OK, so I succumbed to the enabler pressure and picked this up. Ran around a while, dug I hole I couldn't get out of, tunneled to the surface then died for no readily apparent reason.
I managed to turn some kind of wood into some other kind of wood but that's about it. Think I need to look at the wiki.
I managed to turn some kind of wood into some other kind of wood but that's about it. Think I need to look at the wiki.
The initial learning curve is a little steep without some help. Make torches and a pick and you're 90% there.
Oh man, this game is waaaaay too addictive. I've got a Minecraft hangover this morning.
Finally picked this up so I'm subscribing. I think I just dug too deep for my first game. It's dark and I don't think I'm moving.
[Edit] Well, I finally dug myself up and out of the ground by carving a stairway up, but right as I peaked out of my hole something exploded in front of me. Score: &e0. I'm going to assume that's awesome.
Yeah, that means you got so many points they don't make points that are that many.
I've burrowed way, way, way down, myself. To the bottom of the map, where they put in bedrock you can't dig through. I've been having fun carving out huge long hallways and occasionally hitting pockets of ore... or open chambers of magma. RUN! The bottom of my little fort is now a random assortment of 2-wide passages, many ending with cascades of glowing molten rock.
tanstaafl wrote:I managed to turn some kind of wood into some other kind of wood but that's about it. Think I need to look at the wiki.
The initial learning curve is a little steep without some help. Make torches and a pick and you're 90% there.
Agreed. It's way too hard to figure out how to craft stuff on your own, especially when it's sometimes illogical. Why would you need two sticks to make something with one handle? How does the torch end up on fire?
I've burrowed way, way, way down, myself. To the bottom of the map, where they put in bedrock you can't dig through. I've been having fun carving out huge long hallways and occasionally hitting pockets of ore... or open chambers of magma. RUN! The bottom of my little fort is now a random assortment of 2-wide passages, many ending with cascades of glowing molten rock.
Oh this wasn't even remotely that dramatic. It wasn't that I'd dug very deep, it's that I hadn't found any coal to make torches yet and as the sun set my little tunnel became pitch black. I tried turning around but since I was disoriented I ended up just digging further in. Eventually I could see just enough to be able to tell what direction I moved when jumping so I used that reference to make my stairs up.
After the respawn I searched exposed cliff faces for coal instead of blind deep mining.
Just tried running the new server software.
The Good:
It Works!
The Bad:
No mobs yet
Does not save inventory or boxes on disconnect
It won't be to long before he gets everything working. I predict 2 months till multiplayer has all the features of singleplayer working.
I would think you could assign each user an "immune" claim which they can stake and later expand. That would protect from griefing to some degree. (I suspect griefing will be the biggest issue in this game.)
I tried turning around but since I was disoriented I ended up just digging further in.
No, no, dig UP, stupid.
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. I picked my current home because it was a very deep and winding natural cave. When I got to the bottom I started digging downward at a random angle. When I hit the bedrock I picked another random direction and started digging. I dug till I hit lava, then turned and dug some more. I dug that passage for a good long while, then eventually decided - for absolutely no reason - that that would be a good place for a staircase back to the surface. So I started digging. And digging, and digging, and digging, upward at an angle toward the surface. It took forever to get out. When I finally did break through, I saw... a torch. I'd come out about 3 squares from the mouth of the cave.
Here is a quick video of a mine cart ride from my mountaintop treehouse down to my spawn point grave yard.
As you can see I have only died 5 times in this world.
How do you get back up?? LOL
No, no, dig UP, stupid. ;)
It was pitch black!
LobsterMobster wrote:No, no, dig UP, stupid. ;)
It was pitch black!
Gravity works in the dark.
tanstaafl wrote:I managed to turn some kind of wood into some other kind of wood but that's about it. Think I need to look at the wiki.
The initial learning curve is a little steep without some help. Make torches and a pick and you're 90% there.
Yeah, I am having trouble too. I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it. I looked at the crafting wiki but if I can't get any initial ingredients I can't make anything. What gives?
Here is a quick video of a mine cart ride from my mountaintop treehouse down to my spawn point grave yard.
As you can see I have only died 5 times in this world.
That's pretty awesome!
So how do I get the bird's eye view map that someone previously showed? from here: http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/node/45537?page=1#comment-1576651
How do I find where I was after I died? I've constructed some elaborate caves then died and could never find them again Is there a trick to it or does it always spawn you in the same place? Things get dark and I start wandering around and then I'm lost.
Yeah, I am having trouble too. I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it. I looked at the crafting wiki but if I can't get any initial ingredients I can't make anything. What gives?
Put the wood from the tree into your personal crafting window to make planks. You can then make other wood bits and pieces from the planks.
DF7 wrote:Yeah, I am having trouble too. I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it. I looked at the crafting wiki but if I can't get any initial ingredients I can't make anything. What gives?
