Based on comments I read elsewhere, the article gets WAY worse in the second half. I'm glad I stopped reading when I did.
I suffered through it for some sort of expiation of guilt as someone who has long been a Gaiman apologist and who has found his stories important, even formative. I don't think it was a particularly healthy choice.
Yeah it's one of those hard things to compute, but realizing art, intelligence, and all those cultural things we cherish doesn't inherently make a person good. It is just sad though, and I'll take everyone's word on the article.
Had a draft loathe about Gaiman in this box since this morning. It shouldn't have cut as deep as it did. There were whispers and murmurs... but it cut deep.
Yeah I shared it in the D&D news thread after reading. Ugh.
Glad I've only read American Gods and am not too deep into his works. Much easier to walk away and not give him any money
I'll join in on the Gaiman loathe. I've been trying to process these revelations for a while. And lately, I've been organizing my closet and my office and I keep running into his stuff everywhere. A shelf and a half of books here, a box of Sandman figures there, etc. I've enjoyed his work and reread Sandman many times, and now I'm like what do I do with this stuff- both metaphorically and in reality.
Years ago when some indie game was trending for #metoo reasons there was a thread that stuck with me - the girl who'd been the actual victim involved asked people not to boycott the game, but rather to buy it and enjoy it, knowing that she and people close to her had put their hearts into it (not to mention it was the only thing on her resume and she didn't want it to fail).
So that's what I try to keep in mind. Granted in this case it's not as helpful with his solo novels, but for the comics, tv shows, etc.
Stomach flu has invaded the Iso house. Kid is getting over it, I’m in the middle of it, and I’m pretty sure Mrs. Iso is getting it.
All the laundry and cleaning from the poop and pukes, none of the energy to do it.
Stomach flu has invaded the Iso house. Kid is getting over it, I’m in the middle of it, and I’m pretty sure Mrs. Iso is getting it.
All the laundry and cleaning from the poop and pukes, none of the energy to do it.
I take a Zen approach to these things. If the puke and poop covers everything, does it really cover anything?
UpToIsomorphism wrote:Stomach flu has invaded the Iso house. Kid is getting over it, I’m in the middle of it, and I’m pretty sure Mrs. Iso is getting it.
All the laundry and cleaning from the poop and pukes, none of the energy to do it.
I take a Zen approach to these things. If the puke and poop covers everything, does it really cover anything?
Yes. Yes it does.
If a shirt is fully covered by poop, is it really even the same shirt anymore?
A philosophical paradax. I'll call it the Shirt of Feceous.
If a shirt is fully covered by poop, is it really even the same shirt anymore?
A philosophical paradax. I'll call it the Shirt of Feceous.
The Shit of Theseus?
Seems like some people are pretty bored at work and talking shit. (not a loathe, btw)
Years ago when some indie game was trending for #metoo reasons there was a thread that stuck with me - the girl who'd been the actual victim involved asked people not to boycott the game, but rather to buy it and enjoy it, knowing that she and people close to her had put their hearts into it (not to mention it was the only thing on her resume and she didn't want it to fail).
So that's what I try to keep in mind. Granted in this case it's not as helpful with his solo novels, but for the comics, tv shows, etc.
I think it's a very nuanced issue that varies greatly from case to case and person to person. I try to act according to my conscience, but sometimes I go with my gut when I think intellectually that it would be ethically fine to continue to patronize a work but it just feels too gross to enjoy any more.
And mostly I don't judge anyone for how they decide to handle it, unless they're obviously using "separate the art from the artist" as a smokescreen for "actually I think the artist is entitled to be a scumbag without consequence as long as they're talented, and ideally I'd like to be a scumbag too" which certainly nobody here is doing.
It's a complex world, you navigate it as best you can.
I just memorialized my dad's FB account.
I didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it has.
F*ck cancer.
Had to call CPS because a client made an oblique reference to corporal punishment and then immediately asked me not to "snitch" on their parents.
CPS told me that it wasn't enough to open an investigation by itself, but they'd check if there was an open investigation already and if so, it would be one more data point. They told me to call back if I noticed anything else and gave me my little ID number so I can prove I was a good little mandatory reporter if I'm ever called upon to do so.
Which is all entirely reasonable and I don't know what they or I could do differently but it just sucks to know some shit that I can't do anything meaningful about.
Don't f*cking hit your kids, people. When you feel the urge to hit your kids, maybe just have a stick of gum instead.
