Mio min Mio, then.
Mio in the Land of Faraway, depending on where you are.
Treasure Island
Mio min Mio, then.
Mio in the Land of Faraway, depending on where you are.
DING! Correct. Young Christian bale's a surprise to me, as well. A very tacky fantasy movie, but an excellent children's book.
It's a bit of a throwaway, this one:
The last Unicorn!
The last Unicorn!
My wife's favorite movie. You're up.
It's one of my wife's favorites as well.
Not sure if this is a gimme or not:
You Can't Do That on Television
You Can't Do That on Television
Close - here's another shot:
Troll 2
Troll 2
You got it!
Nilbog is Goblin backwards!
Nilbog is Goblin backwards!
Is it called Bad Cheater?
No, but you are now.
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues?
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues?
That looks like something from the Devil's Rejects.
Wait, is that chick holding a Club? For a steering wheel? Huh.
That looks like something from the Devil's Rejects.
It's not.
Wolf Creek?
Wolf Creek?
Nope. Right continent though.
ToeKnee79 wrote:Wolf Creek?
Nope. Right continent though.
Hmm. Not Wolf Creek, not nearly wet enough to be Black Water. That's my knowledge of Australian horror/exploitation flicks exhausted then. :/
Another scene then:
I'm heading to bed, but if no one gets it before I check in again, I'll post (what I consider) an image that gives it away.
Stengah wrote:ToeKnee79 wrote:Wolf Creek?
Nope. Right continent though.
Hmm. Not Wolf Creek, not nearly wet enough to be Black Water. That's my knowledge of Australian horror/exploitation flicks exhausted then. :/
Is it Body Melt? That's the last of the Australian horror films I've seen (I'm assuming it's a horror film as she appears to be wielding a bloody crook lock in the first pic.)
The plauge ?
Looks like it could be one of those made-for-SciFi channel-or-straight-to-DVD-whichever-comes-first Return of the Living Dead movies, Rave to the Grave or Necropolis.
At what point does somebody use TinEye?
Ok, there's the final picture:
Mulholland Dr