@fuzzyb: My alchemy has the same issue. I've been storing up my lvl 50 and 75 seeds, and plan to play my scavenging alt in order to get the lvl 25 seeds for cultivation / lvl 25 stuff for alchemy.
Maybe I'll have my scavenging alt do the talisman crafting too... but I find it extremely annoying I have to do salvaging in order to do talisman crafting. Necessitating yet another alt, I guess.
I've been having problems getting my alchemy up. I'm stuck at 46 since I can't find any 25 level ingredients and none are on the auction house. Anyone have any ideas on how to find some?
You can get up to 50 with vendor mats. It just takes a LONG time and a decent chunk of cash. To get from 42 to 50 took me about 50 potion attempts using vendor purchased materials. I just planted myself next to a merchant and bought vials, waters, etc in blocks of 10 until I got it.
Advancement seems to be random, with a declining percentage as you go up in levels. I recall it took around 15 potions to go from 44 to 45, but only three to go from 45 to 46.
Strewth wrote:Anyone doing cultivating and know at what point you can unlock the other three plots?
The next plot unlocks at 50 and the third at 100.
I've been having problems getting my alchemy up. I'm stuck at 46 since I can't find any 25 level ingredients and none are on the auction house. Anyone have any ideas on how to find some?
They are in the t2 area from what I remember.
I think the crafting is generally a step in the right direction for the genre, but I don't really find it fun or worthwhile. The cool factor of not having a list of known recipes wears off pretty quick. Despite their efforts it is still a grind. The grind is supposed to represent growing experience but crafting grind is just not fun in any game.
Grinding professions was a horrible, maddening thing in WoW (mind you, I did it to 375 on a few toons), and the AoC crafting system really tainted my desire to craft again in a very big way.
At least with WoW, there was usually one thing, or one set of things that were totally overpowered and obtainable for people who didn't raid, so you could wade through the crap to achieve the ultimate goal. So far though I'm enjoying the non-grindy aspects of the game too much to really settle in and hunker down for the long haul crafting wise. I think if I knew more about it (ie. are there any neat, cool, unique, overpowered items?) I might change my mind, but I can always re-visit it when it becomes more fleshed out.
Crafting sucks. I hardly got any lvl 1 crafting fragments from my magical salvaging, most are lvl 25 so I'm left to purchase them on the auction for 30 or 40 silver a piece.
Strewth wrote:Anyone doing cultivating and know at what point you can unlock the other three plots?
The next plot unlocks at 50 and the third at 100.
I wound up figuring this out. The weird thing was, I leveled from 48 to 52, and still only had 1 plot. It took travelling from the city to a different zone before the 2nd plot opened up.
Cultivating is long and boring. Especially when you've got a bunch of seeds that take a base 9 minutes to grow. Quite often I'll miss a step in the process because I'm trying to run around and do other things at the same time.
This seems to be a decent apoc outline.
Some stablity stuff
ok I trained the Salvaging skill but I have no idea whatsoever how to use it. I never did. What do I need? where do I start? what do I do?
anybody can help me out? even the frickin' Official Game Guide doesn't have anything on it
ok I trained the Salvaging skill but I have no idea whatsoever how to use it. I never did. What do I need? where do I start? what do I do?
anybody can help me out? even the frickin' Official Game Guide doesn't have anything on it
Salvage is like the disenchant from WoW. Use it on green or better items.
-Press V to bring up your abilities list and find your Salvaging ability.
-You might want to drag the ability to an available slot on your bars
-Click the ability, open your bag, and choose a low level (rank 1 to 9) unwanted magic item, or a salvage only item (Like Ruined Equipment) that says 'very easily salvageable' in the text.
If the attempt succeeds you'll get some essences and if it was a magic item, you'll get a shard that contains the bonus you chose to keep. You'll also level up the skill, which will eventually allow you to salvage higher level items.
-Press V to bring up your abilities list and find your Salvaging ability.
-You might want to drag the ability to an available slot on your bars
-Click the ability, open your bag, and choose a low level (rank 1 to 9) unwanted magic item, or a salvage only item (Like Ruined Equipment) that says 'very easily salvageable' in the text.If the attempt succeeds you'll get some essences and if it was a magic item, you'll get a shard that contains the bonus you chose to keep. You'll also level up the skill, which will eventually allow you to salvage higher level items.
aaah, thanks, that's exactly the help I needed. I didn't even know V brought up that menu. will try that tonight
Is there any way to make Talismans w/o getting magical salvaging? It doesn't seem like there is unless you want to spend a lot of money. It sucks because I figured since I was picking up so many things with scavenging that relate to talisman making that I'd be good to go with it, but it seems not.
Also, salvaging and scavenging are far too similar words to use.
Is there any reason at all to be a butcher?
I'm a magic salvager right now and I'd gladly cooperate with those in need , I'm sure we could trade if you dont feel like making an alt , I'm currently lvl 18 though , dont know if that's too low or just right. ( If you dont have anything to trade I'll still help you out and give you frags and essences etc..)
I'm an idiot. I didn't pay much attention to magical salvaging, I thought you could only break down that "salvagable equipment" stuff you get, not knowing it was just like disenchanting stuff in WoW.
So needless to say, I was vendoring all my greens, and now I must fill in the gap by buying or rolling an alt to collect level 10-18 gear. Le sigh.
Is there any way to make Talismans w/o getting magical salvaging? It doesn't seem like there is unless you want to spend a lot of money. It sucks because I figured since I was picking up so many things with scavenging that relate to talisman making that I'd be good to go with it, but it seems not.
Also, salvaging and scavenging are far too similar words to use.
Is there any reason at all to be a butcher?
