Random non sequitur posts catch-all thread

Stengah wrote:

Yeah, turns out a big reason so many people say they don't like certain vegetables is just that their parents didn't know how to cook them properly. My mom likes to cite her mom's habit of boiling vegetables to mush as the reason why she used to think they were bad.

Growing up in the midwest my entire extended family (parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc) only made vegetables one of two ways: boiled into mush or completely drowned in a cheese and/or cream sauce.

97% stress and anxiety by volume.

I want to support creatives and the arts in all their forms, but then I see things like "'Friday Night Lights' getting rebooted" and I intensely want Hollywood to burn down.

I feel like a disturbing amount of content I am being served now largely amounts to someone going "Hey! Remember this?!? You liked this, right?"

I bought Mass Effect Andromeda on the PlayStation store since it was 5.99 for the deluxe recruit edition. I have to check how big a disaster it was given I played 1-3. Worth $6.

tuffalobuffalo wrote:

I bought Mass Effect Andromeda on the PlayStation store since it was 5.99 for the deluxe recruit edition. I have to check how big a disaster it was given I played 1-3. Worth $6.

I wish I would have waited until now to buy it. That was a rare full price purchase for me and I don't think I put more than 2 hours in it.


I remember thinking Dwayne Johnson had so much promise as an actor at first. And now he's clearly gotten high on his own supply, and he just plays himself. In everything. Forever.

No wonder he wants to be President.

I had a dream last night that we set in the relatively near future after a new form of space travel had been perfected. Individual people would wear magnetic boots and stand out on a large platform. The platform was a massive electromagnet. The polarity of the platform surface was the same as the polarity of the bottom of the boots so that, once the platform was turned on, the people would be launched into space. The force of this was enough to send people to the space station orbiting the moon in a matter of minutes. No spacesuits of any kind were needed as the people were slathered in a protective layer of beef tallow.

So, where to I collect my billions of dollars?

iaintgotnopants wrote:

I had a dream last night that we set in the relatively near future after a new form of space travel had been perfected. Individual people would wear magnetic boots and stand out on a large platform. The platform was a massive electromagnet. The polarity of the platform surface was the same as the polarity of the bottom of the boots so that, once the platform was turned on, the people would be launched into space. The force of this was enough to send people to the space station orbiting the moon in a matter of minutes. No spacesuits of any kind were needed as the people were slathered in a protective layer of beef tallow.

So, where to I collect my billions of dollars?

You have to convince one of the space billionaires to personally test it. You can collect it from their estate afterwards.

Guys, don't listen to nopants, he's clearly in the pocket of Big Cow, owns tons of stock in Tallow Inc and is just trying to find new marks for his pump'n'dump scheme.

Jonman wrote:

Tallow Inc

We...I mean...They could use a rebrand. You know, if you tip those l's over into each other, they form an X and X's are really cool. Yeah, TaXow Inc it is (still pronounced tallow because it's actually two l's tipped over).


Okay, Disney, what if I just pay you the price of a movie ticket twice a year to stop making awful live-action versions of your animated films?

I got a new CD player with bluetooth so I can listen to my newly organized CD collection and also stream in the main room of my apartment.

The remote control for this CD player works fine, except when I hit the button to power on/off, the air purifier in my room turns its fan to the highest speed which is very loud and annoying. I forgot that the silly air purifier even came with a remote and currently can't find where it is. So now every time I press power on my new CD player, I need to get up and turn down the fan manually.

And of course, when I searched "remote control clash" to try to see if I could fix this, it took me here instead:

Find the IR sensor on the air purifier and smack some electrical tape on it.

Or, and hear me out here, open your mind to the new musical genre the kids are all into: "lo-fi chill air purifier noises to study/relax to".

merphle wrote:

Find the IR sensor on the air purifier and smack some electrical tape on it.

This is exactly what I wound up doing.

We have a very similar situation; we have a cat toy that came with a remote that we can't find. it turns out that the "on" signal for the toy is the same as the "down volume" on our soundbar remote. So I had to pull the batteries from the toy.

