You can definitely get your stuff back after death if you're on the ball. Seems like all things decay after maybe ten minutes. I've been calling the explodey guys cactaurs.
Chiggie said boats were sweet, so I made a few to explore and see if I was on a large island or a peninsula of a large lake. Three hours later and I still don't know, but I found some weird grey material that I have no clue about. I want to get it back home to experiment, but the initial plan was to just explore and die my way back home.
Can not wait for multiplayer survival!
This is strangely addicting.
Here is my 1st big treehouse and mine combo. The video is a bit long but if you wait till the end you get to see the whole thing burn.
EDIT: Its still processing on youtube so the quality is low.
Here is my 1st big treehouse and mine combo. The video is a bit long but if you wait till the end you get to see the whole thing burn.
EDIT: Its still processing on youtube so the quality is low.
Cool, I was unaware you could grow trees in trees... leads to interesting ideas.
I did built this and a road to my camp on my spawn point. I figure since you can't move it you might as well have some fun with it.
Heh, I have started a graveyard next to my spawn point and every time I die I build myself another grave and tomb stone.
How do I get steel? Does it have something to do with the brownish ore I find now and then?
How do I get steel? Does it have something to do with the brownish ore I find now and then?
Yeah. You need to make a furnace and smelt the ore. It makes bars and you can use them to make stronger pick axes and whatnot.
Edit: I'm assuming you mean this stuff:
I figure out what ores are by smelting them. I'd kill for tooltips, frankly.
LobsterMobster wrote:How do I get steel? Does it have something to do with the brownish ore I find now and then?
Yeah. You need to make a furnace and smelt the ore. It makes bars and you can use them to make stronger pick axes and whatnot.
Edit: I'm assuming you mean this stuff:
Yep, that stuff.
I have a furnace. It's in my little cave by the lava waterfall... which I can't freaking FIND anymore. >_< I started placing torches so I could find my way in the dark and tell where I'd been, except every time I found a cave I marked the entrance, then if I found a way out I marked that too, and if I found a way up on top of the plateau I'd mark near the edges, and now my entire map is covered in torches and none of them lead anywhere because I still haven't found the stupid lava waterfall. I don't understand how I haven't found it yet. I've found other landmarks. I've found things I could see FROM the lava waterfall.
I want to make a lava moat! Even though the fluid physics seem more designed for making pretty waterfalls and rapids than irrigation.
Some sort of map would certainly be a nice addition. How in the hell are you supposed to find anyone in mp? If you go two hills over from someone it's going to be nearly impossible to find them again.
Some sort of map would certainly be a nice addition. How in the hell are you supposed to find anyone in mp? If you go two hills over from someone it's going to be nearly impossible to find them again.
Not only that but the world can expand with no upper limit. It will procedurally generate more map as you walk. If you have a few people playing together I could see it as a means to get very lost.
Watch this example.
This could make your world very bloated. That is why it lists the file size of your world in the select screen.
For traveling a long way, you want a tall, unnatural landmark that you can see from your spawn point. Also, I don't think I would like a main base too far from my spawn, so I generated a few worlds until I found one with a cool land feature very close.
As for maps and tooltips, I'm hoping the game stays sparse. It gives you the tools to keep track of things, and I enjoy the frontier danger of losing track of where you are. There's hardly any games where you can actually explore. The fan-made Cartographer is good for getting the occasional satellite view.
Notch has said that the world won't generate forever. Eventually you hit the limit on the variable that keeps track of how far away from the origin you are. The total possible surface area that can be made in one world turns out to be larger than the surface of the Earth! =0
I've been managing the navigation problem by building hilltop fortresses within sight of each other.
This thing will provide a pretty good map:
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be linked to any other part of the Minecraft site. I found it by Googling "minecraft map viewer."
Notch has said that the world won't generate forever. Eventually you hit the limit on the variable that keeps track of how far away from the origin you are. The total possible surface area that can be made in one world turns out to be larger than the surface of the Earth! =0
...But it's still limited? Pfft...
you can also set it to peaceful if you just want to build stuff. I still encountered some green blob that killed me on peaceful though
I've had a few zombies blow up just outside the main entrance to my underground empire, so I'm taking steps. I'm building a wall around my tower to keep them a bit back from the base, and I'm replacing the upper walls and roof pieces of my entrance vault with stone to make it more resistant. I need to kill a few more spiders to make a bow so that the zombies will not be close when they detonate.
Any good advice on finding coal? I hate wandering around in the dark for the first hour or two looking for it.
Any good advice on finding coal? I hate wandering around in the dark for the first hour or two looking for it.
