Hidden Gems of Netflix's Watch Instantly

"Champion" documentary about hat Mexican actor you see in a lot of films (bubble boy, tarentino vampire flick, etc). really pretty interesting.

How could this go to page 3 without mention Ridley Scott's film Legend (with a young Tom Cruise)! Oh... yeah... that's why...

Gdawg27 wrote:

Planet Bboy - Excellent documentary on the break dancing world championships.

This was the very first movie I streamed from Netflix onto my 360, and I thought it was a very well done documentary. There was plenty of insight on many of the dancers and crews that I really liked from back then.

The Host, an awesome Korean monster/horror film. Available in HD even.

I did not see this mentioned so:

Right At Your Door

It's an interesting "what if?" film involving a dirty bomb in L.A. It's a bit of a downer and some of its realism is suspect, but it was 96 minutes well spent, especially given Netflix's small online inventory.

I'll put in a word for Cashback. British romantic comedy with plenty of oogaba.

There are a lot of good documentaries on Netflix Watch Instantly. One that I still think about called "Methadonia" which is a look at good and the bad of methadone treatments for heroin addicts.

There was also a decent doc about "The Weather Underground" that explained, in an even handed non-partisan way the back story of the The Weather Underground and William Ayers.

Running Man wrote:
SwampYankee wrote:

Strange Brew is on it. But you guys knew that, hopefully.

Man, so many great lines in that movie.

If I didn't have puke breath, I'd kiss you.

Mars Attacks!

gak gak gakgakgak gak

Back To The Future I, II and III
Jackass 2.5

Ok, I'm going to admit to watching it...


Yes, I watched that horrid piece of trash by universally loathed director Uwe Boll. Curiosity got the better of me, and the option to watch it via streaming without the embarassment of walking up to the Blockbuster clerk or wasting a precious mailed Netflix queue slot got the better of me. It is disturbingly stupid, dumb and pathetic and to be completely honest, I'd completely recommend against viewing it... but in some kind of weird MST3k way, I couldn't stop watching it and I even laughed a couple times.

Let's see... what else... They added the 1st season of the original Star Trek (YIPPIE!!!)...

I watched The Abyss (one of my favorite films of all time) last night even though it was in 4:3 pan & scan and it was the shorter version without the tidal wave scenes. Still good.

Also, really surprised to see that they've added the excellent vampire film 30 Days of Night, Goodfellas and the BBC miniseries of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

LockAndLoad wrote:

BBC miniseries of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Deep Rising!

This is a super-cheesy action/monster movie movie from the late 90's. Surprisingly good monster effects and pretty much a great big ball of stupid fun.

Treat Williams ruled the 90's B movie section.

Evil Dead is on there. So is Last Exile, for those curious about AnimeJ's location.


I saw this thread and was excited to give out my instant watch loves, only to see them already abused:

Dead Like Me, Jeremiah (dumb, but I couldn't stop...watching...it), Masters of Horror Series.

Really, this type of thing is blatantly awesome for discovering TV series I've missed over the years.

Puce Moose wrote:

Deep Rising!

Yeah, that one was okay. It's part of the subgenre of horror movies that involve haunted ships. This includes Ghost Ship with Juliana Margulis and Lost Voyage, starring Judd Nelson, neither of which are available on instant watch. There are also some low-budget haunted space-ship movies out there, but I can't think of them offhand.

Watched "The Big Bad Swim" over the weekend, excellent indie film, and stars Jess Weixler, who I might be in love with (also in "Teeth" - not that great a movie). I noticed that "Superbad" is on instant-watch now, too.

Running Man wrote:

I'll put in a word for Cashback. British romantic comedy with plenty of oogaba.

I just watched this last night! Great, great movie!

I recommend:
Broken Flowers
The Illusionist

Others that Netflix just recommended to me:

The Exorcist (1970s horror classic- a cultural icon)
Bonnie & Clyde (1970s crime classic)
Klute (1970s thriller)
Dog Day Afternoon (1970s crime classic- a must for Pacino fans)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf (1966 classic that explains why you should never, ever get married)
2001 A Space Odyssey
Deliverance (1970s action movie that argues against canoeing around hillbillies)

kazar wrote:

Just to deviate a little bit from the topic, for those that don't have a 360, you can buy a piece of software called Playon (http://www.themediamall.com/playon) that will act as a media server (like TVersity) and supports streaming content including Hulu and Netflix. This also is a way to get Hulu on the 360. If you have a Tivo, netflix now works on the Tivo if you get the latest software update.

