WAR : Crafting Catch all

The catch all is catching to much I think at this point.

I know absolutly nothing I will update this post with Links as people find them.
But for now, post what you know.

Bah, I just posted this 5 minutes ago on the catch all:

I wrote:

Switching gears slightly, I like the WAR take on Crafting. Rather than being given or finding recipes as drops, and then endlessly repeating them, you find tons of different ingredients and combine them into various kinds of potions or talismans (permanant buffs to items, like gems in WoW)

With potion making you can create flexible potions. You might prefer a 5 minute burst of strength for a scenario or boss, or a 20 minute smaller strength increase for RVR or questing.

Even one of the gathering classes is 'crafty'. In cultivation you're tinkering with a potential outcome, rather than a set one.

I hope they expand into more crafting types. Even using this experimentation take on more standard crafts like blacksmithing would be fun to explore.

So should we change the other threads title to a "catch some"?

I think so, or Catch Server Drama.

On point though, how many crafts can a character have?

Do they differentiate between Crafting and gathering?

What do you do with the salvageable gear drops?

Here's Ten Ton Hammer's crafting overview which prompted me to try a little alchemy and enjoy the way it was setup, and thus, I wrote my post.

You get 1 gathering craft and 1 production craft. Trainers for them ONLY unlock the skill. All recipes are up to the crafter, in the combination of ingredients. The trainers are in the capital city and in your race's Chapter 2 quest hub.

Production: Alchemy and Talisman making
Gathering: Cultivating, Butchery, Scavenging and Magical Salvaging

Cultivating, Butchery and Scavenging feed directly into Alchemy
Drops feed Alchemy (water, vials, etc) Magical Salvaging (Salvageable gear) and Cultivating (Seeds)

Alchemy creates potions, dyes and components for Talisman Making

Talisman making creates stuff you can attach to items like gems in WoW to give them permanant buffs.

As for class appropriateness for a crafting skill, this is the first game I know of that there truly isnt one. Everyone can use potions and everyone can use talismans. The exact buffs of these crafted items is up to the crafter, so really its your choice of ingredients, not your choice of crafting profession that makes it appropriate for your class choice. So the answer to "Im career X, what crafting profession should I choose" is always "Whatever sounds fun"

Having said that though, it is best to choose a gathering skill that is appropriate for your production skill. Picking Cultivation and Talisman making wouldn't make much sense, for example.

WiredAsylum wrote:

What do you do with the salvageable gear drops?

I think salvageable (not repairable) gear drops can be salvaged by someone with the appropriate gathering skill. The one time I tested it out in beta I was turning the items into Talisman craft materials. I have not tried the salvaging skill since then.

I am currently going Scavenging/Alchemy with my Marauder. I scavenge a lot of alchemy items and sell the non-alchemy items I find. My Marauder has no trouble dealing damage so I figured potions would be a greater benefit to him than Talismans.

I know I'm a filthy skimmer but I haven't read yet on what I can do with the crap I get from Magical Salvaging? Been too busy killing to even bother with this stuff, but I guess I should start.

scavenge skill is great to boost your money input. Even if you dont plan to craft. Selling off a full backpack is always a nice bump to the gold amounts.

Magical Salvaging does 2 things:

1. It gives you essences to use in Talisman making
2. You can extract one of the bonuses from a magic item to use as the main ingredient in a talisman.

So for example if you had your badass sword with 1 talisman slot, you might take a bow you can't use but it has + to weapon skill that you want. You could use magical salvaging to take the bonus over to your sword.

Ok, so I picked scavenge/apothecary and... I can't make anything with my alchemy. I've got my scavenge up pretty high, but I fail making everything I try in alchemy. Any tips on getting started here?

Potions start out very volatile. You need a stabilizing agent. Low level vendors sell 'Cloudy water' which will add stability to your potion. Usually 1 will bump it up from fail to Volitile, which means it will probably make a successful potion but it may backfire when used. Using 2 will make it a guaranteed success but wont give you much room to boost it.

You can brew a potion with less than the maximum # of components if you want, so you could just toss in 10-20 weak healing potions to get to your better ingredients faster.

What are you killing? I find I get a lot of cloudy water scavenges from the humans I have been killing in the chaos starting area. I get a lot of grave dirt off of undead so I assume there are different drop rates depending on the corpse but I could be imagining it. I scavenged two purple (!) talisman ingredients last night but had to vendor them to make room in my bag. Does anybody know how you increase storage in this game?

