WAR Guild Rollcall


Here are the servers we are going to be on:
Destruction: Volkmar
Order: Iron Rock
Ulairi Witch Hunter

Let me know what server you'll be on, the race and class you plan on choosing. Then, we can add character names too. When we start playing, please try to get into the GWJ vent server, it will be easier to coordinate and get things going. I'm going to be in on the CE headstart and the rest of us should try to get the guild all set up to start adding people by the time the regular headstart starts.

Server: Vokmar

Jozak Squig Herder

Server: Volkmar
Class: Gobbo Shaman

Remember that the CP guys will be the ones creating the guild. I'm sure they'll be making officers and people with invite privileges as well, but until we get some names we're waiting on them for this.

I've not heard yet if any of them are CE starters.

I too plan on playing a Goblin Shaman on Volkmar.

Magus on Volkmar

Black orc on Volkmar
Witch Hunter on Ironfist

I will likely be spreading out and making -many- alts. Even mirrors of classes. The Witch Elf -feels- different enough that I enjoy playing both her and the Witch Hunter.

Warrior Priest on Ironfist, probably an Ironbreaker as well. I've played both in Open Beta, not sure which will be my main.

I'll probably roll a Black Orc on Volkmar just to be sociable.

I'm in, won't start until Tuesday. Currently running a Zealot on Volkmar, dunno if it will be the same when the beta for cheapo preorders starts.

Chaos Chosen on Volkmar

will post name when i think of one ;x

Server: Volkmar
Class: Goblin Shaman

Zealot & Chosen on Volkmar
Engineer & Shadow Warrior on Ironfist

Wife will probably be fielding a Disciple on Volkmar and a Sword master on Ironfist

Pretty sure I'm going to get in on this. I'll be playing a gobby shaman on Volkmar. Character name will be some variation of Farscry.

Not seeing Ironfist in the servers at the moment. Volkmar is already full :(.

I'm in on the Volkmar Server as Skogul - I was going to be a stunty shaman, but there seem to be plenty of those so we'll see. The name will be the same tho. On Ironfist it's Steinberger and defiantly gonna go human priest there.

Let slip the dogs of war! Which might make for a good guild name now that I think of it...


skogul wrote:

On Ironfist it's Steinberger

Where is this Ironfist server? On the server status page the only "Iron" server is Ironclaw?

Ironfist sounds like the name of a cool death metal band.

You know that's a good point, I'm not finding an "Ironfist" either. I was just running with the top post. Hmmm, "Ironclaw" I guess?

Chosen on Volkmar most likely.

I'll be in on the CE Headstart

Volkmar Server playing a Shaman (Tyrius)

Gameraotaku wrote:

Volkmar is already full :(.

Is this just to get Order to catch up or is it closed?

It would be pretty crappy to have a guild on a closed server before the game even goes public.

Shapermc wrote:
Gameraotaku wrote:

Volkmar is already full :(.

Is this just to get Order to catch up or is it closed?

It would be pretty crappy to have a guild on a closed server before the game even goes public.

Not closed, just means long waits to log in. They appear to have set the server caps absurdly low and are slowly opening them up now.

Gameraotaku wrote:
Shapermc wrote:
Gameraotaku wrote:

Volkmar is already full :(.

Is this just to get Order to catch up or is it closed?

It would be pretty crappy to have a guild on a closed server before the game even goes public.

Not closed, just means long waits to log in. They appear to have set the server caps absurdly low and are slowly opening them up now.

I noticed the queues went from about 300 or so to about 150 last time I had to get in, maybe they are raising the caps as the hours go on? That would makes sense to deal with the influx of people.

But the good thing is, it's rock solid. No lag whatsoever, and although there's a bunch of people, it's not "over-crowded-itis" that usually strikes on launch day. Makes the wait.. almost worthwhile.

Added some Order toons on Iron Rock:

Icaria (Archmage)
Flyt (Shadow Warrior)
Afray (Engineer)

I'm going to be on Volkmar, probably as a Black Orc... I'm still deciding my class, though.

Down to 70 now on the queue - Thinking things will balance out soon

Eldrund Chaos Marauder on Volkmar. Also have a Shadow warrior on Iron Rock. That's the order server the CP guys chose. So that's where I am Iron Rock not Iron Claw. Anyway I'm in so anyone who is in already just add me to friends or hop in vent.

Server: Volkmar
Class: Chaos Chosen
Name: Trashidawa

Volkmar Destruction:

Proteus - Marauder
Panzer - Chosen
Edstompa - Black Orc

Iron Rock Order:
Stavros - Dwarf Engineer
Perigrine - Shadow Warrior
Javert - Witch Hunter

Well I was going to play a shaman when I get in on Tuesday but it looks like we are going to have far too many of those. So I am thinking of rolling a squig herder then. No idea with the name I'd think of one but by the time tues. rolls around it might have been a waste of time seeing as how so many people are already in reserving names. See you guys on Tuesday.

Draks is a dwarf ironbreaker on Iron Rock.
Drakon is a Black Orc on Volkmar
Drakulia is a Disciple on Volkmar
