f*cking Windows. I was looking around at the new BackTrack4 Beta liveDVD. Knowing my luck with upgrades, (I usually end up shotgunning sharks.) I decided to hold off doing anything tricky until I did a full backup. I changed nothing. I didn't even f*ck with the mounts in Backtrack. I boot back into windows to run the backup... and it shows "This partition is not bootable!" Cue swearing, and images of beating down Bill Gates with a macbook. So, going back into backtrack, it looks like windows has not just lost my boot partition, but _completely_ clusterfcked the partition and FS. So, I'm hoping there's no hardware damage, and going to rebake vista. With a damned Linux partition.
Incidentally, I was looking at modding one of my 2GB sdcards to be a bootable linux drive. Most card readers are technically USB devices, and I've got a usb dongle that'll turn any sd card into a jumpdrive. I waited, because I didn't want to mistype a command and hose the drive. It's like putting something somewhere specifically safe so it won't get lost... and it up and disappears with no-one touching it. So, I'm gonna do that first.
Mine would have to be that F'ING Windows key on the bottom row of the keyboard. Which genius thought of placing that thing there? Does anyone actually use it for USEFUL things? The only purpose it serves for me is getting me killed while playing games like TF2. I have the keys above it mapped for useful combat functions. (A/S are forwards/backwards and Z/X are left/right strafe.) In a frantic battle fingers slip off intended keys. Changing a weapon, moving in a wrong direction, or accidentally calling a medic when I meant to reload - these are acceptable mistakes. Dropping out to the OS is not. It means death. Oh sure, I can click on the game in the task bar and continue but what's this? The screen is blank and I don't believe my controls are doing anything. I now have to wait for it to refresh. When does it do that? After I die in the battle that I am not actually fighting anymore. Here I am dead in respawn. I'm sure the guy I was fighting wondered why I just stopped and stood there to be his personal punching bag. I am THIS close to ripping that key off the keyboard.
F.U. Windows!
Mine would have to be that F'ING Windows key on the bottom row of the keyboard. Which genius thought of placing that thing there? Does anyone actually use it for USEFUL things?
Yes. It's nice having a modifier key that is pretty much guaranteed to never interfere with any app specific key bindings. While not running Windows that is.
My Saitek Cyborg keyboard actually allows me to disable it completely. It's heavenly not having to worry about accidentally hitting it.
Japanese people being too damn polite, especially when I'm having a bad day. Case in point I lost my lighter sometime during the day and went into a convenience store to get a replacement. I point to one of the lighters behind the clerk and ask to buy it. The clerk goes into this long speech about how she's extremely sorry but she can't sell me those lighters because they're used for redemption programs. I tell her it's fine just sell me another one. She then proceeds to give me another for free while again apologizing profusely. She's apologizing to me while giving me a product that I'm not paying for. For some reason it aggravated me greatly. I mean I'm not even buying anything and she's going through this whole performance. Perhaps it's because I grew up as a metro New Yorker that I find things like this extremely irritating.
Judge_Digger wrote:Mine would have to be that F'ING Windows key on the bottom row of the keyboard. Which genius thought of placing that thing there? Does anyone actually use it for USEFUL things?
Yes. It's nice having a modifier key that is pretty much guaranteed to never interfere with any app specific key bindings. While not running Windows that is.
The Windows key can actually be useful in Windows as well. It's just a matter of knowing the shortcuts, like any other modifier key. I use Windows + R for the Run dialog, and Windows + L to lock my machine at work almost daily.
Windows + E for explorer is very useful too.
Windows + D for desktop. Still a shitty key tho.
I loathe my current chaoticness, can't stay focused for more then...what was I saying?
My g15 has a cutoff switch, windows key is [homophobic slur removed ~dee]
Windows + M minimizes all your windows :).
Here's one: I've been boycotting this supermarket named Shur Save. I hate the intentional misspelling.
Would people not know how to pronounce it if you spelled it properly?
Furthermore, 'Shur' is not even a word, therefore it's not a pun, not clever, not 'extremez', not anything. It's just misspelled.
I even went as far as written an email to the Shur Save corporate office, owned by Associated Wholesalers, Inc. asking them if there was a story behind the name. Maybe there was once a Mr. Shur or something. But they never replied.
Windows + M minimizes all your windows :).
Yeah, I prefer Windows + D, because it toggles.
If it kills your porn window, it's done it's job. :p
F*cking code that makes no sense!! I've been stuck for multiple days trying to track down what is causing this code to crash. And while I've determined the exact reason for the crash, I have no clue what is causing the code to set the conditions that cause the crash. So I'm basically stuck either fixing the "symptoms" of the crash or spending several more days (of which I'm already past due date) trying to actually solve the problem!!
Sometimes I hate coding!!
People that stand on the end of a crosswalk, looking around, waiting, but then don't ever cross. If you're gonna stand on the end of a crosswalk, cross the damned street! Don't have a conversation with someone there. Don't wait for your ride there. It is inevitable I will drive up to the crosswalk and stop my car to let you cross, only to find out you don't want to. I am loathe!
