I don''t even like this name anymore, but it''s a pain changing it, as everyone I''ve ever encounterred online knows me by it.
I''ve been using it pretty much forever, it''s from a series of fantasy books I like.
Yes, Steven Brust stories on the Vlad Taltos series.
I love Brust.
I have an armadillo in my pants. It''s actually quite terrifying.
Well that certainly explains a lot.
BTW, how did those pickles turn out?
Richy - name, Rambo - style of play
Mine is one that I''ve used for a long time in CRPGs usually playing Wizards.
Now it refers to my l33t tactics in today''s shooters! (and while RichyRespawn might be more accurate, it did not have the same appeal)
edit:spelling and clarity
No, dude, you''re wrong. You started using it when we found out we could name the soldier we controlled in Computer Ambush. I remember like it was yesterday.
"hubbinsd" wrote:I have an armadillo in my pants. It''s actually quite terrifying.
Well that certainly explains a lot.
BTW, how did those pickles turn out?
Lot better than the armadillos.
Well I originally chose Pyroman because I like burning things and fire. Seriously, that''s as deep as my name goes, it was high school and I''m horrible at naming anything.
However when I realized how generic that was I stuck on my clan tag to be a little more unique. That clan, of course, is Fortress Omega, which was not only the first Team Fortress 2 clan, but also a clan that never actually played a match against anyone ever. We would have bursts of email ""hilarity"" such as our ""Clash of the Dumbasses"" and the occasional website feature, most of which are too embarassing for me to link to. Especially the Matrix bastardization that had me cast as Trinity for some damned reason. KrazyTaco[FO] is the co-founder and coincedentally the only other clan member left who will use the tag willingly.
When I said we never played a match against anyone, I forgot about the Lan party where we all joined the same team on a public server and then another clan showed up and started playing against us. When the other clan started kicking our ass we informed them of the fact that we were a TF2 clan and this game wasn''t our forte. They laughed and said that game isn''t out yet, which is when we explained that we were from the future. Amid the confusion we also explained that in the future score was counted the opposite way, then proceeded to knife each other to gain the lowest score. I think that''s how it happened anyway.
No, dude, you''re wrong. You started using it when we found out we could name the soldier we controlled in Computer Ambush. I remember like it was yesterday.
Jaysus! That was like 10th grade or somthing! And what were you called back then? (cause I haven''t the foggiest)
About 12yrs ago or so a company I worked with had it''s computer cough this name out to me. So...BIG computer coughed out this simple word that has part of my first and last name. Heck, I could of done that
It''s an alternate spelling of Cepheus. I''ve always loved Greek myth and star-gazing, though I''ve never taken either very seriously. My other handle is Icarus, probably because it''s my favourite myth.
I also tend to use Greek references to name computers. Drives people nuts because they can''t spell them. Achilles is my home PC, while I''ve gone through three at work: Icarus, Odysseus and Sisyphus. The last one kinda back-fired because my boss kept mis-pronouncing it ""syphilis.""
Whenever I would play an RPG, the main character''s name that I would choose would be Fred, simply because the keys are so close together on the keyboard. I could type the name in extremely quickly, and thus get to the good parts of the game that much quicker...that whole second usually made all the difference in the world.
I added the -ster when I realized that Fred didn''t quite sound fancy enough. And paladins always need to sound fancy.
Thanks for the lock and load info, folks. Now I know way more than I did, and I still don''t know which phrase is correct, except for the M1 (which I''ve loaded a few times, but never really thought about the naming of the sequence, since there''s something else on your mind when you push on the stripper clip...)
I''ve gone by Viking off and on for probably 20-odd years in various venues. It was more often Beer Viking in college. That one doesn''t come up often anymore.
It''s probably mostly off of my last name - Aksdal, which is about as Scandanavian as it gets (Norwegian, to be precise). That''s an adopted name, though - no Norwegian in me as far as I know, though there''s about 25% Swedish, which I suppose is close enough.
I like palindromes. I also like the duality of competence / incompetence. Fits me well. ;)
You would have scored more points if the explanation was a palindrome
I was going to register at EvilAvatar back when I still visited, and I was tired of the one I used before, since it was all too dull and unimaginative. Not to mention it could be constued as angsty gothiness.
So I decided wanted something slightly ludicrous and over the top, proving myself a proper Detached and Ironic internet person, but I couldn''t come up with anything remotely good. I went looking in a nearby Transmetropolitan for inspiration, and came upon the issue where Spider dresses up like God and heckles religion peddlers, one of those telling about how the anal probing of the Alien Love Gardeners made him see the truth a bout life, the universe and everything.
So I thought ''Hey, that''ll do'', and Alien Love Gardener it was.