I'm a convert to PlayOn. It's not perfect, and there's some functionality missing (like a fast forward that works), but the flip side of that coin is that it's still in beta so with any luck it'll improve over time. Plus, it's a one-time $30 (i.e. less than 4 months of Netflix), and there's a free 2 week trial that's worth doing even if you have no intention of buying it.

OG_slinger wrote:

The Host, an awesome Korean monster/horror film. Available in HD even.


Also in general we should see a lot more movies available on instant watch on netflix in the coming years.
1st - a good chunk of the problem is copy rights - they were never pre-defined for a lot of movies even in the past5-10 years in the area of being to stream in the netflix fashion.
2nd - Since HD is now = Beta (dammit I still think it's better then blu-ray from the user point of view) I have to assume the MS is going to pursue the streaming of HD content vehemently since it is their only 'in' into the HD realm, which will certain grow and grow in the future. By them piggy backing with NetFlix, and also doing the HD rentals via live, the are setting out there they they will pursue it. Which I think will foster more monetary gains and influence to production companies to include initially leniant streaming copy rights to keep the momentum moving.

I keep thinking that the Zune Pass will at some point be expanded to a full fledge media pass for a flat fee that allows all media downloads unlimited for a aper month charge including movies in HD and such.

ZeeJ wrote:
Running Man wrote:

I'll put in a word for Cashback. British romantic comedy with plenty of oogaba.

I just watched this last night! Great, great movie!

I recommend:
Broken Flowers
The Illusionist

I wanted to like Broken FLowers. I love Bill Murray, I love him in Wes Anderson type flicks, I loved him in Lost in Translation. But this one's finish.... I dunno. It left me wanting more.

ZeeJ wrote:
Running Man wrote:

I'll put in a word for Cashback. British romantic comedy with plenty of oogaba.

I just watched this last night! Great, great movie!

I recommend:
Broken Flowers
The Illusionist

Honestly I think The Prestige is better than The Illusionist.

The Illusionist is covered in this grease of "THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT FILM" Pretense. The acting didn't impress me, Jessica Biel is criminally bad, Paul Giamatti (who I generally like) was bizarrely comical, and Edward Norton just seemed to be taking everything way too seriously.

Broken Flowers is pretty decent. Not Jim Jarmusch's best movie (its no Ghost Dog, or Dead Man) but its pretty decent. Check out Coffee and Cigarettes which I think is still in the Watch Instantly section if you like Broken Flowers.

Recently I watched Renaissance on the service. It's a really high contrast black/white animated sci-fi film. I liked it quite a bit though I put it on my disk rental queue so I can rewatch it, as the fuzzy edges from the streaming service detracted from the high-contrast (ideally) sharp-edged images.

Also watched Helvetica, a documentary about the font. It came highly recommended, and I really enjoyed it, though I'm a typesetter, so there's an obvious connection there. Designers and other people interested in such things would probably get a good deal out of it though.

I really like the service overall, though I don't have an Xbox to use it through, I have my PC hooked up to my tv.

larrymadill wrote:

Broken Flowers is pretty decent. Not Jim Jarmusch's best movie (its no Ghost Dog, or Dead Man) but its pretty decent. Check out Coffee and Cigarettes which I think is still in the Watch Instantly section if you like Broken Flowers.

I totally agree. Its not but I still enjoyed it. I also suggest Renaissance. Animated film with Daniel Craig.

jaleister wrote:

Also watched Helvetica, a documentary about the font. It came highly recommended, and I really enjoyed it, though I'm a typesetter, so there's an obvious connection there. Designers and other people interested in such things would probably get a good deal out of it though.

Incredible Documentary! Watched it on the Instant Stream then bought the Blu-ray.

Chased by Dinosaurs: Three Walking with Dinosaurs Adventures

Great 'documentary' stuff featuring prehistoric creatures. My favorite one is 'sea monsters' which chronicles life in the oceans. So often dinosaur movies focus on the big terrestrial meat eaters; it's nice to see the orthocones and mesosaurs getting a little love.

Plus... Nigel Marven! He's so dreamy! (Seriously, I could see women getting all worked up over this guy. He's so unassumingly enthusiastic about the content that you can't help but like him.)

Just finished "The Lives of Others". Wow.

Really gives you an incling of the feeling of impotence people living in socialist states felt / feel.

I think it is on Instant for a limited time.

I really recommend it if you like history or thrillers.

Yeah its a great great movie. Draws you in from the beginning. The last line was pretty cool too.

Yes. Stated perfectly with just a hint of a smile. Something he never did for the entire movie. The cinematography was excellent too. I realized that I never saw sunshine at any point in the movie. So I guess East Germany under Soviet doimation was a lot like New Jersey.