Mven, do you run with a sword and board or use a great sword? Or do you swap?
What do you consider the dps tanks? Ironbreakers and Chosen? with 2 handers? Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine? Or were you talking about White Lions and Marauders?
Mven, do you run with a sword and board or use a great sword? Or do you swap?
What do you consider the dps tanks? Ironbreakers and Chosen? with 2 handers? Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine? Or were you talking about White Lions and Marauders?
DPS tanks are all tanks who go up their DPS tree. They're actually able to put up good numbers when specd and geared right. Comparable to the medium armor melee dps classes, but able to take on more damage. Normally going great weapon instead sword/board.
Luckily that's an option because renown points at the moment are granted based off of damage/healing not threat. So at 40+ renown level it's why you see more dps tanks instead of the traditional style.
So at 40+ renown level it's why you see more dps tanks instead of the traditional style.
There's also a different focus in WAR than most MMOs so it's easy to see why tradition is broken.
I'm a little confused since it seems that 90% of your damage comes from skills, not the melee weapon so I've always used sword and board or axe and board. But I found a stat description the other day on the character sheet that said, "Increases damage of weapon skills by X" or something to that effect. So does having a 2 hander increase the damage of your skills?
I'm a little confused since it seems that 90% of your damage comes from skills, not the melee weapon so I've always used sword and board or axe and board. But I found a stat description the other day on the character sheet that said, "Increases damage of weapon skills by X" or something to that effect. So does having a 2 hander increase the damage of your skills?
There are tactics that give +x% when using a 2 hander. These are found on the dps tree of tanks. I believe it's the first tree on the Chosen and Black Orc. You'll also see that DPS tanks stack STR gear over Toughness and Wounds. STR determines how much damage you and your skills do. You also get an increase in the amount of damage your skills do depending on how far up the mastery tree that contains it you go.
I'm a little confused since it seems that 90% of your damage comes from skills, not the melee weapon so I've always used sword and board or axe and board. But I found a stat description the other day on the character sheet that said, "Increases damage of weapon skills by X" or something to that effect. So does having a 2 hander increase the damage of your skills?
Also check out the STR description, it lists how STR increases your white DPS and your Yellow DPS.
that yellow DPS for some skills is (assuming a hit) a combination of (Skill+Weap Damage+STR) - (Toughness of Target - Weapon Skill).
2 handers have a higher base weap damage and a better chance of having +STR
I really, really like WAR...it's just better than the sum of its parts. The combination of atmosphere, gameworld, large variety in character classes, PvP, public quests, RvR, open groups, decent PvE quests, good dungeons (at high levels), the tome, loot bags that always have things for your class, etc. all just add up to a really neat gameplay experience.
Due to the public quests and PvP, you're rarely adventuring alone - WAR does a great job of getting you into groups. They've managed to make "solo-friendly" not as much of a loner experience. You're just naturally going to hook up with different people throughout your adventures. As such, it does perhaps the best job of encouraging grouping - without forcing it - I've seen in any MMO.
There's just a lot to like. It doesn't mean it's perfect thought. There are some issues like class balance, UI enhancements (tough to see DOTs and things like that), scenario balance, more high-level content, more quests in the late 20s and 30s areas, improvements in low-level dungeons and so forth that need to be taken care of for WAR to be a strong long-term player in the MMO market.
But right now, it's my addicition of choice. I'm no longer planning on buying the Blizzard expansion for WoW right off the bat. I'm having too much fun in WAR.
There are quite a few level 40s on my server though I think I am still the 2nd highest level SM at 35 and I haven't logged in at all the past few days. Essentially I had to have surgery and had been lying around the house a lot last week so I had more time to play than I usually would working. Now I am playing catchup at work and putting Warhammer on the back burner. I haven't really been powerlevelling through anything so much as just playing a lot. Most of my exp comes from PvP and solo grinding PQs for influence gear.
I don't really think my lack of enthusiasm for a lot of the things is really from playing too much Warhammer as it was my 2 years playing WoW. Levelling multiple characters (like 20) through both westfall and the barrens really really wore me out on questing. I try to read the quests and see if I can get into the story but as soon as I get down to the part where it says kill X blahblah X blehbleh and X mehmehs my mind just shuts off. I don't think it's possible to dress these quests up to make them tolerable anymore. I have killed one to many rats or something. The only quests that still get me are the heavily scripted ones like a few of the lines in WoW (tirion fordring line in eastern plaguelands) and EQ (the ring quest from Velious was awesome) where your character actually interracts with the world a good deal.