I've had to rely on luck, and I usually have to make it through at least one dark night. The trick is to build a house, even out of gravel, and seal yourself in. Make sure to have some wood and stone so you can do some basic stuff like build a furnace and some basic tools. You don't need light for that.
You do sometimes find exposed coal veins. You really only need one piece to make enough light to go wandering in a small cave.
If you find treasure rooms you can get blocks that are un-explodable.
Mossy Cobblestone will remain intact if TNT or a creeper explodes next to it. Use these on your outer most walls and anywhere you feel you need the extra defense. They are few and far between but in the future we might see the moss spread to other cobblestone bricks.
I assume you guys have seen the Cannon video?
If you find treasure rooms you can get blocks that are un-explodable.
Mossy Cobblestone will remain intact if TNT or a creeper explodes next to it. Use these on your outer most walls and anywhere you feel you need the extra defense. They are few and far between but in the future we might see the moss spread to other cobblestone bricks.
The only time I've seen that kind of stone, it was a cubish room with a firey thing in it that kept spawning skeletons. It also had a box in it that had some crap and two items I can't identify. Never realized that material would be unexplodable. I closed it back up, built an automated skeleton drowning machine outside of it, and opened it back up. Was hoping for a steady stream of free arrows, but it's a little slow to be preferable to chickens.
You can drown skeletons? Are you sure you didn't just make a horrible lake of angry skeletons?
Looks like the Survival Multi-player releases tomorrow.
I'm going to have to purchase this, I think.
Okay, what would an automated skeleton drowning machine look like? Or any machine, in this game?
Okay, what would an automated skeleton drowning machine look like? Or any machine, in this game?
Okay, what would an automated skeleton drowning machine look like? Or any machine, in this game?
I assume you guys have seen the Cannon video?
I've been playing around with this game and really enjoying it.
Question: In survival mode, once I build a small house with a door, the monsters can't get to me. Is this all there is to surviving survival mode? It seems too easy. Are there certain monsters that I just haven't run across yet who can knock down the walls or something?
Am I the only one thinking that a large developer needs to take this idea and develop a AAA title. So many people love crafting in MMO's, why not make an MMO or similar game based upon crafting from the hunter gatherer stage of human evolution right up to modern technology (or at least the early industrial era). You could have survival modes, PVP, era advancements, building challenges, guilds creating entire cities or fortresses, etc. The graphics in Minecraft are a real turnoff for me but I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to improve on them significantly with a full design team.
Has anybody played Wurm Online? How does it compare to Minecraft?
I loaded up the freeroam singleplayer mode today. I was really disappointed that you can't fly and build ledges and platforms. Blocks have to be placed on the ground. So the closest I can get to building a 3d shape is constructing a big block and then carving out the bottom.
If they allowed some sort of "construction" mode where you could fly and copy and paste shapes I would be all over that. As it is now building a house is fun. Building a castle is almost impossible.
Finally picked this up so I'm subscribing. I think I just dug too deep for my first game. It's dark and I don't think I'm moving.
[Edit] Well, I finally dug myself up and out of the ground by carving a stairway up, but right as I peaked out of my hole something exploded in front of me. Score: &e0. I'm going to assume that's awesome.
Has anybody played Wurm Online? How does it compare to Minecraft?
Wurm has many of the components you mentioned. It's also free to try.
There's similarities. Wurm is based on a grid pattern, but each "cube" in the world can be worked with in a manner that allows the world to have slopes, rather than blocky cube world. The exception to this is mining in Wurm, it's blocky cube world once you're underground. It is crafting heavy, and thus very much a grind. My biggest attraction is being able to modify the world around myself in game. Terraforming and working on a settlement to call my own have been fun. I'm on the carebear server, and thus haven't played any PvP. It sounds pretty brutal, but that's also where people seem to really come together as communities, building large projects like cities, fortifications, and monuments. It's a very slow game(50 30 second mining actions to remove one cube of rock when mining). I worked through Avatar: the last Airbender while playing without having to worry about paying a ton of attention to what I was doing.
Minecraft has enough instant gratification for me that it sucks me right in, but also keeps the carrot dangled close to my nose to keep me chasing. Wurm is quite the dive to try and figure out at first, lots of time spent in the corresponding wiki and forums. If the graphics are a huge negative for you in Minecraft, then you'll probably be disappointed with Wurm's. While better than Minecraft's graphics, they're nothing to write home about. Wurm is also another project that's in Beta, but has been taking money(subscriptions) for years now. Supposedly it will be hitting a 1.0 release in September some time.
My conclusion. I like both.