do pretty much any
Goals: Make sure any time we wipe everyone knows it's Grind's fault, especially if he isn't there.
A request - if you haven't raided with us before, let us know what class your toon is with a link or including class with name so we can adjust groups accordingly. Also, if anyone has a hard cut off time, please include that in your post.
"In the depth of my soul there is a wordless song." -- Khalil Gibran
I'd love to jump back into the guild, meet the raiders and enjoy some of the Northrend content before Cata. I will warn you that i'm the definition of casual, with a 3 month old in the house, but i'm trying to play at least one night a week. I'll send our fearless leaders a join request next time i'm on.
Toon name: Cait
Days and times (server) available: Only the 3 month old knows.
Content you'd like to run: Any
Role: Warlock, rDPS, but with sad, sad gear.
Goals for raiding: There's raiding in this game?
Toon name : Lockjaa (DK)
Days and times (server) available: Any day after 7:00
Content you'd like to run: Anything
Role: mDPS
Goals for raiding: Kill sh*t and have fun
Linked per EvilMonkey's request
WoW|Steam MMOs: Lockjaw XBL: Lockjaw GWJ
Toon Name(s): Openminded
Days and times available: Very Specific...and changes
Content: I am always up for anything. I like the social aspect.
Role: I would prefer to Enhance dps (I will try to eventually collect healing stuff in a bind)
Goals: To be a filler.
I know how to play the game, I am a competant person who knows the game very well. MY work schedule has gone into crazy, since Hockey Season is starting (pre-season) Sept. 22nd. I work at a Arena that has all types of events including Hockey games and my evenings are very event based. What I want to offer if it is needed is filler. I know from my experiance raid leading that after awhile things tend to "fizzle or slow down" or Holidays and vacations... people sometimes miss raid. I would love to fill that void. Canceling a raid cause Joe Bob did not attend is very disheartening for morale.
I am currently only level 73 on my shammy...but I am hoping to be 80 and hopefully getting my tier 9 within 3 weekish. I just wanted to post in here now to get a foot in the door if you like the idea I offer.
BTW making Zero a officer... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? hehe I kid I kid
LoL: Cheeto1016
FF14: Cheeto Gwj
Toon name : Sigsbee / Scarpee
Days and times (server) available: anyday after 730 PM (limit 2-3days/week)
Content you'd like to run: Sigsbee doesn't need much (maybe a Kingslayer title) but can help with anything. Scarpee really needs ICC gear and rep.
Role: Rdps , Heals (rdps offspec)
*edit: I would like to only raid until 1030 at the latest if possible
Hello all
Sclerosis (druid tank)/Rebif (hunter DPS)/ Pastur (holy priest)
Available: Sun and Tues 8PM +
I would prefer to run Sclerosis in heroic ICC 10 or 25 ICC.
Toon name : Belmirus
Days and times (server) available: all week, 8pm+...except Thurs
Content you'd like to run: Heroic ICC10, ICC 25, will help with anything though
Role: DPS
Goals for raiding: fun fun...and ummm..oh yeah, fun
schedule is posted
"What I lack in skill, I make up for in comedic relief, and I'm really funny."
SteamID: grinds2gwj
Excellent tips there, Zero!
The even LITTLER fremen!
SW 8367-1790-9698
Just a quick reminder about some basic raiding guidelines since its been a while since we've had a regularly scheduled guild raid, and we have a few new folks with us tonight:
1. Please try to be logged on and near the instance at least five or ten minutes before the scheduled start time so that we can start pulling as quickly as possible. If you know you might be slightly late, please let the raid leader(s) know beforehand so that they can start with trash while waiting for you rather than spending time trying to find a replacement. (This is especially important on a night like tonight when we've only got two hours scheduled -- with a good start we should be able to get people in to see a good number of fights, but otherwise that two hours will fly by before we know it.)
2. Please try to be as prepared as possible. Aside from the obvious steps of making sure your gear is enchanted and having a good supply of appropriate flasks, buff food, and spell reagents, it's also good to make sure you at least know the broad strokes of the fights we'll be attempting. No one expects you to have a perfect understanding of everything that's going on the first time through, and raid leaders will generally be happy to explain things and answer questions, but many of these encounters can be quite complex. Watching a video at or reading a description at to get a basic idea of what's happening will make things a lot easier.
3. When in doubt about anything, always feel free to ask, preferably as early as possible. It's always better (and more fun!) to spend a little time talking beforehand than a lot of time dying in the raid.
zeroKFE on: XBL | Steam | Instagram
I want to say thank you to those that set up and lead last night's raid. It has been over a year since I saw any of the raid content in WoW, and it was a real treat to see the "new" areas with a group of goodgers! - Elycion#1914 | iOS - Elycion TX | Origin - Elycion | Uplay - Elycion
This. Thanks a ton guys. It was a good time.
WoW|Steam MMOs: Lockjaw XBL: Lockjaw GWJ
I agree, it was my good luck that someone never turned up and I want to say thanks for letting me come along. Most enjoyable and hope I can get in on some more with you guys. It's always a pleasure to do stuff with guildies because you all have the patience, take the time to explain and even laugh at the mistakes. Lots to learn but willing to do just that. ~Cayle~
Cayle - GWJ Alliance
Steam: [GWJ]-Cayle10, SW-Tor: Caylee - Gray Council
With Cataclysm this close, and with Grinders' (tundra's) consent, the GDKP ICC25 run is off for the time being. Looking forward to taking Friday nights off, and looking forward to doing a few guild raids with y'all between now and the imminent dragon apocalypse.
The even LITTLER fremen!
SW 8367-1790-9698
I have many a fond memory of the runs we did with you. I made a ton of gold, spent a ton of gold, and loved every minute of it all. Death to /roll!
Thanks, Az!