The 1 vs. 100 Xbox Live Beta kicked-off last week. Tonight there are three shows running at 8:00pm, 10:00pm, and 10:30pm. Anyone else going to try to get in?
I tried the beta last week. I was impressed. The game part was standard computer controlled, but there would be intermissions with a live DJ. He was talking about E3 and stuff. The only bad part about the beta is they aren't giving out prizes. I could see myself motivated to play the real game by even the tiny chance to win microsoft points or arcade games.
I'm in too.
It's definitely a beta though - the "One" in one of my rounds picked "Trust The Crowd" and it went with my answer instead of the answer of the other three people playing - and it was wrong.
A seahorse is not a crustacean.
EDIT: Maybe I'm not understanding - are there actually 100 people playing in my "Round" or is it just the 4 that I can see on the screen?
EDIT: Maybe I'm not understanding - are there actually 100 people playing in my "Round" or is it just the 4 that I can see on the screen?
From what I've read, there are three groups of people:
1) The One
2) The 100
3) Everyone else, playing along in little parties of 5 for the trivia -- no potential for prizes in here, even after it's out of beta.
...and dammit, I even set a reminder for myself on my 360 to join one of these games, but I'm unfortunately away from home tonight.
Also, apparently NO ONE wins during Beta.
I'm in too.
It's definitely a beta though - the "One" in one of my rounds picked "Trust The Crowd" and it went with my answer instead of the answer of the other three people playing - and it was wrong.
A seahorse is not a crustacean.
EDIT: Maybe I'm not understanding - are there actually 100 people playing in my "Round" or is it just the 4 that I can see on the screen?
The are three groups. The one. The mob (which is the 100 people the one plays against), and then everyone who didn't get chosen into one of those two groups becomes the crowd. So the crowd is like thousands of people. So everyone playing the game is in the same game.
They also break you off into a little group of 4 just so you have people to compete against. I would imagine a groups of friends could play together like that. not sure though.
I'm playing this right now too. From the stats shown after 5 questions it looks like theres around 100,000 people in the crowd.
And that looks to be their limit. Tried to join the 10pm game at about 9:57 and it said the game was full.
Overall, it seems to me that this game is another instance of something fun being ruined by crazy people who instantly answer questions, etc. I played maybe 10 rounds and even having every question correct with Instant Answers, I was nowhere near the top three. And since they're picking the 1 and the 100 based on your history, I have a feeling that there will always be "crazy internets guys" standing in the way of normal people and prizes.
And that looks to be their limit. Tried to join the 10pm game at about 9:57 and it said the game was full.
Overall, it seems to me that this game is another instance of something fun being ruined by crazy people who instantly answer questions, etc. I played maybe 10 rounds and even having every question correct with Instant Answers, I was nowhere near the top three. And since they're picking the 1 and the 100 based on your history, I have a feeling that there will always be "crazy internets guys" standing in the way of normal people and prizes.
I'm not sure about this, but my understanding is picking people is random, with it skewed a little in favor of people based on play time, not score.
My wife played a bit of this tonight and we had a rather strange experience... 10 of the mob failed a really easy question. "What is the the 24th letter of the alphabet?". The choices were "A", "X" and "B". How the heck do you not pick "X"!? Unless you didn't graduate from kindergarten I can't understand how people could fail that in a trivia game.
So... did anyone else see some possible shenanigans during their games?
Some people really are that dumb. Plus there's always the chance of accidentally pushing the wrong button.
3) Everyone else, playing along in little parties of 5 for the trivia -- no potential for prizes in here, even after it's out of beta.
I think every question you get correct gives you an entry for the sweepstakes. The 3 top scoring members of the Crowd also get prizes.
Your score is based on,
-How many you get correct (bonus for streaks)
-The time it takes you to answer (out of 200 points)
-The number of people eliminated by that question (from the Mob)
I answered a lot correct fairly quickly and was never anywhere near the top 3 in 100,000 people.
It's also very confusing because it makes it look like you are in the Mob (100 people), when you are actually in the Crowd. I thought I was in the Mob for a while before I realized I wasn't.
The commentators weren't very interesting, but I had a pretty decent time. They called someone on the telephone during the show and read Xbox forum posts as well as emails they received during the show. Definitely more fun than watching the actual show and it can be fun for the whole family. There are definitely a lot of topical questions that wouldn't make it into a disc based game.
I'd kill for You Don't Know Jack to make a comeback.
I'd kill for You Don't Know Jack to make a comeback.
One of the developers from the studio that made those games was on the Bombcast this week and he said they are working on a new game. He didn't say that it was You Don't Know Jack specifically, but he hinted pretty heavily that it was at least a trivia game of some sort.
My wife played a bit of this tonight and we had a rather strange experience... 10 of the mob failed a really easy question. "What is the the 24th letter of the alphabet?". The choices were "A", "X" and "B". How the heck do you not pick "X"!? Unless you didn't graduate from kindergarten I can't understand how people could fail that in a trivia game.
So... did anyone else see some possible shenanigans during their games?
I picked the wrong answer because "X" was mapped to the "A" button. I pushed the X button. FML.
Any word on what kinds of prizes will be available when the real show launches? Last I heard it was going to be MS points? Any idea how many points once could potentially win?
In the demo it says "Xbox Live Arcade Game" and I think up to around 2,500 MS points ($40). There are also sweepstakes where I think you can win other prizes, but I'm not sure.
Also, if you're the Crowd, you keep playing whether you get the questions correct or incorrect.
Hmm, sounds interesting but I'm curious how they stop people just Googling the correct answers while playing. I can see that for most people the speed they answer is taken into account, but how do they stop the person chosen as the One from doing this? Is there a short time limit to make sure people answer within a few seconds or something?
everyone only has a short period of time to answer the question. Including the One. There is not enough time to use a search.
