Lich King attempts are off the table for this week due to weird availability.
Tuesday 7:30 server:
Schnoz, Artesia
Grindars, Khianna
Anriis, Knightly, Azorius, Sigsbee, Murinarr/Zee heals, Zerokfe
Thursday 7 server:
Corind, Gorbo
Lyserg, Azuth
Sleyt, Maxoxx, Grinderz, Vidanto/Rybble, Finial, Abanna
alt: Cyrana
Invites for the 25 man were sent out via the in game calendar. If you didn't get one and would like to go, please send me or Grinderz a message.
Sleyt is available if needed
My wife is starting a new gig this week and we've got some serious scheduling hoops to figure out. I'm going to take the week to work on that and a bunch of stuff that got dropped into my lap at the studio.
Belias & Co Wed, Thurs, Sun
Wed, Thurs, Sun
Forshay/Finial: Thursday. Not sure about the weekend.
Usual crap for me. M-F 7+, Sun whenever.
Grindars/Grinderz- Tues, Thurs, Sunday. 6-11pm
Sidenote- Trying to gauge interest in a 25man icc Sunday night guild run. Run would start at 7pm server go to 10pm server.
Need 15+ guildies to make it a go (would like 20 of us for sure as I don't really care for pugs).
I'm up for LK kill attempts and 25-man ICC runs. Also available for ICC 10s.
Also does our DPS suck so bad that we can't get a handle on phase 2? Or is it just a punishing dance that we keep stumbling on?
Knightly - mDPS, any day after 7pm server.
Also interested in the Sun 25 ICC.
Rdps...only if needed. Dont need emblems.
Interested in 25 man icc for Sat
Schnoz / Corind available to tank
Khorra melee dps
Bhumpy ready for attempts on LK!!
Also - interested in a 25 man
DK would like a crack at LK again
Rogue got a lot of nice upgrades last week and did respectably in ICC25
W 8
T,Th, Su 7
edit: Changed my availability for Sunday. Pretty sure I can run that early. We'll see though. My birthday is next Monday and my family likes to make last minute plans.
zeroKFE - hunter
Tuesday: 7 - 10 PM
Sunday: 6 - 10 PM
I might be able to log on Wednesday, Thursday, or Monday and serve as a backup, but the main part of ICC 10 doesn't have enough draw for me to want to jump through hoops to alter my schedule for it. However, for LK attempts or for ICC 25, I could probably make something happen anything but Friday or Saturday night.
Fudge, I just remembered this Sunday starts my "bad week". Can't make Sunday. Wasn't our 25 gonna be Saturday?
Az: Either Tuesday or Wednesday. 7pm - ?
Can't really use anything other than badges and possibly boots (small upgrade with my current set-up) from ICC10, but I'm down for a romp. VERY down if there's a Lich King to be had - might be able to adjust my schedule if that's in the cards.
Denmark keeps hiding under the skirts of the pope like the cowards they are. Just in time for France to betray me. ENGLAND SHALL RULE EUROPE, I SAY!!! Yeah, still on hiatus. Give the Lich King my regards.
Hey guys, it's Big Dave. (Zhoey/Rhonoa) I'm gonna take a break this week I'm really burnt out and I have tons of summer school work. I hope you guys understand. Good Luck this week.
Accepted 25 man invite on bhumpy. Will be bringing warrior instead. Have done 5 bosses on him, so know i can get at least that far with him. If people feel swapping to Bhumpy later on is the better move, I have no problem with that.
Sigs can come Tues or Wed as well, if it helps.
I can bring Anriis any day this week but Thursday.
Well, the computer turns on. Which is a start. And my mouse works again. Sorry for losing me this week - I lost the laptop completely for a while (luckily I didn't chuck it across a room.) I unfortunately am only available Monday. My sister's coming into town.
Lich King attempts are off the table for this week due to weird availability.
Definitely a weird week for me. I'll also most likely not be available the next two weeks either.
Rock on, looking forward to tonight!
Weekly Raid is Razorscale
Weekly Raid is Razorscale
How'd Thursday go?
How'd Thursday go?
It's not looking like we're going to have enough for a 25 man on Sunday into ICC. Just not enough interest shown.
Wanted to go, but my schedule won't allow raiding for a week.