WAR: Iron Rock Server details (Order Side)

I'm out for now, enjoyed the game but school and work just isn't giving me the time for big play sessions.

Just playing console stuff in bursts for now.

Good luck!

After a busy October of real life, I've jumped back into WAR in order to try and keep myself away from Wrath.

I'm playing a lvl 7 Engineer and liking it so far. The worst part has been that the tier 1 areas are basically empty when I get on each night. But I'd still like to join the guild and contribute where I can.

When do most people play? I'm usually on most week nights around 11PM - 1AM PST. I'm going to try and get on earlier tonight to see if there is any life. If anyone with invite privileges sees me on, please send me an invite.

Well, prepare to feel a wave off noobs coming to join you in T1 because of the new classes opening up. I normally play at speratic times through the day, but hardly past midnight.
The whole guild has invite privlidges, so just look for _anyone_ online from the guild and they can invite you (if they don't know how tell them to type /guildinvite Yourtoonname).

I've only had time to play one or two nights a week lately, so I haven't been playing much order. But either Warcraft weariness or Heavy Metal enthusiam has really been pushing more activity on Volkmar, so I suspect the same thing will happen on Iron Rock. I'm going to try and pop in some time this week.

Lovin my 12 kotbs still...

Finally got to 20 with my Witch Hunter and found that I'm about 13 silver from my mount.

And my KotBS is sure fun to play, as well.

FYI: I created a new KotBS, and since I don't really dig a War Priest in RvR I think I'm going to change my main to Franz my KotBS, so now we have something besides Bright Wizards in the guild!

Hello everyone. I've been asked to help out CP/WARP and have taken over guild leadership for TINA.

I'm happy and proud to do it, and hopefully I can make enough changes to get some interest back up for the Order guild.

If you haven't logged into a character in a while and notice that they're not in the guild it's because I'm trimming some excess people from the roster who are both sub-20, and haven't logged in for two months. If I trimmed someone who's active I'm sorry.

Other than that, check out the guild Calendar and see if you can sign up for the event.

Iron Rock, Order Guild News and Updates!

So, as I mentioned previously I have some important news for Target is not Attackable. First, in order to help out the guys at WARP I'm now the Guild Leader. My first order of buisness was get things a bit more organized, and hopefully get our guild level up faster.

First, in order to get higher rates of participation I've instituted TINA Tuesdays! They'll be fun and exciting and happening every Tues. Night from 8pm - 10pm (central time). This week we'll be grouping up for scenarios and hopefully rocking some faces and getting the guild name out across the server as a force to be reckoned with. In future weeks we'll be doing both similar things, and more intricately organized events (i.e. oRvR nights, Keep Takings, and hopefully Inevitable City raids!).

Also, so that people don't panic, I want everyone to know that I trimmed a lot of people from the guild if they met two requirements: that they were under lvl 20, and hadn't logged in for over 2 months. I did this because the way that guild rank works is based on percentages. If 10 people out of 100 (guild members total) are playing from a guild the lvl of the guild rank advances at the same rate that 1 out of 10 (guild members total). So, our numbers are really, really hurting us from advancing at a swifter rate.

In order to further assist the guild rank advancement I'm going to set Nov. 15th as the next cut date. As in, if you haven't logged in by Nov. 15th as of the 15th of December I will be trimming more names again. This is not to be excluding, or mean, or anything like that, so please don't think so. If you have been accidentally trimmed out, all TINA members have invite privileges now so it is very easy to get in. If you don't want to be trimmed on Dec. 15th please go through and just log into your Order character for a minute so it updates the Roster.

Next, I want to be looking for guilds to form an alliance with. This will help us to have more players to both pull from for day to day items, and for larger scale events. I'm looking into a few guilds that I've had positive experiences with before, but if anyone has advice on a better way to go about this feel free to chime in.

I have also organized the guild bank a little. We have a lot of room for items right now, so don't be afraid to put greens in there or anything that doesn't sell at the AH.

Finally, if you look down you'll see what could be the TINA Guild Heraldry. The problem with this is that it costs 10 gold to get, and the guild bank only has 8 gold in it. So if you're playing on Iron Rock and you can, please set your Tithe rate and/or donate to the guild bank please so we can get our heraldry.

And please! Let's see some more participation over on Iron Rock guys. Playing order toons is great fun.


Interesting heraldry. Is there a website that shows the different combos available? I'm all for skulls and stuff, but I'd be curious what other combos there are. I'll be getting my mount today after a few quests and 13 more silver, so I'll be riding through the tiers much quicker. I hope to see more folks on.

