PAX is comming to the East Coast

nsmike wrote:

Massachusetts and, more broadly, New England drivers are maniacs. I would suggest ALWAYS looking for one before crossing.

Agreed-- they're not called "Massholes" for nothing. I was just commenting on the fact that, the few times I was unwise enough to drive in Boston, pedestrians almost never look before crossing streets. They just step on out into the crosswalk, secure in the knowledge that they could probably sue you into oblivion if you don't see them in time.

Boston's a neat city, but bring LOTS of money. You essentially can't drive there; you'll walk, use the subway, and take taxis. The traffic is so dense and the drivers so crazy that it's very, VERY risky to get behind the wheel. And everything is expensive as hell.

If you've got plenty of cash, though, wow, what a wonderful place to visit. It's not like anywhere else in the US that I've seen. I've heard it described as the most European of American cities. It definitely has a cosmopolitan feel to it, maybe even more than San Francisco.

Take time around PAX to explore. You'll be glad you did.

I'll be driving up to Boston from DC for this.

Boston, home of Harmonix... yeah, not a real tough question why PAX East Coast would be there. I have friends up there I'll be looking forward to hanging out with. Um, and of course you guys

Malor wrote:

It's not like anywhere else in the US that I've seen. I've heard it described as the most European of American cities. It definitely has a cosmopolitan feel to it, maybe even more than San Francisco.

Some of us do not consider this a plus.

KingMob wrote:

I'll be driving up to Boston from DC for this.

Boston, home of Harmonix... yeah, not a real tough question why PAX East Coast would be there. I have friends up there I'll be looking forward to hanging out with. Um, and of course you guys :P

2K Boston as well (aka Irrational)

I know there's more than one dev house in Boston but sometimes it's hard to remember because Harmonix ROCKS SO HARD.

Also, Rabbit:

Drink everybody! Indirect Bioshock reference!

Incidentally, what do tickets to these events usually cost? I ask because by 2010 the Missus and I will have a three year old and possibly another little one in tow, and we'll need to plan the budget for it.

Under six get in for free, so you don't have to count in the houseapes. This year it was $50 at the door for a three day pass, or $45 pre-registered. That's right in the ballpark, I imagine.

The tickets really don't count for much next to housing, travel, time off work, and meals.