WAR: Catch all

What about the Skavens? Yeah my first order is always to turn off public chat.

Strekos wrote:

Well, I re-installed as soon as I saw the announcement about Skaven, to see how things were going. I was thinking I might re-up for a couple months. But then... after getting my characters copied over to an active server (and renaming them) I logged in. Immediately, my chat window started scrolling with gold seller spam. It was literally continuously scrolling with spam. Logged out, sighed deeply, uninstalled.

The advice channel is spammed with gold sellers. All you have to do is leave that channel and you won't see anymore gold seller spam.

I started back up about a week ago. I'm having a blast so far. Tier 1 RvR was still packed. Tier 2 RvR is definitely active during peak times, though getting into a scenario takes forever. They've made a lot of good changes to the open world RvR objectives that does a good job of funneling people into combat while shifting the battlefield.

I'm still playing my Warrior Priest on Badlands (Igrainne). I've been seriously addicted to this game for the past 3 months and last night I hit Renown Rank 79. I should hit rr80 by the end of the week and I'm so excited because I already have a full set of Sovereign armor, the end game armor set.

I've played this game in beta, release, quit after a month and a half. Came back again to the game a few months later, quit again and I've returned to it about 3 months ago and it has improved tremendously imo.

I'm a MMO whore and I believe WAR has the best casual PVP out there. It's easy to get into it, there's not much downtime, you have options of smaller scale fights (Scenarios or RvR hunting) or zerg type of fights, progression is ok now with the Against All Odds mechanic and getting gear is part of the process of just playing the game and killing people!

WAR is still a bugged POS though. I have some random crashes every now and then, mobs pathfinding is still crap and I don't ever expect them to fix this, the 2 end game Dungeons are still full of bugs and the game overall doesn't feel polished enough like WoW for example. Another problem it has, depending on which server you play, is player population. I believe the game is only fun if you have a lot of players to play with and against, so Badlands will probably be the only place I'd play the game, but the server is so overpopulated over the weekends, that zones sometimes crashes and logging back in can be an exercise in frustration. I still rather have these issues sometimes then play on an empty server though.

I have wanted to come back and play; however, my account got hacked. My main is moved and has a weird name now. Mythic still fails in customer support - I have been trying to correct this for months.

Tkyl wrote:
Strekos wrote:

Well, I re-installed as soon as I saw the announcement about Skaven, to see how things were going. I was thinking I might re-up for a couple months. But then... after getting my characters copied over to an active server (and renaming them) I logged in. Immediately, my chat window started scrolling with gold seller spam. It was literally continuously scrolling with spam. Logged out, sighed deeply, uninstalled.

The advice channel is spammed with gold sellers. All you have to do is leave that channel and you won't see anymore gold seller spam.

Well, uninstalling has worked pretty well for keeping me from seeing the spam, so I hadn't really felt the need to look for an alternative solution.

Strekos wrote:

Well, uninstalling has worked pretty well for keeping me from seeing the spam, so I hadn't really felt the need to look for an alternative solution.

LOL, thats very close to being sig-able



I just signed up again with my 40 WH I love to get some grouping in. I'll be looking for a guild shortly if the game catches on again for me.

Sure, if you are on Badlands, look me up!

Whats your chars name?

Mines Slytin.

I'm on pretty much every night on my WP, Igrainne.

I have just now read their latest newsletter. One bit got me really interested: the new rvr/siege mechanics. Melee can drop inside the keep walls? Sounds awesome.

Has the game improved? I'm kind of itching to see where it is right now...

oMonarca wrote:

I have just now read their latest newsletter. One bit got me really interested: the new rvr/siege mechanics. Melee can drop inside the keep walls? Sounds awesome.

Has the game improved? I'm kind of itching to see where it is right now...

Not sure... i was tempted to go back because they teased with the Skaven, but i read a thing that they were using a mechanic like Lotros pvp and wasnt actually letting you create a Skaven toon so just decided to keep it shelved.

The game has improved RvR mechanics compared to launch. That's for sure. I believe that what they are preparing for the RvR pack the end of this year, will make RvR better and disperse the zerg and encourage smaller groups to work together to lock zones. I participated in a couple events in the test server where they put some of the new mechanics to test and they are fine, but what it will take some time to work out will be the zerg mentality most players and raid leaders have because of the current way RvR works. That won't work too well in the new system.

If you want to give the game a try again, I think they are still giving 14 free in their re-enlistment program. You should be able to reactivate your account for free.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Didn't phase me that much, the new rvr mechanics were the main thing that called my attention.

Oh well, I'm thinking about enjoying my games in a more casual and focused manner. This one sounded like a good candidate, I'll keep my eye on it for a few more weeks.

Now that they are closing the game and have activated everyone's accounts, anyone reinstall to just have one last look around? I plan on visiting some of my favorite places and grabbing a whole bunch of screenies before the WAR goes dark.

Togson [Kingmakers]

tog89 wrote:

Now that they are closing the game and have activated everyone's accounts, anyone reinstall to just have one last look around? I plan on visiting some of my favorite places and grabbing a whole bunch of screenies before the WAR goes dark.

Togson [Kingmakers]

Wow! That's a heckuva thread necro.

I'd actually 1) forgotten that WAR was shutting down and 2) never heard they were re-activating old accounts. This actually sounds kind of cool! I didn't play WAR very long, but I enjoyed it, maybe this is something worth looking into?

I always find the permanent destruction of virtual worlds kind of fascinating, too.