Tested positive for covid for the first time today.
I managed to dodge that bullet for 5 years. I'm not sure what that says about my social life (or lack thereof).
It is pretty mild overall, probably because I got a booster shot in October. I still cancelled my lunch with friends on Saturday, I really don't want to get my pregnant friend sick. Fingers crossed my boyfriend won't get it...
Wow I thought I did good making it until 2023.
I think it's pretty inevitable for everyone. It's very widespread now, and we're as likely to catch it as a common cold or flu. Immunocompromised people are, as always, at much higher risk. That's particularly annoying to me as my brother has an autoimmune disorder (scleroderma) that would be very dangerous for him if he contracted COVID-19. Even worse, people like him regularly get verbal abuse for wearing masks in public.
I still have not had it. Wife and both kids have had it twice. We didn’t change any behavior when they had it (still slept with wife, shared food with kids, etc) assuming I was going to get it anyways and then I just never did. Tested negative all throughout.
We lasted almost 4 years and were the last holdouts in our social groups. We got sick immediately after being the final stop on a road trip for my in-laws. After we tested positive we called to warn them and they were like “oh yeah, we had a minor cold for most of the trip but we were starting to feel better when we got to your place so didn’t think it was important.”
Caught it first the first and so far only time roughly a year ago. Then I got Bell’s Palsy almost certainly as a side-effect. My face still isn’t back to normal, but it’s probably as close as it’s gonna get.
Got when my then-20yo and -18yo came back from a Christmas trip to anti-vax/anti-mask family.
I am chairing and organizing an AGM for my bargaining unit, which includes getting reports of all of the people on the national executive with portfolios that can do a report.
All of them were great, but there is one person, who is a senior scientist (with a MSc) and I swear they have never written a report in their life, or if they did, they gave it to a 12-year old who just discovered different fonts and colours and weird formatting in Word.
"Tab key"?? Nope. I am just going to press space a zillion times until it gets to where I want it, kinda sorta.
Who needs to write the name of the bargaining unit correctly?
Spelling of simple words like active? I will throw an extra t and v in there.
Paragraph format? Nope. Just point form, with spaces to move the tabs.
Line breaks? Nope, just spaces again.
I am just washing my hands of it, and will let them be embarrassed at the lack of professionalism.
Someone drove into our car while it was parked in car park yesterday. They were very sorry and accepted it was their fault but been on phone to insurance companies and damage claims handlers all morning.
It never used to be quite this complicated. You just rang your insurance and they did it all.
Even worse, people like him regularly get verbal abuse for wearing masks in public.
That's horrible! I wear masks all the time in public also and I've never so much as gotten a word around here (SoCal). Someone in Florida told me to take off my mask, but I told them to f*ck off.
Someone drove into our car while it was parked in car park yesterday. They were very sorry and accepted it was their fault but been on phone to insurance companies and damage claims handlers all morning.
It never used to be quite this complicated. You just rang your insurance and they did it all.
I had the same thing for a pretty minor arse-ending: 6-7 different contacts, most of whom just subcontract to others. The mechanics subcontracted to a company who subcontracted to a different company to actually tow my car to them.
So a month or so ago I posted a random "f*ck cancer" post in here with no details, but I have to say we have been blessed. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago but everything since then has basically been the best of a bad situation you could possibly hope for. Every bit of news since the initial news that she had cancer has basically been the best news we could hope for. I would just like to thank whatever power might be for going easy on us.
And still f*ck cancer,
My father-in-law was kicked out of a rehabilitation facility today because the insurance company viewed him as well enough to go home. In spite of the fact that he wasn’t eating, drinking, and can’t stand on his own.
Died an hour after getting home.
f*ck insurance.
My father-in-law was kicked out of a rehabilitation facility today because the insurance company viewed him as well enough to go home. In spite of the fact that he wasn’t eating, drinking, and can’t stand on his own.
Died an hour after getting home.
f*ck insurance.
I'm so sorry to hear that. And yes, f*ck insurance with a rusty pole.
My father-in-law was kicked out of a rehabilitation facility today because the insurance company viewed him as well enough to go home. In spite of the fact that he wasn’t eating, drinking, and can’t stand on his own.
Died an hour after getting home.
f*ck insurance.
So sorry. We had to fight that fight a few years back, and I imagine that it's only gotten even more impossible since then.