Rock Band Downloadable Content

incidentally, I've never bought anything from the Rock Band Network releases... until last week. I happened to be browsing some titles when I ran across the "Big Robot' remix of Ok Go's 'White Knuckles'. I liked what I heard in the preview so much I snapped it up immediately. Some backstory: apparently a contest was held for players to create their own remixes of 'White Knuckles', with the winner having their creation turned into a Rock Band Network download. There were actually quite a few submissions and after listening to some of the runners up, the best version definitely did win.

hmxhenry wrote:

DLC Week of 2/1 - The Clash's London Calling Full Album DLC!
Hey gang,

Announcing a little bit early today, as Past Magazine already let the cat out of the bag yesterday... all of The Clash's London Calling is coming to RB3 next week! A punk masterpiece in its entirety, with some choice Pro Guitar upgrades as well. This is probably HMXpope's favorite week of DLC ever, so track him down on the forums and share in his excitement. Enjoy!

Available on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation®3 system (Feb. 1):

• “London Calling” X
• “Brand New Cadillac”
• “Jimmy Jazz”
• “Hateful”
• “Rudie Can’t Fail” X
• “Spanish Bombs” X
• “The Right Profile”
• “Lost in the Supermarket”
• “Clampdown” X
• “The Guns of Brixton”
• “Wrong ‘Em Boyo”
• “Death or Glory”
• “Koka Kola”
• “The Card Cheat” X
• “Lover’s Rock”
• “Four Horsemen”
• “I’m Not Down”
• “Revolution Rock”

(All tracks are original master recordings)
(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation®3 system Feb. 2)

These tracks will be available for purchase as individual tracks and as “London Calling (Album)” on Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 system and Wii. Tracks marked with “X” will include Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions for $0.99 per song.


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points) per song
$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per song
$0.99 USD (100 Wii Points/80 Microsoft Points), £0.59 UK, €0.79 EU per song for eligible Pro Guitar/Pro Bass upgrade
$19.99, £9.99 UK, €14.99 EU (1600 Microsoft Points, 2000 Wii Points) for London Calling (Album)

** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change. **

*Available on-disc, via download and disc export. Internet connection and export key purchase required. Wii has more than 1,500 song tracks available for purchase on the Rock Band platform on-disc, via song import, and download. Not applicable to Nintendo DS™.*

To discuss this DLC please visit the official discussion thread in the Rock Band forum.

For all DLC song credits and other juicy details you can check out The Music page.

And for awesome background information on this content you can head on over to the Rock Band 'Zine for brand new articles!


Here's the tracks that hit Rock Band Network on Xbox 360 in the past week:

Raven Quinn – “Decadence”
Fiction Reform – “Whites In Their Eyes”
Arkaea – “Years in the Darkness (2x Bass Pedal)”
Six-Stringed Flamberge – “Abrogator”
The Waking Hours – “New Revolution”
Mafia Track Suit – “Samiam”
Fake Problems – “5678″
Chaotrope – “XIV (2x Bass Pedal)”
Mystic Syntax – “Blasphemous”
Molehill – “On the Wall”
C&O – “Step on the Throat”
KickBend – “Goin’ Home”
Daryle Stephen Ackerman – “One-Night-Stand Man”
Jeff Orr – “Hanging By a Thread”
Amberian Dawn – “Sons of Seven Stars”
Glitzy Glow – “Black and Sunny Day”
Poets of the Fall – “Lift”
Firewind – “The Fire and the Fury (2x Bass Pedal)”
The Pinstripes – “Come On In”
Deadlock – “The Brave / Agony Applause (2x Bass Pedal)”
Evile – “Metamorphosis”
Evile – “My Parasite”
Children of Nova – “The Order”
of Montreal – “An Eluardian Instance”
Architects – “Learn to Live”
Sleeping with Sirens – “If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn”
MyChildren MyBride – “Lost Boys”
Slightly Stoopid – “Closer to the Sun”
Dark From Day One – “New Addiction”
Bright Midnight – “Hotel Saigon”
Bright Midnight – “Killers of the Worst Type”
Bright Midnight – "Hand Me Down"
Nova – “California”
Cephalic Carnage – “Abraxas of Filth”
Periphery – “Icarus Lives”

And here's the songs coming to RBN on PlayStation 3 on February 1st:

Damone – “Roll the Dice”
Sleater-Kinney – “Jumpers”
Gov’t Mule – “Steppin’ Lightly”
Ween – “Gabrielle”
Amberian Dawn – “Fate of the Maiden”

"I think I just filled the cup."