Edit: Oh, and I had made a decent amount of money from selling scavenged items so I just stood in front of the tradeskill vendor in the second chaos quest hub and powerskilled for a little bit until I could use the better materials I was finding.

To gain bag space, level up. At 10 or 11 you get another section (I cant remember how many slots it is. You start with 2 'sections' and unlock a 3rd at level 10/11) Its automatic too.

polypusher wrote:

To gain bag space, level up. At 10 or 11 you get another section (I cant remember how many slots it is. You start with 2 'sections' and unlock a 3rd at level 10/11) Its automatic too.

Awesome! I had not heard about this before.

scavenge skill is great to boost your money input. Even if you dont plan to craft. Selling off a full backpack is always a nice bump to the gold amounts.

I totally concur. I was having problems getting cash with an RvR focused healer. Then I followed ran's advice and picked up scavenging and also picked up 60 silver in the next 30-40 minutes.

Where are the Chaos crafting trainers? I'm a L8 Dark Elf in Chrace and I haven't bumped into any yet.

Unfortunately they look like regular npcs but they will have a crafting title (salvaging, butcher, talisman, etc.) under their name.

They do not have any icon like a gold bag or target above them.

fangblackbone wrote:

Unfortunately they look like regular npcs but they will have a crafting title (salvaging, butcher, talisman, etc.) under their name.

They do not have any icon like a gold bag or target above them.

But where? What town/city?

Your chapter 2 quest hub has the trainers. If you mouse over the map, it will tell you which hub is for which chapter.

Anyone doing cultivating and know at what point you can unlock the other three plots?

I'm having trouble getting my cultivation from 39 to 50, where is a good place to kill mobs that drop lvl 25 seeds?

Also polypusher, I didn't notice being able to use two cloudy waters in Alchemy. I'll try again though.

Finally, is gold essence really worth the trouble of making it? As a cultivator / alchemist, I find I have to log on my scavenging toon to get the gold dust to put this together, and then I can spend some 20 brass or something making a gold essence out of my weed. Has anyone found that gold essence sells on the auction house, or should I just dispose of my weeds?

So far, how would everyone rate their crafting experience? I got magical salvaging and talisman making on my Shaman, but didn't bother to start. I don't have anything on my Maurader yet, although I guess I'm gimping myself by not having some salvaging.

Is it ok? Worth the hassle? I'm starting to think I should have been making potions because they would be a big advantage in RvR.. and could make or break fights.

I don't think potions make a huge advantage in RvR. I don't think crafting adds much to the game, for me.

Talismans are worth it and at higher levels can add a significant difference. I just dont like the fact that you can outlevel your ability to craft. Makes going back harder. Even with the Artisen buff it can take a significant amount of extra time or gold to get caught up.

Let's plan a night where we slaughter lil mobs and I can salvage what you need.

Strewth wrote:

Anyone doing cultivating and know at what point you can unlock the other three plots?

The next plot unlocks at 50 and the third at 100.

I've been having problems getting my alchemy up. I'm stuck at 46 since I can't find any 25 level ingredients and none are on the auction house. Anyone have any ideas on how to find some?

Salvaging seems required for Talisman Making. I keep finding stuff for Talismans with Scavenging, but you need fragments(?) to do anything, and that appears to be the one thing you can't buy at all.

Overall, it seems like Scavenging's a great choice if you don't want to make anything - you find lots of random stuff other people can use to improve their crafting, along with a bunch of greys to sell. The first (and only) purple item I found was with Scavenging (some level 1 Talisman Making thing).

That's why I propose we put that stuff in the guild bank! I can put gold dust stuff for gold essences which I can then use for talismans.

Sephirotic wrote:

That's why I propose we put that stuff in the guild bank! I can put gold dust stuff for gold essences which I can then use for talismans.

I am, perhaps sadly, not in your guild. I may switch though - I don't think I'm a great match for the one I'm currently in.

Sephirotic wrote:

That's why I propose we put that stuff in the guild bank! I can put gold dust stuff for gold essences which I can then use for talismans.

The guild bank doesn't have that much room and we have a lot of people. I think we already need to institute a rule like we did in AOC - if it's not atleast blue then don't put it in. There's a lot of nice green items, but there's a LOT of items, period, and a ton of classes. The bank is always full.

I think the crafting is generally a step in the right direction for the genre, but I don't really find it fun or worthwhile. The cool factor of not having a list of known recipes wears off pretty quick. Despite their efforts it is still a grind. The grind is supposed to represent growing experience but crafting grind is just not fun in any game.