I live in Aberdeen, Washington. I think that just about sums it up.
My screen name is a combination of my first and last names.
What kind of silly first name is ""Sl""?
Simple, middle name.
Well, one night, long ago, when I was younger and more.... experimental, a bunch of friends and I are tripping balls. They had this little stuffed duck made out of crochet or something squishy. I put it on my head(hey, I was tripping), and forgot about it(shades of Pratchett subconsciously creeping in, perhaps). Someone later asked what I was doing with that thing on my head.
I threw out my arms and pronounced with great dramatic emphasis ""I am the Ducki Lama. Quack."" The response was a good five minutes of laughter, after which, my wife, being a writer and a devotee of epic poetry, mythology, religion, and an English and Philosophy major, decided to take a page from the book of Bob and create a religion.
Thus was born the Aquatic Temple of the Ducki Lama. I''ll post in another thread(so as not to kill the readability of this one) the epic tale of creation that she crafted, stylistically ""correct"".
Dr_Awkward wrote:
I like palindromes. I also like the duality of competence / incompetence. Fits me well.You would have scored more points if the explanation was a palindrome
I''m not that competent.
Hell, I can''t even cut and paste a quote without the emoticons coming up as ''icon_wink.gif''
15 years ago in Korea, prior to a crud tournament (a game we play in the military to beat the crap out of each other around a pool table), two engineer ladies decided, after having seen the pig sty I live in, and hearing stories along the lines of how I used to cook a gourmet meal to impress young hotties, and then I''d let the next hottie clean those dishes days later...
Well...Pigpen was born (based on a registered trademark of Peanuts...etc...)
CEJ = Initials.
Old handles include raptor and vairous raptor + cej combinations. After awhile, I grew lazy and surley and decied to just drop the ''raptor'' and run with my initials. This goes way back to playing Trade Wars on some of the old Wildcat BBS systems in and around OC, CA.
As a general rule, I tend to not place small animals in my pants like Hubb and Mateo.
NOTE: Pigpen aka Uncle Earl is only scratching the surface of his various nicknames.
Rhymes with sex.
""Gorilla800lbs"" harkens back to the days (or, rather, sleepless nights) of Quake2 CTF, as well as Lithium and Rune mods. I got the grappling hook + rocket launcher combination down to science, and decided that this handle would be befitting my style of a rocket a-totin'' swingin'' ape.
I''ve been mod''ing games for years with a guy whos nickname is Mr.White (Reservoir Dogs), once while play testing I told to myself, since we''re working together, why not pick another color/Reservoir Dogs character. So here comes Mr.Green...
You know what? There ain''t no freaking Mr.Green in Reservoir Dogs. Duh.
I always hated having to pick up a nickname and believe it or not, anonymity feels odd to me, so I''ve yet to find one that I really like or feel that it represents me. On many forums and in all games where I have to pick a name for my character I just use my name. Looks like I''m not much of a role player now am I.
I picked up MrGreen on Live because some bastard already registered my name, and I picked up Mr.Green here because it''s my Live gamertag.
I''ve been mod''ing games for years with a guy whos nickname is Mr.White (Reservoir Dogs), once while play testing I told to myself, since we''re working together, why not pick another color/Reservoir Dogs character. So here comes Mr.Green...
You know what? There ain''t no freaking Mr.Green in Reservoir Dogs. Duh.
Least you''re not Mr. Pink.
Lester King was the greatest toon I had in X-Com: Ufo Defence. I took his name in honor of his unbelievable alien killing skills.
Found a random fantasy name generator on the internet. Picked it out of a list produced by that generator. Then added a couple of random (pseudo-random?) digits to the end so that it wouldn''t conflict with all the other polqs out there.
Mine is quite mundane- Larsson was my first EQ character, a Barb Shaman. He was awesome in Kunark. Used that name on the Crucible for about a year. Too lazy to come up with anything else
Radiohead is my favorite band, they have a song called ''Optimistic'' which features a lyric that is a cool mantra that I try to live by: ""The best you can is good enough.""
I always thought it was ""Lock"" the magazine into the weapon, and then ""Load"" a round.
It has been just over 20 years, but I''m pretty sure the DI''s were yelling ""Lock and Load your first 20 round magazine, and prepare to defend your position"" at the range....When they weren''t calling me asshole.
My DI''s said ""With a magazine of 20 rounds, load your weapon."" All that ''lock'' shit was for the movies. Reaper''s explanation of locking his bolt back before inserting a magazine is correct, but you don''t (or shouldn''t) have to do that on an M-16.
Lester King was the greatest toon I had in X-Com: Ufo Defence. I took his name in honor of his unbelievable alien killing skills.
Outstanding. God Bless the XCOM''ers