Name that movie thread


Don't know if we have had this before but I like them as threads so I thought I would make one.

I post a movie image, if you name the correct movie you post the next image, and so on and so on.

I'll start with a holiday classic which is probably too easy


A Christmas Story

I'll go in a totally random direction.


Road House?

Nei wrote:

Road House?

Yup. Your turn.


Robot Jox?


Nei wrote:
farley3k wrote:

Robot Jox?

Yep...! :D


Nei and farley3k wrote:


Robot Jox?

Wow you really searched the net for that one didn't you.


Some movies just seem impossible to get a shot which doesn't give it away. I couldn't find any Die Hard pictures that weren't too easy or Predator.

that is Alien or the first one.

Well that didn't take long. Your turn!

Demonicmaster wrote:

that is Alien or the first one.

Alien is the first one.

Oh, and you're totally correct.

Demonicmaster wrote:

Wow you really searched the net for that one didn't you.

...? As in sarcasm...(Sorry, I'm a bit slow today... real lack of sleep and coffee.)


@Nei yes it was sarcasm. I haven't seen that movie in ages.

I haven't actually ever seen Robot looks pretty bad. But a few months ago they had a clip on I09 in a post about giant robot fights in movies. The costumes are pretty distinct really so it was an easy guess for me.



This is way more interesting than work.

Harold And Maude?

Nei wrote:

Harold And Maude?

Correct. I promise to go more geek with the next one.

This is fun!


Wow. I have no clue. Is this from a Monty Python skit? I kid, I kid.

Birth of a Nation? Or was there no famous "dead guys planting trees" scene like I thought?

Funkenpants wrote:

Birth of a Nation?



@farley3k: What is the policy on hints and stuff.

That's tough. Night of the Living Dead?

Nei wrote:

@farley3k: What is the policy on hints and stuff.

If you are ready to hint go for it. It is kind of up to you since it is your post. I will say that if no one gets it right after a day we should move to another picture but hints are fine whenever.

I want to say the 1960 Night of the Living Dead but I know I am wrong.

farley3k wrote:
Nei wrote:

@farley3k: What is the policy on hints and stuff.

If you are ready to hint go for it. It is kind of up to you since it is your post. I will say that if no one gets it right after a day we should move to another picture but hints are fine whenever.

A day!!! What the hell am I to do for the next 3 hours while at work!!?!?!?!?!

Slumberland wrote:

Night of the Living Dead?


I'm not good at hints but I give it a shot. It's a 1964 movie that was based on a novel... there was another movie in 2007 that shared the title with the said novel.

Ah! Last Man on Earth.

Slumberland wrote:

Ah! Last Man on Earth.

Too much of a hint? ...but yes, you got it.
