Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2

SuperDave wrote:

GFWL has been purged! Rejoice!


Tamren wrote:

I wonder how many people still play the multiplayer of DOWII and Chaos Rising. I've been thinking of reinstalling retribution to do some Last Stand.

I never uninstalled it

I was always a little too intimidated to try.

Believe it or not I played Dawn of War 2 vanilla through to the end of Chaos rising about 11 times in a row. I don't know what it was about that game, but it just clicked with me. Retribution is awesome and they have the Elite Mod that has been done by Caeltos that has added a LOT of flavor to the multiplayer side of things. Just look up Indrid casts or Maestro casts on youtube to see the mod in action. I hope they do a DOW3

BlackSabre wrote:
Tamren wrote:

I wonder how many people still play the multiplayer of DOWII and Chaos Rising. I've been thinking of reinstalling retribution to do some Last Stand.

I never uninstalled it :)

Me either. I go back and play some last stand about every 3 months or so.

PWAlessi wrote:
BlackSabre wrote:
Tamren wrote:

I wonder how many people still play the multiplayer of DOWII and Chaos Rising. I've been thinking of reinstalling retribution to do some Last Stand.

I never uninstalled it :)

Me either. I go back and play some last stand about every 3 months or so.

Well what I meant specifically is how many people play DOW2 and CR multiplayer without the new units and factions added in Retribution.

Do you guys play Last Stand without retribution? It adds new heroes and items, plus a whole new map. Not sure if that was patched into the previous games or if you can get the DLC stuff without retribution.

Tamren wrote:
PWAlessi wrote:
BlackSabre wrote:
Tamren wrote:

I wonder how many people still play the multiplayer of DOWII and Chaos Rising. I've been thinking of reinstalling retribution to do some Last Stand.

I never uninstalled it :)

Me either. I go back and play some last stand about every 3 months or so.

Well what I meant specifically is how many people play DOW2 and CR multiplayer without the new units and factions added in Retribution.

Do you guys play Last Stand without retribution? It adds new heroes and items, plus a whole new map. Not sure if that was patched into the previous games or if you can get the DLC stuff without retribution.

Nah, I have Retribution.

Have any of you tried this new Elite mod people are making? Changes and adds a bunch of new stuff, including a Grey Knights faction. Relic don't seem to be working on the game anymore other than porting it out of GFWL.

Elite has made a lot of good changes and play balance fixes to Retribution. They've added vanguard and sternguard for the space marines(as well as the whirlwind). They've added Fire dragons and Dark Reapers for the eldar. they've also added painboyz and Flash Gitz as well. A metric ton of cosmetic changes and of course the Grey Knights to boot. Most of the people who play DOW2 now consider Elite to be the de-facto version of the game. I haven't played it, but from the casts I've seen, it looks really good.

All of the casts here at Indrid casts are with elite mod.

Played my first multiplayer game yesterday in over a year I think. This was the vanilla version though but I think I held my own and our team won. Was a bit easier getting into as I have been playing a lot of CoH2 recently. Looking forward to trying out the Elite mod. Highly recommend Indrid casts Akelm88 linked above. Really well done and lots of good info of the units etc.

I might take another shot at the Retribution campaign tonight.

Reinstalled the game after a long time away and played some Last Stand. Still pretty fun, but getting a balanced party is hit or miss. Would anyone like to coop? There are some achievements I need to get to unlock items. And some of them are very hard, to the point where I can't see them being possible without an organized team.

I would like to join in on the fun. Hit me up on Steam.

Been playing with the Tau commander a lot in Last Stand. When I last stopped playing I hadn't yet gotten it to level 20 and it's now up to 18. The Tau is really powerful with lots of direct damage weapons and abilities. Where he loses out a bit is survivability, you tend to never get hit at all or instantly killed. He does have a couple of debuff and support abilities but for the most part he is a glass cannon.