Put the wood from the tree into your personal crafting window to make planks. You can then make other wood bits and pieces from the planks.
I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it.
You need to hold down the mouse button, don't push it repeatedly. In a short while, the block will break and you should either have a block of wood fall into your inventory or you can see it on the ground and pick it up by stepping near it.
Phishposer wrote:DF7 wrote:Yeah, I am having trouble too. I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it. I looked at the crafting wiki but if I can't get any initial ingredients I can't make anything. What gives?
Put the wood from the tree into your personal crafting window to make planks. You can then make other wood bits and pieces from the planks.
DF7 wrote:I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it.
DF7 wrote:I smacked a tree for a while but never got any wood from it.
Yeah, man, that's all I saw.
Maybe your tastes lie in the more... evergreen variety.
I loaded up the freeroam singleplayer mode today. I was really disappointed that you can't fly and build ledges and platforms. Blocks have to be placed on the ground. So the closest I can get to building a 3d shape is constructing a big block and then carving out the bottom.
If they allowed some sort of "construction" mode where you could fly and copy and paste shapes I would be all over that. As it is now building a house is fun. Building a castle is almost impossible.
I spent a while building skyways to connect my hilltop forts. It was a laborious process of edging out over the side of block and attaching a new block to the side - underneath my little builder. Very nerve wracking 100s of feet up over a valley floor. But, I like games that induce a little vertigo.
On one hand, I wish the process were a little easier. But, it might detract from the character and puzzle solving quality of the game.
Also, you can work on inaccessible areas by building a column of stone underneath yourself and then mining it out when you're done. Again, a little tedious, but the game lets you work blocks that are pretty far away.
LiquidMantis wrote:LobsterMobster wrote:No, no, dig UP, stupid. ;)
It was pitch black!
Gravity works in the dark.
I think they're more worried about being eaten by a grue.
I finally did get somewhere in my game once I figured out crafting somewhat. Got a crafting table built and put together some better equipment, dug myself a hideout, put a door on it and a few chests so I wouldn't lose everything every time I died.
My best death so far was when I was working in my first serious mine. I found a cave but couldn't explore because it was too dark, so I just strip-mined off the top of the mountain until I got down to some coal. Then I explored the cave and started tunneling off following ore veins or just seeing what I could find. I had been digging for a while when I suddenly dug out into the bottom of the ocean. The entire cave flooded and I died.
What do I do with food? I've got some ham(?) that I got from what looks like a pig I killed and I've trapped a chicken that is producing eggs periodically. How do I use this stuff? What about things like flowers and little trees?
You need to hold down the mouse button, don't push it repeatedly. In a short while, the block will break and you should either have a block of wood fall into your inventory or you can see it on the ground and pick it up by stepping near it.
Thank you, I just presumed I needed to beat my wood. That will be more satisfying.
Copingsaw wrote:You need to hold down the mouse button, don't push it repeatedly. In a short while, the block will break and you should either have a block of wood fall into your inventory or you can see it on the ground and pick it up by stepping near it.
Thank you, I just presumed I needed to beat my wood. That will be more satisfying.
Yeah, you just weren't beating it for long enough.
What do I do with food? I've got some ham(?) that I got from what looks like a pig I killed and I've trapped a chicken that is producing eggs periodically. How do I use this stuff? What about things like flowers and little trees?
The meat you can cook in the forge (mmmm!) and eat it for health. I imagine you can plant the trees, but I don't know about the eggs or flowers.
I'd like to checkout the new multiplayer server... I was wondering if someone was going to commit to running one.... I can't run one on my connection right now. If so, ping me on steam with the ip and port so I can check it out. Or PM me.
Does anybody have any tips on how to control water? It apparently seeps through cobblestone or dirt so I can't direct it anywhere. Are there materials I can use that will contain the water?
regular raw stone (or baked cobblestone) holds water. I am also pretty much 100% sure cobblestone (not gravel) holds water too - I always make my 2x2 block infinite water supply/wells with cobblestone.
Glad to see more GWJers decided to check the game out. It is the most fun I've had in a computer game in a long time. Just been checking out the multiplayer on the Qt3 server. It's pretty crude but still awesome. Can't share chest inventory or smelt so there are a lot of raw iron ore monuments and 100x100 fields of torches for sharing materials. Lots of roads leading to different personal projects, pretty cool though. Gonna be unbelievable when it's got more features.
That's pretty awesome!
So how do I get the bird's eye view map that someone previously showed? from here: http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/node/45537?page=1#comment-1576651
How do I find where I was after I died? I've constructed some elaborate caves then died and could never find them again
Is there a trick to it or does it always spawn you in the same place? Things get dark and I start wandering around and then I'm lost.
Cartograph is the tool you are looking for.
It also gives you a nice output og how much of everything is in your world like this
I always make my 2x2 block infinite water supply/wells with cobblestone.
Can you explain what this is and how to do it?