Oh nice. I have a real soft spot for Jimmy Jazz and Hateful.

DudleySmith wrote:

Oh nice. I have a real soft spot for Jimmy Jazz and Hateful.

I celebrate the entire catalog.

So, I'm new to the plastic instrument world. I got RB Beatles for Christmas and have spent little time in it. But, am I doing it wrong or I can only buy Beatles song from the online store using RB Beatles on the Wii?

demonbox wrote:

So, I'm new to the plastic instrument world. I got RB Beatles for Christmas and have spent little time in it. But, am I doing it wrong or I can only buy Beatles song from the online store using RB Beatles on the Wii?

The Beatles: Rock Band is basically a completely separate game, and can only access other Beatles songs. If you want to get in on all the rest of the DLC, you'll need to pick up Rock Band 3; Rock Band 2 can play most of it, but everything from a few weeks after the release of RB3 onwards has been RB3-specific.


Is there someplace that I can get a list of my current collection? It would be a bit of work to copy my list from in game.

Also just wanted to share my most recent upgrade to my collection. I found AC/DC and Track Pack 2 for around $5 a piece while searching for something to use a $20 gift card I had received. I decided to purchase copies for myself and my online band-mates Lothar (already had AC/DC) and Willer costing me a total of $29.44 - $20 (Gift certificate) = $9.44. Once received I gave Willer his 2 codes and sent Lotar the discs along with some other stuff I was shipping to him.

Shortly after this deal I found myself looking at the best buy trade-in center. Each of the track packs were valued at $4! So basically you could purchase these 2 packs (28 tracks) for around the price of 2 tracks DLC. So long as you can use the best buy credit

I had just finished playing Fable 3 (purchased Black Friday for $35) and had decided after much consideration to trade in my copy of FFXIII ($9 also purchased on Black Friday). Along with the $25 gift card I received I calculated my credit to be around $75. However my copy of FFXIII was still wrapped and in new condition so they actually did me a huge favor and "returned" it at the current price of $40!

My costs:

Fable 3 - $35
Track Pack 2 - $5
AC/DC - $5

Total - $54 (rounded)

My trade-in/return

Fable 3 - $27
FFXIII - $40
Track Pack 2 - $4
AC/DC - $4

Total - $75

Adding my $25 gift card brought me to $100. I walked out the door with my Mad Catz Keyboard and a big smile on my face.

Special Friday 2/11 release for Valentine's day:

Animotion – Obsession
B.O.B. feat Hayley Williams – Airplanes
Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart
The Human League – Don’t You Want Me
Lady Antebellum – Need You Now
Meatloaf – Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Stevie Nicks – Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around *
* Indicates Pro-Guitar/Bass chart availability for an additional $.99

I'm all over the Animotion, Human League and Bonnie Tyler

Meatloaf – Paradise By The Dashboard Light

Oh. My. God. I have been waiting for this song for SO long. And I can say that without an ounce of sarcasm. I L-O-V-E this song.

And Total Eclipse of the Heart should be fun to get just cause.

It's going to be hard not to sing this instead:

Tanglebones wrote:

Special Friday 2/11 release for Valentine's day:

Animotion – Obsession
B.O.B. feat Hayley Williams – Airplanes
Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart
The Human League – Don’t You Want Me
Lady Antebellum – Need You Now
Meatloaf – Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Stevie Nicks – Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around *
* Indicates Pro-Guitar/Bass chart availability for an additional $.99

I'm all over the Animotion, Human League and Bonnie Tyler :)


I could not be more excited. The pure badness of Meatloaf and Bonnie Tyler will be glorious.

Stop draggin' my car around—aww, I just got the hubcaps painted!

That.. was... amazing..

Dear Harmonix,

You are awesome.



I would be much more interested in this if MadCatz could actually get the freaking MIDI adapters out to stores! Even sans adapter, I doubt I could resist an Elton John pack (since they mentioned Can You Feel The Love Tonight).

ahrezmendi wrote:

I would be much more interested in this if MadCatz could actually get the freaking MIDI adapters out to stores!

Exactly this. I've gotten so frustrated as to really lose interest in RB3. Maybe I'll pick it up again when the guitar is released, assuming there's a MIDI adapter available to actually use the guitar.

"Total Eclipse of the Heart" could not in any way be more awesome to sing as a duet. HILARIOUS.

MilkmanDanimal wrote:

Dear Harmonix,

You are awesome.