There are two achievements I need help with, one is to kill all 3 clones within 5 seconds of each other as the Tau on the arena map. The other is to kill 350 enemies in a single round as the Mekboy. The Mekboy one isn't that hard, the problem is that you need your team to let you have the kills or you won't reach the total, I think my record is 288. The clones achievement for the Tau is extremely difficult, all 3 clones have to die within 5 seconds and you have to kill them yourself. But I think I figured out how you are supposed to do it. Tau get an ability called Markerlight, it's a debuff that makes enemies take more ranged damage. It's paired with an expensive ability called Skyray Barrage which causes a big missile to fall on ALL marked targets. It's pretty much the Tau's big nuke ability compared to Orbital Strike and stuff like that but it doesn't fill the special ability slot. One missile dropped on the head of a clone will usually take it down to half health.

So I figure the way to do either achievement is to get a flamer mekboy and take out all the big mobs of weak enemies, there are plenty on the Anvil map you just need your team to let you hit them first. For the clones I think the best bet is to weaken all 3 clones to low health while your teammates keep them stunned, then drop a big missile on all 3 at once.

I've always wanted to grab the Tau Commander during a Steam sale, but I've never managed to pull the trigger. I'm definitely interested in checking him out.

Yeah the Tau is a lot of fun. No other commander comes close in the sheer number of ways to blow shit up. He has a ton of direct and area damage abilities, the tradeoff being that apart from a free jetpack he has almost nothing geared towards keeping him alive.

The game is pretty old so they deep discount all of that stuff regularly with every Steam Sale. All of the last stand wargear DLC and the Tau is well worth it, if you like Last Stand.

Anyone with Dawn of War 2 Retribution experience? I started playing with the community mod patch and for some reason my main Ork leader cannot die. I'm playin' on max difficulty and the pirate Ork leader goes down as far as 100 hp but no a drop more. He is like this for two missions now and I'm wondering if that's supposed to happen.

I jumped back into this over the weekend for a bit of Last Stand fun. Really hit the spot. There was a surprising amount of players too. Lots of games and managed to get my TAU Commander up to level 18.

If anyone has the urge to jump back in, feel free to send me a message and we can get some games going.

I like playing my Tau but I burned out pretty hard trying to get that damned achievement to unlock the drone controller.

I still haven't got that one. I figure you'd need an exceptionally good team to get it and random public games just aren't helping me on that one.

The other one I need is the 25 Super Heavy kills with the Hive Tyrant. I've got 20 of them so far, but man it take so long.

I was playing over the weekend too. I finally bought the Tau commander so I was leveling him up. I'd definitely be up for some co-op.

Awesome. Now I just have to hope that you're online the same time as me!

Speaking of last stand, the Necron Lord is being released March-10 (today!)

Free for the first five days!

BlackSabre wrote:

Speaking of last stand, the Necron Lord is being released March-10 (today!)

Free for the first five days!

I'm sure there is a thread necromancy joke in there somewhere ...

Give me UI for rebinding the keys to this game or give me no reason to reinstall!

Well I've played a bunch with the new Necron Lord and managed to beat Wave 20 at level 10. Really OP. Didn't even die once. Only problem is I forgot how much of a grind it is. Takes forever to get enough XP to rank up. I really want to try some of the higher end gear but just takes forever.

Also, a lot more crashes to the game. Full system lock type crashes.

The Lord seems to be really strong. The Tau Commander is pretty damn overpowered too when geared up. Both of them are immune to knockdown and the Tau get's a jetpack for free. By comparison the Captain has to spend a slot to get a jetpack and it can't be used with heavy weapons. And both the Captain and Farseer can get protection against knockdown, but they have to spend an item slot as it's supposed to be a tradeoff compared to other abilities. I guess there has been some power creep over the years as they added new heroes.

Probably because they're paid DLC. Well the Necron is free for a couple more days, but after that they want people to buy it. Same with Tau. People are more willing to buy stuff that gives them an advantage.

I also got both of the achievements for the Necron too. The healing one took a while. I got lucky and paired up with a couple of low level necrons who both hung around together. They both died in the same spot twice and I was able to get the achievement. Still haven't got then Tau one though where you need to kill all 3 commanders on wave 16 within five seconds of each other. That one is next to impossible for me.

Still I wish they would go back and give the original set of heroes a buff. Or at least the original equipment. My goto build for Captain used to be plasma gun with jetpack and dreadnought. But the Tau commander essentially obsoleted that build seeing as he gets a jetpack for free, can carry two plasma guns and has abilities that grant him unlimited energy. Some of the items are just too weak to begin with and no one ever used them, even back then.