Not being able to sleep last night. My ex-boyfriend.
I just got the friend speech from a girl that just met me....viz e-mail! I guess 2 years with out dating reduced my tolerance for that stuff, but it was like getting punched in the nose. Really bummed me out, and lowered my opinion of a girl that seemed like she might be awesome.
It's kinda a sore spot for me-- in some circles of friends, I am mockingly called "Duckie" when they feel like teasing me. The events of my senior prom years ago didn't help with that name.
The bastard that brings in donuts to work and shares them.
Oh how they sing to me their siren song of butter and sugar. How can I resist? Nay! I cannot! I must have thee, old fashioned donut!
*nom nom nom nom nom*
Wouldn't you rather have the friend speech via email rather than have to look at her while she's saying it?
No matter how much I shake it and dance, the last two drops always end up in my pants.
No matter how much I shake it and dance, the last two drops always end up in my pants.
That conjures up an image that's both amusing and disturbing...
Random thing I loathe right now: my job. Or more accurately, the company I work for. Small-minded uncommunicative micro-mismanaging incompetent w*nkers.
I just got the friend speech from a girl that just met me....viz e-mail! I guess 2 years with out dating reduced my tolerance for that stuff, but it was like getting punched in the nose. Really bummed me out, and lowered my opinion of a girl that seemed like she might be awesome.
It's kinda a sore spot for me-- in some circles of friends, I am mockingly called "Duckie" when they feel like teasing me. The events of my senior prom years ago didn't help with that name.
At least you got the friend speech. Last time I was dumped she just disappeared. No phone call, no e-mail, no nothing, not even a "F*** You". I called/e-mailed for 3 weeks, and took the hint. I needed closure dammit!
Not being able to sleep last night.
Glenn Beck. That is all.
gamerswithjobs.com, for having the Commandments. While vastly entertaining, they introduced me to tubgirl last night. I can no longer close my eyes.
gamerswithjobs.com, for having the Commandments. While vastly entertaining, they introduced me to tubgirl last night. I can no longer close my eyes.
Hey, you were warned. Repeatedly! At least I had the sense to wikipedia it, which gave a rough description, which allowed me to decide that I'd rather claw my eyeballs out than voluntarily watch it. As it is, I still have some rather disturbing images in my head, but at least they are not burned into my retina.:-P
Not being
ableallowed to sleep last night by my 16-month-old son.
Updated for parenthood.
Random thing: 1000 comments until I can stop grinding coffee. Damnit, I just don't have that much to say.
(I like to watch.)
Mine would have to be that F'ING Windows key on the bottom row of the keyboard. Which genius thought of placing that thing there? Does anyone actually use it for USEFUL things? The only purpose it serves for me is getting me killed while playing games like TF2.
Not the most elegant way to do it but check this out.
In my case, I've got several things I hate this week but the main ones being idiot f*cking businesspeople and banks. My company's been working since we opened a year ago to land a partnership with a local computer retailer, one big one in particular where we spend a ton of money and also kind of know the owners. Every time we try to get to them for a meeting, the store managers say they'll pass on our request and don't. When we do manage to get one of them on the phone, they keep saying they're interested in our proposal and want to meet with us but don't know when yet and never call us back. If you're not interested, why don't you just f*cking say no instead of saying yes and stringing us along for no reason?!
I've also been trying to setup a consolidation loan lately, not because I can't service the decent size mountain of debt I have but because I have to move in a couple of months and just want to reduce my monthly output to make life easier on myself if the business has a slow month. See if this makes sense to you. So I go into the bank, meet with a guy. He asks me the standard questions and runs the application. Comes back denied despite my awesome credit, likely because I'm self-employed. OK fine, he says if I can get a co-signor, it should go through no problem. So I go back with my Mom. We meet with another woman who promptly tells us that there's no way the loan will go through at all because my company is so new and I have no income tax documents (in Canada called a Notice of Assessment) from it yet so they can't verify how much I'm making from it. They require 2 years worth of these documents showing decent income. My company just turned 1 and I just recently filed the tax return for last year.
Me: "Yeah but I have a co-signor."
Bank: "That helps but not sufficiently to make up for this deficiency. You are too high risk."
Me: "But this is a consolidation. I'm not only consolidating debt both from your bank and another one into you (which means you make more money in the end) but this loan would also cancel out the additional unused credit I had left on the things I'm consolidating. In addition to that, all my current debt is being serviced anyway, I just want to lower the payment. Everything about this makes me a significantly lower risk to default than if I don't get the loan. The bank is taking a greater risk by denying this."
Bank: "You are too high risk."
What. The. Living. Hell?! This is completely irrational, backwards and just asinine. Banks are supposed to be the experts at analyzing and interpreting risk but they are literally taking the riskier path here on purpose. The Canadian banking system is one of the only systems in the world that didn't experience the massive crash because they were credited with not taking stupid risks like everyone else did. And they they're doing this. Both my Mom and I were stunned. I plan to hit other banks (like I have time for that) but I don't expect a different result. GAAAAAAH!