polypusher wrote:Walt: You can check out Direct 2 Drive and see if they're still offering the head start with purchase. They should be. EA store might be the same. Otherwise at this point you're probably stuck waiting for Thursday and the official retail launch of the game.
D2D was as of last night.
D2D is as of this morning.
what vent are we using for this?
I will be making my mangina Witch Elf as soon as i pick this up.
What is this "CP" I keep seeing mentioned? I gather it is some other site/forum? So GWJ is not having it's own guild? Why not?
What is this "CP" I keep seeing mentioned? I gather it is some other site/forum? So GWJ is not having it's own guild? Why not?
Probably cause true to GWJ form the guild will have 10 people that are on all the time, 5 people that are on some of the time and 327 people who are on once a month
What is this "CP" I keep seeing mentioned? I gather it is some other site/forum? So GWJ is not having it's own guild? Why not?
I can think of a few reasons. First, this is a game where strength in numbers rings true. Second, the goodjer crowd is pretty notorious, me included, in starting an MMO and then abandoning it a few months later. This is a form of insurance policy that, should some people quit, we won't be left with a barren guild and no one to play with. I'm not saying that these are the reasons in particular, but they sure are good ones.
Will be creating a Gob Shaman on Volkmar named Hannz
Wait I am not sure I will be allowed in their vent with those rules.
Anyone who purchased via D2D able to get into game today? I purchased last night and have made it all the way to the authenticator but it won't accept my login/password. I see on the game's website that there is a possible issue with the authenticator but none of their suggested fixes help. I'm not sure if my issues are technical in nature or related to the pre-release not going live yet for D2D orders. Is the open beta still up or have they switched entirely to pre-release?
The lack of official forums is disconcerting, especially compared to Turbine/LoTRO.
Oh Add Bear to the list.
He is playing.
Ferret: The direct 2 drive pre-order head start starts on Tuesday (tomorrow).
Not today
The current head start is only for Collectors Edition pre-order folks.
The open beta is over.
WiredAsylum wrote:Wait I am not sure I will be allowed in their vent with those rules.
Hehe the foul language bit may get a few of us.
Wait, aren't Cursing and PvP like Peanut Butter and Jelly?
I'll be playing too. Let them know I'm coming. I get exciteable when RvR is introduced into the mix...
Swat wrote:ranalin wrote:WiredAsylum wrote:Wait I am not sure I will be allowed in their vent with those rules.
Hehe the foul language bit may get a few of us.
Wait, aren't Cursing and PvP like Peanut Butter and Jelly?
hehe no kidding. It's just nice to know that there's people worse than me out there :)
Man, you should have heard me playing Arenas with my brother in WoW. Especially when we went up against pillar humping Druids.
Btw... Episode Zero is up... We'll have one and two up in the next couple of days.
WiredAsylum wrote:Wait I am not sure I will be allowed in their vent with those rules.
Hehe the foul language bit may get a few of us.
Uh oh, I may be in trouble.
Some things I've read here and elsewhere make this sound like the ideal "casual" MMOG, though I have read that there is, essentially, "no" raiding to speak of, though that does speak to a more "casual" type of player that may not be able to find 20 friends to block off 3+ hours on a couple days a week.
What about instances/dungeons? Raids? Group content? Storyline progressing content? Gearing up casual? (I think Blizzard knocked this one out of the park with Badges of Honor.)
polypusher wrote:This is freakin cool.
Holy crap, we need to do this! (if we can on Destro that is..)
This is their Lair system. There is a hidden lair in every zone in which lives a mob many times higher then the that tiers players. Most from what I have seem are very much of the beaten path and hard to just stubble across.
I'll be jumping in tomorrow night. See you guys then!
There are instances, group content as much or as little as you want it to be - each public quest, which you'll experience a ton of in each area (think about 6 before you get out of tier 1) involve stage 1 - trash mobs, stage 2 - champions (think WoW elites, hard solo), stage 3 - heroes (think WoW bosses, impossible solo unless you're way overlevel). Can do all these with a group, and oft time, the rewards scale with the number of people taking part. The PQs also progress the storyline.
Gearing up can be done a number of ways; renown rewards (for levelling up thru RvR), influence rewards (for how much you took part in PQs), PQ loot bags (how much you contributed to a single PQ, plus a random dice roll to mix things up and a mechanism for those folks who've been doing the PQ for a bit and haven't received any loot) as well as world and instance drops.
Tons in here for the hardcore and casual alike.