There's probably a couple thousand combinations honestly. I narrowed it down to six that I really liked, I may post those at a later point and put it to a vote. The one shown was the one that I considered best fitting all around (color, main image, inclusion of all races, etc...)

I like the third one the best then the first one. Oh, this is Lacivious.

I'm all patched. I'll be joining the server this afternoon after the server comes up. I'll hop on the vent server.

I like the skull-head baby thing best. That is a sentence I never thought I'd have to type.

Sephirotic wrote:

I like the skull-head baby thing best. That is a sentence I never thought I'd have to type.

As far as just that part, yes, I totally agree with you, but they made it to small and off center. It leaves way too much negative space.

Honestly, I really like the grateful dead/skeleton one. No one else seems to as much as me though.

fangblackbone wrote:

I like the third one best too. (top row, right)

I only have one row on my screen so... yeah.

I'm going to number these, with 1 being the skull crown one.

As an update, I think we're very close to having an exceptionally powerful alliance. Aparently the second largest on the server. Also, below are more options for the heraldry

2. IMAGE(http://www.shapermc.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/banner1.jpg) 3. IMAGE(http://www.shapermc.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/banner2.jpg) 4. IMAGE(http://www.shapermc.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/banner3.jpg) 5. IMAGE(http://www.shapermc.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/banner4.jpg) 6. IMAGE(http://www.shapermc.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/banner5.jpg)

EDIT: added numbers for input reasons. #1 would be the one in the above post.

Shaper my KotBS could use an invite, Wilamnyr...

I like the third one best too. (top row, right)

edit: oops number 4, the sun medalion with the axe through it

Hey, I tried to catch you but you weren't on. When you are on next you can type "/who Target is not attackable" and it will show who's online. Message any of them for a "/guildinvite".

I also meant the one with the axe the best, then the skeleton one.

For those who are curious, linked below is a site that shows all destro heraldry options, with this particular link going to the pattern options. While I think all of your options are fine above I personally prefer the patterns that don't have the stripes down the side, but as there are only a few of those you might have overlooked em.

What ever you decide on be sure about it, as currently the game does not have a heraldry respec option.


I made a runepriest by the name of Blackstout. I'll try to get an invite soon.

Also, I vote for 4 or 2.

Badferret wrote:

I personally prefer the patterns that don't have the stripes down the side, but as there are only a few of those you might have overlooked em.

If you mean the ones with the very large patterns on the background (in white on your link #49-56), all of those ones for Order are very bland. I can take some pictures of them, but yeah, they're mostly just large blocks of white. The Order options for heraldry are a bit more clean cut and you can't do the interesting things with the border that you seem to have with Destro. There are a few borders that look similar to #8 from your link, but that's about as diverse as they get.

Volkmar down, reason enough to pop back onto Iron Rock Kotbs here I come.

The sword master is quite a lot of fun now too!

I haven't played my IB yet but this patch made tanks a lot more fun.

Iron Breakers are monsters, and there's hardly any in game. I really don't understand it. There's more SM then IB, and the High Elfs get more crap than dwarfs for looking fruity.

An alliance has been formed!


Yes, it has happen. We are now allied with 6 other guilds to form Sigmar's Crusade:
-Target is Not Attackable
-Couch Athletics
-Iron Phoenix
-White Raven
-Wrath of Shadows

So what exactly does this mean for the guild? Well, mostly it means that for general conversation, guild organization, and guild members stays exactly as it was, but now we have a new chat channel (type "/a" to access it) and we can see all of the other guild's events. The other events are on the calendar, but a slightly different color. Feel free to sign up for and participate in these events. It also gives us access to a lot more people for pickup groups, or just to ask questions (i.e. "any T2 oRvR going on?" "Anyone want to run the sewers in Altdorf?"). On average there are from 20 - 60 members of the alliance on at any given time, so this allows us to stay smaller yet gives us the advantage of much larger numbers.

I have found out that the alliance part of the game is not... well, as polished as it could be. Each person has to be individually promoted within the alliance system to be able to converse with alliance and all that fun stuff. So, if for some reason you can't access the alliance parts of the interface let me know through either in game methods (mail or message), or post here to let me know your character name and I'll get it fixed asap.

I have been in warbands with some of the White Raven and Iron Phoenix guys and they seemed alright. Glad we have an alliance now!

Ok, survey time! Since TINA is almost guild rank 15 it's time to pick hearldry since we can begin to take advantage of it soon.

When you vote, if you decide to change your mind just edit your current post. Please be sure to put the number of the selected hearldy that you like most.