Warlock wrote:EDIT: Maybe I'm not understanding - are there actually 100 people playing in my "Round" or is it just the 4 that I can see on the screen?
From what I've read, there are three groups of people:
1) The One
2) The 100
3) Everyone else, playing along in little parties of 5 for the trivia -- no potential for prizes in here, even after it's out of beta....and dammit, I even set a reminder for myself on my 360 to join one of these games, but I'm unfortunately away from home tonight. :(
3......the top 3 players from the crowd will win prizes (points).
You get all of about 2 seconds to answer a question, googling and then communicating the correct answer would be pretty difficult I think.
Overall, it seems to me that this game is another instance of something fun being ruined by crazy people who instantly answer questions, etc. I played maybe 10 rounds and even having every question correct with Instant Answers, I was nowhere near the top three. And since they're picking the 1 and the 100 based on your history, I have a feeling that there will always be "crazy internets guys" standing in the way of normal people and prizes.
I wondered about that too, I've gone through whole games with all correct instant answers and still landed well outside of the top 10, and that was during the Canadian beta with 'only' 13,000 people playing.
PandaEskimo wrote:Also, if you're the Crowd, you keep playing whether you get the questions correct or incorrect.
I don't about that. I'm pretty sure that after every incorrect answer I ended up at some sort of intermission screen (with other players) and couldn't see or hear the ongoing game. Then, I'd get back into the Crowd just at the game host if thanking Chris the DJ and from there, it's back to 1 vs. 100.
They might be trying different things out. I only played in the Saturday June 6, 2009 8 PM EST game. In that game, I was in The Crowd the whole time and I got questions wrong and kept playing. The next game only starts when either The One gets one wrong, there are no more of The Mob, or The One decides to stop. In those situations, the three groups are picked again. I think anyone who hasn't gotten an answer wrong and is in The Mob continues into the next round as The Mob unless they are selected as The One. I think that's how the TV game show works, but I'm not sure about this one.
So what do we think? Does this game have legs? I enjoyed the 2 hour edition primetime edition tonight. They have some work left to do, but the concept kind of works. But will they really continue to get enough people that advertisers will continue to support it?
One thing I wish that they would add support for is keeping everyone on your friends list that is playing, together in the game. It's not as much fun to compete against the three random people for two hours. But there were a few Goodjers playing to night, and it would have been fun to compare our scores.
I haven't had my headset on, so there isn't chat among the people you are grouped with on your screen, is there?If we could get Goodjers together we could just form a party.
Without this, I may not feel as compelled to continue playing.
I played on Friday night and I thought it was really cool. I am going to wait until its out of beta before playing again though, just so I don't get burned out on it so early.
So what do we think? Does this game have legs? I enjoyed the 2 hour edition primetime edition tonight.
I haven't had my headset on, so there isn't chat among the people you are grouped with on your screen, is there?If we could get Goodjers together we could just form a party.
I'm pretty sure you can talk to the people you're grouped with although I've yet to experience anyone talking (since I've been playing with random people).
The game is okay. The questions are pretty easy and the pace is pretty slow (too much time between questions and the stopping for stats/commentary) for my taste. If they could speed it up a bit it would be more fun. I'd also be more interested if the questions didn't skew towards the pop culture side of the scale; it gets really old.
That being said, I think it will be a big hit among the Xbox community if only because of the chance that you could play as the One of the Mob for actual prizes. I'm not sure I'd be willing to pay anything for it, but I'd probably fire it up every now and then if it's free (ad supported).
The questions are pretty easy and the pace is pretty slow
I've played a few rounds where that wasn't the case. If the One can get through the easy questions and get the Mob down to less than 40 players then they ramp up significantly.
I did notice this past Friday night that 3 of the questions were repeats of those from the previous Saturday match... that sort of sucks.
One thing my wife and I still don't understand is some of the scoring for the Crowd versus the Mob. When the round is over, they show the top 3 Mob (or are they Crowd?) players and their scores are almost always 20 - 40% more than mine even with I have a perfect streak and am hitting the answer buttons as quickly as possible.
One thing my wife and I still don't understand is some of the scoring for the Crowd versus the Mob. When the round is over, they show the top 3 Mob (or are they Crowd?) players and their scores are almost always 20 - 40% more than mine even with I have a perfect streak and am hitting the answer buttons as quickly as possible.
People are really quick. In my group of 4, I could never get the fastest time even when I hit the button "right away." I guess it adds up. It's the top 3 Crowd.
LockAndLoad wrote:One thing my wife and I still don't understand is some of the scoring for the Crowd versus the Mob. When the round is over, they show the top 3 Mob (or are they Crowd?) players and their scores are almost always 20 - 40% more than mine even with I have a perfect streak and am hitting the answer buttons as quickly as possible.
People are really quick. In my group of 4, I could never get the fastest time even when I hit the button "right away." I guess it adds up. It's the top 3 Crowd.
I've been #4 in the crowd, 7 points from 3rd place. Speed-reading helps, and probably a controller with a turbo button if you want to get the full 200-point time bonus. I just have to hit the button as fast as I can, since I have no idea if a turbo controller exists for the 360.
Got in the mob on my 2nd round last night, lost on the first question because my wife distracted me right as I saw "Ba----ball" as an answer to the question "Which sport contains a 7th inning stretch". Unfortunately, those dashes were "sket" instead of "se". Second time in the mob, and I'm done in 15 seconds.
I finally played this last Friday night with Bonus and someone else, whose name escapes me at the moment. Man is it fun to play, especially if you can chat with someone in party chat. Not sure how often I will do this but I am certainly going to try again next week.