Can't seem to find you Guru - send me a friend invite
Has anyone seen where the Steam Ratings are explained? I personally am a 2 - Nearly Lifeless. GWJ is .4 - Teh Suck. I was looking but couldn't find a list of some sort that showed the meanings of the ratings, how to raise them, and what higher ratings are available.
C'mon, people. Numbers are being attributed to us with a made-up value. We must climb the tallest mountain.
Has anyone seen where the Steam Ratings are explained? I personally am a 2 - Nearly Lifeless. GWJ is .4 - Teh Suck. I was looking but couldn't find a list of some sort that showed the meanings of the ratings, how to raise them, and what higher ratings are available.
C'mon, people. Numbers are being attributed to us with a made-up value. We must climb the tallest mountain.
I'm pretty sure it's just based on how much time we spend in steam games.
One thing I'm hoping is at least on the way is steam support for games that are available on steam but were bought when they were only available at retail. Right now you can add games to your games list but the only thing it does is allows you to use the overlay. It doesn't actually show other people you're playing that game.
MrGreen didn't receive invite. MrGreen sad.
I keep getting invites from [unknown]. Then if I try to make [unknown] my friend, it won't let me.
on that page, once you login with your usual steam username and password - just like the one you use when you launch steam - it should give you the option to setup a steam id
Ok, I tried that but the page just refreshes. Looks like I'll have to put it on ice for now. Thanks for assisting though, Duffman!
MrGreen didn't receive invite. MrGreen sad. :(
That's because when I try to add you as a friend it says "Unable to find MrGreen"
I keep getting invites from [unknown]. Then if I try to make [unknown] my friend, it won't let me.
Weird. I just sent you one. I hadn't yet so hopefully it works.
I keep getting invites from [unknown]. Then if I try to make [unknown] my friend, it won't let me.
I get the same message.
Mr.Green wrote:MrGreen didn't receive invite. MrGreen sad. :(
That's because when I try to add you as a friend it says "Unable to find MrGreen"
Can someone send me an invite please? SteamID: gdawg27
You can't add friends from the web interface or is it just me?
I changed my id to MrGreenGWJ.
Anyone wanna try that please?
Hemi, when I searched for your screen name under "Add friend" you came up as Ghost_87 - and you havent logged on for 278 days. I'm guessing that's not correct. So why don't you try to add me and that way, I can send you a GWJ invite.
Added you as a friend, Duff.
Duffman, I still didn't get an invite, I'm afraid that you've got wrong Dino. I added you to my Friends list, I hope that will help.
edit: Neer mind, I'm in. All is peachy.
Still can't find you Green. Not sure what's up there. Try adding someone else from the group as a friend in steam.
If you need an invite and you don't have one, send a friend request to "Certis" You can't invite non-friends to the group I don't think.
I wish there was a way to choose which of a person's aliases it displayed on the friends list.
Figuring out that this "ghoost_87" guy is actually Hemidal requires way too much thought on my part. It's also difficult to associate "corndog57" with Alien13z. Might just be me though
I didn't know Steam had Dawn of War.
The game library on there is really growing.
Me neither and it's cheap! I may pick it up again since i can't seem to find my install disks.
I wish there was a way to choose which of a person's aliases it displayed on the friends list.
Figuring out that this "ghoost_87" guy is actually Hemidal requires way too much thought on my part. It's also difficult to associate "corndog57" with Alien13z. Might just be me though ;)
Different names for different scenes, all of them inexplicable.
I wish there was a way to choose which of a person's aliases it displayed on the friends list.
Figuring out that this "ghoost_87" guy is actually Hemidal requires way too much thought on my part. It's also difficult to associate "corndog57" with Alien13z. Might just be me though ;)
Funny thing is, I've never used ghoost_87. I've been Mr. Clark, but only in-game. I still think Steam's friend system is a wee bit borked.
Sooo ... When we doing a Toilet Toss Revival night?
Add it to the Steam calendar. And then get someone to write a Drupal module to pull that info into GWJ's calendar.
Problem I have with the community activated now.
I get dumped from CS:S with a netmessage error after a few minutes of playing.
edit - I guess it's intermittent. Managed to get an hour in without it, now, but the shift-tab overlay also seemed broken during that stretch.
Yay I'm in!
I'm impressed. The community events are pretty neat. Xbox Live needs to plagiarize this asap.
I have friends but I dont see anything about a community.
I need an add. StylezXP should work!
I need an add. StylezXP should work!
You'll have to either make your SteamID page public or get Parallax to invite you to the group. The "Add friend" search doesn't find StylezXP and I can't click on you on Parallax's friends list and add you that way because it's private.
RubbEdGWJ here. Mind passing along an invite?