Thank you Duckilama! Definitely looks interesting!
I've been listening to the Joe Rogan Experience a bit. It's kind of a grab bag. Sometimes he has on famous comedian friends, sometimes he talks about UFC, other times its a discussion on pop culture, drug trips or crazy Hollywood/stand-up experiences he's had. The only downside is that sometimes him & friends get a little too stoned. But, one of Rogan's friends is a comedian named Joey "Coco" Diaz. This guy is a New Jersey former criminal now comedian that just seems very real & witty. The guy's been though some bad parts of life and the fact that he can come out and talk about it candidly is kind of cool. He has his own podcast now called "Beauty and Da Beast" with a fellow comedian/former Playmate named Felicia Michaels that is a bit raunchy but funny.
I recently discovered Caustic Soda, which is, as the subtitle says: "the podcast that takes on disturbing topics and breaks them down into a bubbling pool of funny." Essentially, it's three hosts chatting in varying degrees of depth on a variety of topics including but not limited to such things as greed, self-surgery, cannibalism and shark attacks. Quite funny, occasionally educational, and not as gross or disturbing as the subject matter would suggest.
Best of all, though, is that one of the hosts is the lead singer for the coolest band to ever exist in this galaxy or any neighboring parallel realities, the H.P. Lovecraft-themed rock coven Darkest of the Hillside Thickets.
Wrestler Colt Cabana talks with wrestlers, some famous, some not-so-famous about stuff.
This is a really, really interesting podcast. There is no going over the results from the last show or the last PPV, it is all about the wrestler, how they got into the business, and their experiences in the business. It is really interesting. If you are a fan of wrestling, as I am, I can't recommend this podcast enough.
I scanned through the thread and didn't see this mentioned. Jordan, Jesse Go! is easily my favorite current podcast. It's a comedy podcast that's not really about anything in particular hosted by Jesse Thorn (The Sound of Young America and IFC's The Grid) and Jordan Morris (Fuel TV, punched in the face by Travis Pastrana and also a contributor on IFC's The Grid). With no more Idle Thumbs, I needed a podcast to make me look crazy by making me laugh hysterically in public. Jordan, Jesse Go! easily filled in.
I scanned through the thread and didn't see this mentioned. Jordan, Jesse Go! is easily my favorite current podcast. It's a comedy podcast that's not really about anything in particular hosted by Jesse Thorn (The Sound of Young America and IFC's The Grid) and Jordan Morris (Fuel TV, punched in the face by Travis Pastrana and also a contributor on IFC's The Grid). With no more Idle Thumbs, I needed a podcast to make me look crazy by making me laugh hysterically in public. Jordan, Jesse Go! easily filled in.
Also featuring Chompers, the terrifying pull toy pig. I second the recommendation of JJGO.
The Witness is a nice 10m a day history podcast. Often times the stories they cover are told by people who were actually there. When the stories are too old to have living witnesses, they quote testimonials. Really good stuff.
This week's The Moth Podcast was pretty sweet with DMC from Run DMC telling a rather interesting and touching tale.
I believe I've mentioned it here, but now that I've listened to several: The Machine of Death podcast is really entertaining and satisfying.
I just started listening to "How Did This Get Made?". It's a bunch of comedians talking about bad movies. The ones I've listened to so far (Battlefield: Earth, Drive Angry and Avatar: The Last Airbender) have been hilarious. Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
Yeah, that's a really enjoyable cast-- I've enjoyed it so far.
I just started listening to "How Did This Get Made?". It's a bunch of comedians talking about bad movies. The ones I've listened to so far (Battlefield: Earth, Drive Angry and Avatar: The Last Airbender) have been hilarious. Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
*Heads to iTunes*
It's totally a gaming podcast but I've enjoyed to Game Informer podcast recently.
I've been really digging 99% Invisible. short 5-10min podcasts about design and things in our world that you wouldn't at first glance realise or appreciate are designed. They've all been either fascinating or eye-opening so far.
I just started listening to "How Did This Get Made?". It's a bunch of comedians talking about bad movies. The ones I've listened to so far (Battlefield: Earth, Drive Angry and Avatar: The Last Airbender) have been hilarious. Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
Putting on makeup is like painting, but instead of a canvas...you use your face.
Love it, great recommendation iaintgotnopants.
I've been loving the Nerdist podcasts since the Nathan Fillion episode was linked in the Firefly thread. And an excellent back catalog!
iaintgotnopants wrote:...Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
My the podcasts I listen to are getting longer as well. Learn to edit, people.
Silence, weaklings! I get to have headphones at work, meaning I have upwards of 40 hours a week of my life to fill with audio content. Pad out that running time! Pad it I say!
...Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
The podcasts I listen to are getting longer as well. Learn to edit, people.
Since it hasn't been mentioned yet (apologies if it has), I'd like to point out that if you just aren't getting enough Shawn Andrich in your life via the GWJCC there is also Striving. Weekly updates (usually), brief and to the point.
iaintgotnopants wrote:...Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
The podcasts I listen to are getting longer as well. Learn to edit, people.
I find it hilarious that you edited this post.
Hospital Records and Drum and Bass Arena are my two favorite podcasts right now. It's a great way to find new D&B music.
Doug Loves Movies is another favorite.
iaintgotnopants wrote:...Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
The podcasts I listen to are getting longer as well. Learn to edit, people.
I'm also starting to better appreciate how much more quickly trains radio folks speak. It doesn't work as well in conversations, but when you're reading from a script, there's value in getting your point across not only clearly, but also quickly.
Caveat: When you're intending a feeling of meditation or rumination, speed is not your friend. Something in the range of Striving or a guided meditation podcast do not benefit from rushing. History of Rome, however, could use the boost.
Caveat: When you're intending a feeling of meditation or rumination, speed is not your friend. Something in the range of Striving or a guided meditation podcast do not benefit from rushing. History of Rome, however, could use a link.
(you're not wrong, though)
History of Rome is great. I'm up to the Parthian Wars.
I've noticed podcasts getting increasingly lengthy, as well, which is why I'm thankful for the 2x audio scrubbing option on the iPhone/iPod. It was a little odd listening that way at first, but now it feels weird listening to a podcast at normal speed.
I've noticed podcasts getting increasingly lengthy, as well, which is why I'm thankful for the 2x audio scrubbing option on the iPhone/iPod. It was a little odd listening that way at first, but now it feels weird listening to a podcast at normal speed.
I wish you could turn that on at a per-podcast basis. I listen to quite a few electronic /DJ music podcasts and I get used to the driving fast beats. When I go back to my laptop to listen to it, it's back to "normal" and boring in a way.
edosan wrote:iaintgotnopants wrote:...Each episode is only about a half-hour long which is nice since most of the podcasts I listen to are usually in the 1:30-2:00 range and they only seem to be getting longer.
The podcasts I listen to are getting longer as well. Learn to edit, people.
I'm also starting to better appreciate how much more quickly trains radio folks speak. It doesn't work as well in conversations, but when you're reading from a script, there's value in getting your point across not only clearly, but also quickly.
For me, it's the rambling "hey, let's talk about our new microphone" or "Benny and the Jets is available on Rock Band now!" conversations that make me feel like I'm listening in on someone's very boring, very personal conversation in a restaurant. It seems like most 90-120 minute podcasts I listen to could stand about thirty minutes of good editing.
Everything could stand to be better edited.
Everything could be better edited.
I accept that challenge!
Editing good.
De-verbosified that for ya.
See, I *like* longer podcasts. The GWJCC is too short now, I can barely get a commute and a half out of it these days. My drives get longer and my podcasts get shorter.