It's so early in access that it seems to have no manual or instructional scenarios. Apparently, moving and doing the basics is fine, but using specialized systems, or any tactical basics, are just plain left to the player to figure out.
That seems untenable. I can’t imagine playing CMANO without tutorials.
I'm sure they will get there, but I thought the review would be useful. The author used to be the Wargames guy for RPS.
Took the plunge and best I can recommend is use the Mission Editor to create 1 v 1 encounters between various unit types to get the hang of how things work. Also, ha ha ha, devs:
Now I have to inspect every single unit model for an Easter egg.
Also, I get why the "Dance of the Vampires" chapter in Red Storm Rising was a total bloodbath for the US carrier group.
Tried a scenario in Sea Power today where the US had to repel a Soviet surface fleet trying to invade Guam. Good grief, the Kirov class was a beast; I was given a cruiser, two frigates, and a destroyer to try to ward off this invasion. There was a Kirov in the main force and its missiles sank the first three ships in my group. Fortunately it spent all its missiles, so my destroyer ended up sinking it and the second group with the troop transports. Still, no wonder the Russian Navy is trying to recommission the Admiral Nakhimov.
Thanks for the impressions, Robear & Rat Boy! Love the Easter egg shipping containers.
I looked closely but didn't see -- what was the Easter egg on the F-14 model?
I might be interested in picking up the game down the line -- the price is a bit steep, and it still seems very early (i.e. no save game functionality).
Col Bat Guano and Maj Kong.
Armored Brigade II is out on the Matrix Games site, 10% off (so about $35US).
Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out in EA today. I’m not a huge fan of picking up EA titles but the reviews look decent. Has anyone picked it up?
I've watched a lot of videos.. i'm definitely interested in it but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Some EA reviews are good, some are pretty bad.
Armored Brigade II is out on the Matrix Games site, 10% off (so about $35US).
Any opinions on AB2? I have so many wargames I need to get to that I’ll probably (maybe?) wait on AB2 until I get my annual Matrix/Slitherine coupon.
Not yet. Except that the 3D vehicles are a bit cartoony, probably to help performance.