I wasn't, and even if they disagreed, no doctor on earth could stop me.

zeroKFE wrote:

I wasn't, and even if they disagreed, no doctor on earth could stop me.

Not even Doc Ock? Dr. Who? Dr. Strange?

Surely between the three of them, there exists some combination of technology and magic that could stop you from peeing in the shower? Like an invisible nuclear clothes peg you put on your wotsit?

Shit, you got me. This is exactly why I generally try so hard to avoid making firm declarative statements.

Teach me to let my guard down!

Being fictional doctors, that particular firm declarative statement is still likely a correct one.

Jonman wrote:
zeroKFE wrote:

I wasn't, and even if they disagreed, no doctor on earth could stop me.

Not even Doc Ock? Dr. Who? Dr. Strange?

Surely between the three of them, there exists some combination of technology and magic that could stop you from peeing in the shower? Like an invisible nuclear clothes peg you put on your wotsit?

What if I get a third opinion from The Doctor?

I mean, it's not timey-wimey, but there's definitely some wibbly-wobbly going on.

Agent 86 wrote:

Doctors say it’s fine to pee in the shower

In case you were worried.

What if somebody else is in it?

That's a conversation to have between two consenting adults.

We don't kink shame here.

Did not think I'd see a song this heavy on a late night talk show.

Poppy is really in demand these days. She collabed on that song, and with Bad Omens on V.A.N., and I hear she'll be doing a song with BabyMetal soon. It's kind of crazy as someone who has been following her since her uncanny valley android videos on youtube.

Her newest album, Negative Spaces, is also very good if you like modern metal sounds. It was produced and co-written by Jordan Fish from Bring Me the Horizon.

I think her recent stuff is fine but I much preferred her Am I A Girl-era style.

Recently, in this very thread, I talked about promising new applications of beef tallow as a sort of super-sunscreen to protect against the harsh environment of space which would eliminate the need for such frivolous things as "spacesuits".

I have since found out that beef tallow is apparently being pushed by right-wing nutrition weirdos like RFK Jr. a la raw milk. I will not let this development discourage me from continuing to pursue this promising new application that I have no evidence for other than the one weird dream I had.

I would like to extend an offer to RFK Jr. to help test my new use for beef tallow. We will go up to the ISS together. I will slather him head-to-toe in beef tallow and eject him from the station. If I'm right, he will, unfortunately, be perfectly fine. If I'm wrong, then, oh well, shit happens.


Wearing A Salmon On Your Head Is Back In Fashion For Orcas, After A 37-Year Break

As anyone who follows fashion knows, certain trends like indie sleaze and cargo pants can come back around after a long and quite deserved break. Orcas, it seems, are not immune. After a 37-year break, killer whales have once again been spotted wearing dead salmon on their head.

Orcas are intelligent and social animals, known for playful behavior as well as passing on certain cultural traditions. These can be relatively wholesome, but sometimes a little destructive, as the recent trend of "attacking" boat rudders has shown.

"Different populations often have distinct dietary specializations that are maintained by cultural transmission, and these ‘ecotypes’ typically have a variety of persistent behavioral traditions that are related to their divergent foraging," a report into the recent trend of rudder-breaking behavior explains. "Some populations may also develop unusual and temporary behavioral ‘fads’ and other idiosyncrasies that do not appear to serve any obvious adaptive purpose. Understanding the recent boat interactions by Iberian killer whales may benefit from an examination of such ephemeral traditions in other well-studied killer whale populations."

One obvious example of these fads is the dead salmon hat trend of 1987. In the Puget Sound area of the northeast Pacific, one female orca from k-pod began carrying a dead salmon around on her nose. Over the next five to six weeks, the behavior spread, and by the end of it, orcas from her own and two other pods were wearing dead salmon hats.

Then all of a sudden, the fad was over. Bar a few times the following summer – latecomers, like humans just now deciding to wear Uggs – the trend had never been seen again. That is, until it emerged again quite recently.