DLC Week of 2/22 - Pat Benatar 6 Pack!
Available on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation®3 system (Feb. 22):

• “Fire and Ice”
• “Love is a Battlefield”
• “Shadows of the Night”
• “We Belong” X
• “Invincible”
• “Promises in the Dark”

(All tracks are original master recordings)
(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation®3 system Feb. 23)

These tracks will be available for purchase as individual tracks and as “Pat Benatar Pack 01” on Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 system and Wii. Tracks marked with “X” will include Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions for $0.99 per song.


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points) per song
$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per song
$0.99 USD (100 Wii Points/80 Microsoft Points), £0.59 UK, €0.79 EU per song for eligible Pro Guitar/Pro Bass upgrade
$9.99, £4.99 UK, €7.99 EU (800 Microsoft Points, 1000 Wii Points) for Pat Benatar Pack 01

** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change. **

Edit: I said I wanted cheesy 80s stuff, but this is the *wrong* cheesy 80s stuff! Less pop, and more New Wave, please!

I'd kill for them to release The Warrior.

Edit: That gives me a chance to post this:

Do 80's videos get any better than that?

No, they do not.

DLC Week of 3/1 - Nine Inch Nails 4 Pack!
Hey gang,

Next Tuesday we'll be releasing four classic Nine Inch Nails tracks, fresh from the 2010 remaster of 1989's Pretty Hate Machine. Man, 1989. That means Trent Reznor has been angry about stuff for longer than a lot of the people reading this have been alive. Celebrate this landmark industrial album with the four tracks below. Enjoy!

Available on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation®3 system (March 1):

• “Terrible Lie”
• “Head Like a Hole” X
• “Sanctified”
• “The Only Time”

(All tracks are original master recordings)
(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation®3 system March 2)

These tracks will be available for purchase as individual tracks and as “Pretty Hate Pack 01” on Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 system and Wii. Tracks marked with “X” will include Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions for $0.99 per song.


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points) per song
$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per song
$0.99 USD (100 Wii Points/80 Microsoft Points), £0.59 UK, €0.79 EU per song for eligible Pro Guitar/Pro Bass upgrade
$6.99, £3.49 UK, €5.29 EU (560 Microsoft Points, 700 Wii Points) for Pretty Hate Pack 01

** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change. **

To discuss this DLC please visit the official discussion thread in the Rock Band forum.

For all DLC song credits and other juicy details you can check out The Music page.

And for awesome background information on this content you can head on over to the Rock Band 'Zine for brand new articles!

Rock Band Network releases will be listed below shortly. Check back soon!

Oh, hell yeah.

More NIN? Always welcome. Always.

DLC Week of 3/8 - Depeche Mode 3 Pack & Death Cab For Cutie
Hey gang,

Next week's DLC will see two awesome bands joining the RB library for the first time! Depeche Mode arrives with a full pack with a Pro G/B upgrade for their hit Personal Jesus and Death Cab For Cutie come out swinging with an excellent single. New bands are always great to see, and we've seen plenty of requests for these two bands over the years and we're happy to have them in the family!

Available on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation®3 system (March 8):

• Depeche Mode – “Never Let Me Down Again”
• Depeche Mode – “Personal Jesus” X
• Depeche Mode – “Policy of Truth”
• Death Cab For Cutie – “I Will Possess Your Heart”

(All tracks are original master recordings)
(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation®3 system March 9)

These tracks will be available for purchase as individual tracks and as “Depeche Mode Pack 01” on Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 system and Wii. Tracks marked with “X” will include Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions for $0.99 per song.


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points) per song
$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per song
$0.99 USD (100 Wii Points/80 Microsoft Points), £0.59 UK, €0.79 EU per song for eligible Pro Guitar/Pro Bass upgrade
$5.49, £2.49 UK, €3.99 EU (440 Microsoft Points, 550 Wii Points) for Depeche Mode Pack 01

** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change. **

To discuss this DLC please visit the official discussion thread in the Rock Band forum.

For all DLC song credits and other juicy details you can check out The Music page.

And for awesome background information on this content you can head on over to the Rock Band 'Zine for brand new articles!

Rock Band Network releases will be listed below shortly. Check back soon!

I cannot stop smiling

Tanglebones wrote:
DLC Week of 3/8 - Depeche Mode 3 Pack & Death Cab For Cutie

I cannot stop smiling :)

Yes. I saw the announcement and immediately went "SQUEEE!"

Nine Inch Nails, and DM, back to back? Wooot!

In for Depeche Mode. Almost as excited for this as I was for the Billy Joel tracks.

DonD wrote:

In for Depeche Mode. Almost as excited for this as I was for the Billy Joel tracks.


I just hope that “Depeche Mode Pack 01” means we can expect 02-10+. There are so many DP songs that would be great with keys support.