If you've just clicked that link and are wondering what the heck you just got yourself into fear not!
In case you haven't noticed i decided that for this Christmas i was going to get into the spirit of festiveness online (if not offline). The challenge is to 'pretty up' your chosen avatar for the month of December and spread the holiday joy to the forums....
Thinking about this i may have been subconsciously forced into doing this by Wordsmythe who had a Santa hat on his avatar last year....
Oh well, i'll blame him when this gets locked and for people telling me it's a stupid idea
Dude. I don't GET much more Christmas-y.
I have one I made a few years ago when we all had them... I guess I'll load it up. But NOT before December 1st! That's my limit!
Yeah, I've got one, but I'll wait 'till December. No Christmas music before Thanksgiving, and NO AVATARS!
Done and Done!
I'll switch over to my Santarchy avatar on December 1st. It's too soon to think about Christmas.
Bah. Humbug.
I want to have mudkipz in my avatar. On second thought mudkipz isn't all that hot.
Done and done.
I don't think I need to do this because if you get really close to the screen and look at my avatar, you see this:
You know, "humbug" used to be the equivalent of the word "bullshit".
I'll make one up.
I was actually going to introduce a new avatar anyway, might as well launch it with a christmassy spirit.
I love bandwagons.
Way too early.
Give me a week, and I'll have a soldier with a santa hat all ready for you guys.
Phoenix Rev wrote:I don't think I need to do this because if you get really close to the screen and look at my avatar, you see this:
I think you should be banned for appearing benign but actually being the freakyscarypuppetmaster! o_O
It's all part of my master plan.
Today.... Gamers with Jobs.
Tomorrow.... something.
I used this animation for my avatar for years.
And this during the holidays.
Alas, no animated gifs on GWJ.
I love bandwagons.
You stole my santa hat!
My wife always complains about Christmas stuff showing up the day after Halloween so this pleases me in an absurd way.
Waiting until at least the Chicago downtown lighting ceremony tomorrow.
I've edited my avatar a little since last year, so I'd have to redo the hat. Not sure I want to do the Bears colors again this year, either. Bulls/Blackhawks could work.
Ho Ho Ho.
I won't switch til after Thanksgiving, but this time next week I'll pull out Santathulhu again...
Give me a week, and I'll have a soldier with a santa hat all ready for you guys.
Am I the only one that thought this sounded a little dirty?
I'm not allowed to do Christmas things until after Shawn's birthday.