There's no way to get shards without receiving them from someone else, or salvaging them yourself. They've created a fairly complex interdependence there. Talisman makers need salvaging and scavenging to be able to function at all.
Apothecarys can be functional with just one of cultivation, scavenging or butchering, but for the full range of potion possibilities, they need stuff from all of them.
I think Butchering supplies more strength and armoring ingredients, as well as more of the bonus ingredients that will increase a potion's duration or quantity.
You can only have one, Salvaging or Scavenging right?
Mythic needs to build some crafting-specific guild abilities. Like an easier way to put crafting stuff in the bank for your guild... As it is, those of you in a guild should talk to the GL about setting up a page of the bank only for unneeded crafting supplies.
You can only have one, Salvaging or Scavenging right?
Right, one gathering and one production per character
Scavenging, Magical Salvaging, Butchering and Cultivation
Talisman Making, Apothecary
So I got my Talisman making up to 30. The thing is though, where do I buy the level 25 "Containers", etc? I find the level 1 ones on Vendors. Scoured the Inevitable City, no dice, although I did see a lot of Apothecary vendors.
Are there any *good* Guides out there? The only ones I've seen so far have barely more knowledge than I do on the subject.
you can use the level 1 containers up to level 50 or 60
What about the other components.. like the shiny coin or gold dust stuff?
I experimented a lot both with Magical Salvaging and with Talisman making
- you can salvage the ruined and shattered equipment: they will give you essences that you need to combine to make better magical essences. (you can now buy shattered and ruined equipment from vendors. it's a bit silly but you can and for cheap too)
- vendors now sell all the components needed to start you off making talismans including gold essence and curios (coins)
- salvaging a non smashed item will probably give you a whole bunch of essences and materials including the basic component that decides which stat your tali will boost
I found out that the talismans I make (and I hope this will change) last from 30 minutes to 2 hours when fused with an item. this is a bit depressing because talisman making can be very expensive and to have a result that is only ephemeral really bothers me. somehow.
I found out that the talismans I make (and I hope this will change) last from 30 minutes to 2 hours when fused with an item. this is a bit depressing because talisman making can be very expensive and to have a result that is only ephemeral really bothers me.
Remember this is actually game time so when you get to mid level and start making ones that last days, it will feel a bit better.
besides drops are pigments only available through cultivating?
I've delved into the crafting recently as well (on the talisman side), and at this point (lvl 44), I'm not sure I'm really seeing the upside here... (only purple items never deteriorate, everything else will disappear after a time window)
The leveling appears to be a roll, with higher chance of leveling the closer the levels of your components are to your current skill (ie. 1-25 you have a 80% chance to level per item using level 1 components, but only 20% chance for 25-50, and probably less for 50-75)
One of the questions I have:
Where do fragments come from? I started a new character with Magical Salvaging, but have only been able to make Essences. Can fragments be obtained with Magical Salvaging?
(as an aside, the economical benefit of Magical Salvaging for Talisman components is minimal... (1.5s vs. the 2s they cost from the vendor). With the associated fees to transfer from one character to another (either Auction or Mail), it just doesn't seem worth it)
I've delved into the crafting recently as well (on the talisman side), and at this point (lvl 44), I'm not sure I'm really seeing the upside here... (only purple items never deteriorate, everything else will disappear after a time window)
The leveling appears to be a roll, with higher chance of leveling the closer the levels of your components are to your current skill (ie. 1-25 you have a 80% chance to level per item using level 1 components, but only 20% chance for 25-50, and probably less for 50-75)
One of the questions I have:
Where do fragments come from? I started a new character with Magical Salvaging, but have only been able to make Essences. Can fragments be obtained with Magical Salvaging?
(as an aside, the economical benefit of Magical Salvaging for Talisman components is minimal... (1.5s vs. the 2s they cost from the vendor). With the associated fees to transfer from one character to another (either Auction or Mail), it just doesn't seem worth it)
Fragments are similar to Motes in WoW. You need 10 essences to make a 1 fragment
Right click on a stack of 10 and they'll convert into fragment.
Edit: there's another step in there because i remember r-clicking on stacks of 5 of something. Can't look it up at the moment.
Your terminology is a little off there and it might be confusing:
Essences are the 'motes' analogy. There seems to be 3 steps of essences:
total garbage > garbage > useful essence
You collect a bunch of the total garbage to create garbage, then use the garbage to create a useful essence which is the component you need to complete the talisman aside from the Gold essence.
Essences come as 'scrap' from magical salvaging. You'll have a chance of the different levels of scrap from each salvaging.
Fragments are the bits extracted from magical items. You select the type you want (intelligence, str, whatever) and have a chance of drawing it out. This is the main ingredient for the talisman making and decides what bonus it will provide.
Listen to Poly.. The man knows! Without being in game and looking i can't remember the item names.
BTW Poly i must have run across you 2-3 times over the weekend. If you noticed that you were randomly DoT'd it was me Never could catch up to you to actualy try anything.
I remember seeing you once in a scenario. I made a point of running up and slicing you into as many pieces as possible It wasnt a fair fight exactly, but it was fun!
There was a whole group of us Misfits and we saw you, Wired and Tykl in the match.
I remember seeing you once in a scenario. I made a point of running up and slicing you into as many pieces as possible
It wasnt a fair fight exactly, but it was fun! ;)
Ha ya that scenario had Tkyl, Wired, and i jumping into T2 for the first or second time. It wasn't pretty. We had no healers and you had Swat and crew keeping you up. I had you down to 1-5% 3 or 4 times before you came and chopped me to bits
The other times were out in Ostland. You just kept on trucking ignoring my itty bitty DoTs