Ought to add, as someone who played WoW a lot before Burning Crusade (Molten Core et al) with groups/guilds, and then through to 70 in BC solo (all the rep and keying grind ... yeuch ... one of the reasons I gave up on Everquest after fighting through the elemental planes), I've probably grouped more in WAR than I did in BC; its so easy - click a button to find an open group in your vicinity, and voila. If you're playing with friends, you can close the group so folks have to be invited. Joining RvR scenarios can be done either solo, as a group, or as a warband (collection of up to 4 groups - great way for a guild to jump into a scenario together, akin to a pre-made battlefield run in WoW)
Some things I've read here and elsewhere make this sound like the ideal "casual" MMOG, though I have read that there is, essentially, "no" raiding to speak of, though that does speak to a more "casual" type of player that may not be able to find 20 friends to block off 3+ hours on a couple days a week.
What about instances/dungeons? Raids? Group content? Storyline progressing content? Gearing up casual? (I think Blizzard knocked this one out of the park with Badges of Honor.)
I'm pretty sure the most common misconception is that there is no end game raiding, I read somewhere (was it the dev?) that said there would be plenty. Probably not on par with WoW, but enough to scratch the gear itch I'm sure. But I'm not as informed on that part.
I wouldn't exactly call it "casual" in a sense there won't be an insane amount of people spending an ungodly amount of time playing (because there will), it's more casual in the sense that it makes it easier not to waste time on the little things, like trying to find a tank for hours, or running out of things to do besides dailies. So far, there seems to be almost zero downtime for most of what I took part in, but then again, I can't speak for end game.
To be honest, the Badges aspect of WoW was awesome at first, but I grew to dislike it. All I heard over and over was "badgersbadgersbadgers" omg I need just xxx amount more badgers to get lets go get some badgers! It was awesome at first to suppliment some gear, but running the same dungeons over and over really fouled the experience for me. But that was pre-Sunwell and Lich, so I'm sure it's probably better now, at least there are more ways than one to skin a cat.
I think, and this goes for any MMO, that there needs to be a fair balance between giving everyone the keys to the kingdom and earning items through truly hard work. I hope WAR can definitely provide some stuff that does take a bunch of effort, without burning yourself out in the process.
Speculation at this point though, I think we're all going to have to get to the end game before we really start hashing this stuff out. The only thing I know, it's an ass-kickingly good time the second you get out the gates.
ranalin wrote:WiredAsylum wrote:Wait I am not sure I will be allowed in their vent with those rules.
Hehe the foul language bit may get a few of us.
Uh oh, I may be in trouble.
Only when your drinking.
I like the different paths to decent gear.
-There's random mob drops. Like any other MMO
-There's random Player drops. I have gotten some very nice stuff from these.
-There's Influence rewards. Guaranteed awards you can preview and decide if you want to work towards them
-There's Public Quest loot drop bags and the same for Keeps and Fortresses
-There's Quest rewards
-and there's Renown items. By leveling up your Renown rank you can purchase goods that are great for your level.
Thats a bunch of different ways to gear up.
I like the different paths to decent gear.
-There's random mob drops. Like any other MMO
-There's random Player drops. I have gotten some very nice stuff from these.
-There's Influence rewards. Guaranteed awards you can preview and decide if you want to work towards them
-There's Public Quest loot drop bags and the same for Keeps and Fortresses
-There's Quest rewards
-and there's Renown items. By leveling up your Renown rank you can purchase goods that are great for your level.Thats a bunch of different ways to gear up.
I totally forgot players could drop items. Does it share a loot table with mob drops or something?
One thing I'm not too sure about is how gear dependant (ie. lets crunch some numbers) WAR is compared to WOW. I can only hope it's much better than Conan. But I'm not about to parse any damage logs about now, I'll take their word for it
I've pre-ordered the game. I'm going to give it a shot. I'll be back to post information once I know my characters/server information.
Swat wrote:polypusher wrote:I like the different paths to decent gear.
-There's random mob drops. Like any other MMO
-There's random Player drops. I have gotten some very nice stuff from these.
-There's Influence rewards. Guaranteed awards you can preview and decide if you want to work towards them
-There's Public Quest loot drop bags and the same for Keeps and Fortresses
-There's Quest rewards
-and there's Renown items. By leveling up your Renown rank you can purchase goods that are great for your level.Thats a bunch of different ways to gear up.
I totally forgot players could drop items. Does it share a loot table with mob drops or something?
One thing I'm not too sure about is how gear dependant (ie. lets crunch some numbers) WAR is compared to WOW. I can only hope it's much better than Conan. But I'm not about to parse any damage logs about now, I'll take their word for it :)
I think the loot table is the same as tier level creatures.
As for gear dependency... well it will matter probably as much as WoW. People are going to want the biggest edge they can find when it comes to PvP. If some stone troll off in some cave has an item that is better than anything else out there... you can bet there will be queues like EQ back in the day if they're not instanced off.
Ahh i loved f*cking up the server rotations for boss mobs, hell we woke the sleeper after we were the only ones to farm it.