As for my character if you want to look at what I am wearing you can look up my character on the herald her name is Minx on Hochland. If you aren't familiar with the herald you can go to www.warhammerherald.com and click on the Realm War link and then on the left you should see an option for a character search. It's pretty similar to how the herald worked in DAoC, how the armory works for WoW, eqplayers or magelo for EQ etc.
I go sword and board always. I used a 2h for about 5 minutes found I got owned way more than doing slightly less dps with a sword/board. If you look at the sword I am using though you will realize it's a bit on the {ableist slur} side. My thought is that it is a bugged 2h weapon (though it has lower dps than a 2h the same level) as its DPS is higher than the level 38 1h I am holding onto at present to use then (if you are playing an SM it's from dwarf ch17 influence). For the questions about damage, all of your non-morale skills for melee should get some bonus from using a higher dps weapon. Some seem to get more than others and it seems to have a sort of bonus dmg effect in that doubling the dps of your weapon is not going to double the damage of your skills. You will do more damage however.
For RVR/Renown gain Ranalin is right in that damage and healing generate the most exp and renown respectively (healers generate more renown than any other class if they heal well). The thing is that it is split up with your group so long as you are within exp range. So unless you have people in scens being selfish bastards and moving into their own group and you all stay together you should all get roughly the same exp based on your level (higher level people get a larger chunk). People who move into their own group are the scum of the universe. BWs and Healers do this a lot thinking that since they generate the most damage/healing they deserve all the rewards not taking into account that they would just get their asses handed to them in a matter of seconds without lower damage higher hp people like me keeping the other team off of them. My advice is to let these people die as much as possible and when they cry explain their selfishness to them. (sorry for the minor rant there haha)
As ranalin said when I said DPS tanks I just mean those who pick their gear and career mastery based on DPS. I think that any of the 4 tanks can be specced either way. I have seen some IBs that have been able to put out near witchhunter damage in scens though I think it isn't as bursty. I am sure properly specced SMs could do the same but the only 3 other SMs I have seen regularly in T4 scens are all geared to tank. SMs and I assume Black Orcs can also spec out to do some sort of magic based damage (spirit for SM not sure on BO). I think a build based around this and the debuffs SMs get could be really nice for taking out heavier armored characters who may not have focused so much on resists (though with the debuffs I don't think it would make much difference). I know one guy who has an SM that is going this way though he is 31 so I will have to wait and see how it turns out for him late game. The class seems really versatile to me maybe even more so in some respects than the WoW warrior.
My career mastery thus far has been focused on picking up damage prevention so I currently have the vaul's buffer tactic (damage absorb procced from block/parry/dodge), bolstering enchantments tactic (35 health per second HoT for my group every time my weapon enchant goes off), and aethyric armor buff (400ish extra armor and 5% extra disrupt 30 min buff). I would estimate that if a fight lasts about 1 minute my character would have something like 15k effective hp (around 8k actual). By 40 I will be picking up one more tactic and a couple of offensive abilities for PvP including a knockdown and an ability that I can use after a block. It will look something like this:
Chosen are the Destruction Sword Masters.
Black orc = Iron Breaker.
Chosen are the Destruction Sword Masters.
Black orc = Iron Breaker.
Chosen are currently unmirrored (Knight of the Blazing Sun was to have the same mechanic)
Black orc = Swordmaster
Ironbreaker are currently unmirrored (Blackguard was to have the same mechanic)
No Wired.
Black orc is the Sword Master, they use the same combo mechanic
Chosen and Iron Breaker are not equivalent. Both of their mechanic equivalents were removed from launch.
Edit: Bah, Strekos *shakes fist*
Chosen are the Destruction Sword Masters.
Black orc = Iron Breaker.
I always thought it was the other way around.
Edit: Waagh you 2!
I thought black orc worked off the grudge mechanic as well.
My bad.
Sheesh you bastards
mven, I can't make myself read the quests either. I just go around and kill shit, and then, whoa, "Quest complete !". I've embraced my role as a mindless slaughterer in MMOs... what keeps me playing is exploration, loot, new skills as I level, and partying with people.
mven, I can't make myself read the quests either. I just go around and kill shit, and then, whoa, "Quest complete !". I've embraced my role as a mindless slaughterer in MMOs... what keeps me playing is exploration, loot, new skills as I level, and partying with people.
Same. I love checking out new areas, finding strange mobs hiding in corners, some of the little ToK unlocks in Warhammer are kinda neat (not the ones for do X, Y number of times a lot of which are just stupid, their silly titles are just as ridiculous as dancing on mailboxes in WoW and imo LESS rp-tastic), building out my character (levels, skills, loot, etc), and of course socializing/grouping with people. The rest of the stuff is just filler to get to more of that.
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