So pretty!
If that one doesn't taste like strawberries, I would be sooooo disappointed.
That spider looks sort of angry.
If that one doesn't taste like strawberries, I would be sooooo disappointed. :(
Let us know.
Real strawberries, or that "artificial strawberry flavoring" stuff?
My grandma makes the best strawberry jam. She also survived a bite by a black widow spider when my dad was just a kid. I have a sneaking suspicion that she will outlive me.
That's more ridiculous than frightening.
Well at least until it touches you.
Well at least until it touches you.
Well it is a fly fishing lure.
Scrolling through this thread is like watching a fatal car accident. Why did I do it?
Scrolling through this thread is like watching a fatal car accident. Why did I do it?
Because there's a spider on your shoulder. Right there. Its on you.
Now THIS is a spider
Now THIS is a spider
Granted it's a night shot, but it looks a lot like the one on the prior page.
stevenmack wrote:Now THIS is a spider
Granted it's a night shot, but it looks a lot like the one on the prior page.
It's actually the corrupted evil twin that lives in the Dark World. Someone must have trimmed the bushes nearby.
woops....was in a hurry to try spore, didn't click back a link
still...the night shots look better
I knew I was going to shudder and wince at some of these pictures
But I didn't expect the pictures to be that freakin' huge!I almost peed myself!
[Scratch that, I think I might have actually tinkled a little..]
Now I'm going to constantly be scanning my surroundings
And I shall never sleep again
Our work here is done!
That's more ridiculous than frightening.
That looks like someone hand-painted a Camel Spider, which, I understand, isn't really a spider at all. But quite nasty looking...
One day, soon after my wife and I moved to Texas from Washington DC, I was talking with my wife as I opened our front door. All of a sudden my wife screamed and yelled at me to back away from the door. There at the top of the door was a spider as big as my outstretched hand. YIKES! He was pretty darn fast too and almost managed to escape "death by broom."
Big spiders in Texas are no worry it's the little ones you've gotta worry about, namely black widows and brown recluses.
Big spiders in Texas are no worry it's the little ones you've gotta worry about, namely black widows and brown recluses.
Yepper ... I didn't believe my wife when she said to shake out all clothing that has been outside in the garage for any length of time before putting it on ... black widows and brown recluses are biggies bur scorpions are the biggest threat.
We have our house sprayed by a pest company twice a year and still one evening when our son was an infant, we found a scorpion crawling around his activity blanket! Luckily he was getting his diaper changed at the time so i quickly and quietly killed the scorpion and checked out the entire room. We had the house resprayed the next day.
ApplepieChamploo wrote:
That's more ridiculous than frightening.
That looks like someone hand-painted a Camel Spider, which, I understand, isn't really a spider at all. But quite nasty looking...
Did anyone read this story? Holy F*CKING SH*T.
"When Rodney Griffiths came home on leave from Afghanistan, he thought he was leaving the perils of the desert behind.
But a little bit of danger had hitched a ride back with him.
A camel spider has been seen scuttling across the floor of the paratrooper's home - and is thought to have killed the family's pet dog Bella.
...She has left out traps and plates of raw mince in the bedroom. The meat has been devoured, but so far the spider has managed to escape.
The camel spider, which grows up to six inches long, belongs to a group of arachnids called solifugae.
It can run at up to 10mph and feeds on insects and small animals."
Now here's something you don't see every day...
So there's a spider on the frog and the frog on the turtle? Aren't they supposed to be in a bog down in the valley-oh?
Now here's something you don't see every day...
Wow. Pancake rabbit's got nuthin' on that.
Oh, so we're now posting non-spider pictures?
Hey, it's a spider picture. There's just... other stuff under the spider.
Just remember it's turtles all the way down.
By the way, here's the tale of the turtle, frog and spider...
and the original Flickr page.
Just remember it's turtles all the way down.
I got that.
tanstaafl wrote:Just stumbled across this and thought of this thread...
I KNOW! Look at the package on that gecko!