Consider this the catch all.
Sturmer posted a link
for an upcoming issue of the dutch game magazine, PC Gameplay, reporting about the world preimer of Dawn of War 2 in Vancouver. No other information beyond that.Looks like Dawn of War 2 is going to be the next announced title.
If theycan top that CG intro that the first one had then i'm sold on the game just for that.. I mean, i must've watched that for 10 times the first time i booted up the demo. It was so awesome!
I bought the winter assault expansion but the rest never interested me enough to get into it. I guess that DoW2 will have a campaign against the tyranids as the focus of SP with Space Marines, Imperial guard and Eldar fighting the wave off.
Though, if they're keeping the same team balances they've already got then there's little stopping them from having more races for MP. I just hope they get rid of the stupid turret cap.... It's the main reason i didn't get Dark Crusade and then soul storm.
Oh man, awesome. And just after Soulstorm had me going back to the first one.
So here's my one concern.
As of Soulstorm we have Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, Chaos, Imperial Guard, Necron, Tau, Sisters of Battle, and Dark Eldar.
Will they keep all 9 armies available or are they going to take a HUGE step backwards in terms of content. Sure, I understand all that was introduced over the course of one game and three expansions, but Dark Crusade and Soulstorm seem more like complete games than "expansions" to me.
If theycan top that CG intro that the first one had then i'm sold on the game just for that.. I mean, i must've watched that for 10 times the first time i booted up the demo. It was so awesome!
You might want to check out Blur Studio, they are the guys who created that cinematic.
I'm sold. With the oaths of moment and the plasma pistol and powerfist in silhouette, plus the 'New Dawn' phrase, it can't really be anything else.
Want me to run up to Bath and corner the PC Gamer guys? Its only just up the road.
Want me to run up to Bath and corner the PC Gamer guys? Its only just up the road.
I read that as 'Want me to run up a bath?'! LOL was worried you were going to do something terrible to them...or just creepy.
Bath's a bit south for me, but perhaps if we use a pincer manoeuvre in case they decide to flee the offering of a nice bath and back rubs.
My life now has new meaning.
Haakon7 wrote:Want me to run up to Bath and corner the PC Gamer guys? Its only just up the road.
I read that as 'Want me to run up a bath?'! LOL was worried you were going to do something terrible to them...or just creepy.
Bath's a bit south for me, but perhaps if we use a pincer manoeuvre in case they decide to flee the offering of a nice bath and back rubs. ;)
We've got them cornered! We can drive them straight into Cornwall.
We've got them cornered! We can drive them straight into Cornwall.
But once they're there they'll just scatter and use guerilla tactics to nip at our flanks!
drive them straight into Cornwall.
That's a hell of a euphemism there.
I felt totally ripped off with the first one, it only had like 8 - 10 single player missions and it ended with a huge cliffhanger...
I wonder if they will incorporate any of their ideas from Company of Heroes into the game. Just imagine, Company of Heroes with Warhammer units!
I want epic turn-based WH40000 game
I want epic turn-based WH40000 game :(
You should pick up WH40K: Squad Command for the PSP. I'm having a lot of fun with that one.
Most wrote:I want epic turn-based WH40000 game :(
You should pick up WH40K: Squad Command for the PSP. I'm having a lot of fun with that one.
Definitely a good game. But I do agree with Most. I would love to have the actual Warhammer Table Top game, but as a computer game. Granted, its never going to happen. But we can dream.
Definitely a good game. But I do agree with Most. I would love to have the actual Warhammer Table Top game, but as a computer game. Granted, its never going to happen. But we can dream.
mainly because, as games workshop themselves have said, the games are a means to sell miniatures. I speak as a recovered addict with boxes of darkelves/space wolves. Personally I think a computer game version of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_(game) would do (and not that crappy rts version from the late ninties.
but yes it would be very, very cool.
Why helllllllllo there. Sign me up as a Day One buy. I love this series.
Tkyl wrote:Definitely a good game. But I do agree with Most. I would love to have the actual Warhammer Table Top game, but as a computer game. Granted, its never going to happen. But we can dream.
mainly because, as games workshop themselves have said, the games are a means to sell miniatures. I speak as a recovered addict with boxes of darkelves/space wolves. Personally I think a computer game version of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_(game) would do (and not that crappy rts version from the late ninties.but yes it would be very, very cool.
Same here. I have many miniatures, from both Warhammer and 40K versions. If they created a video game version of the table table game, then there would be no reason to buy the miniatures.
Magazines in Europe are hitting stands with the reveal, sounds sooo good.
The intel (gathered from the preview and an interview with Producer Mark Noseworthy in the same Belgian magazine, PC Gameplay):- Uses the Essence 2.0 engine with Havok physics, all optimised for DX10 and multicore support.
- It looks great, think of the DoW intro but with a bit less polygons here and there (in terms of lighting and all that it looks almost exactly the same).
- Units also use CoH-like unit AI for awareness and pathfinding to find cover and such.
- While DoW 2 shares the same (upgraded probably) engine as CoH[ it won't be "CoH in space", while soldiers in CoH will ask themselves if flanking the enemy is the right option, in DoW2 it will be more like Space Marines asking themselves if they should use their jetpacks to jump over an Ork squad to attack them in the back. Different settings, different kinds of warfare.
- Preview only showed a destroyed city landscape, akin to DoW (but more detailed), other tilesets will offer deserts, jungles, mountains and other cities.
- Only the Orkz and Space Marines were revealed, more races on the way obviously and to be to revealed later this year (though how many isn't known).
- Co-op campaign for both the Orkz and Space Marines, apparently not for the other to-be-revealed races.
- More focus on making units and squads unique; every unit has got a name (at least in the campaign it seems), more details and more animations.
- Relic wants to give players rewards at the end of a mission like wargear (armor, weapons, rare objects); "Let's pimp out squads with cool stuff!", you will see these items in-game as well of course.
- You'll fight your way through the campaign with the same squads.
- You can't control more than six squads! I am not sure if this is campaign-only but the preview made it sound like it wasn't.
- The squads are going to be a lot more interesting than before though.
- A squad leader (one or several?) will need to survive if you want to complete a mission; you really have to look out for your squads and don't treat them like cannon fodder.
- There is a lot more interesting commentary from the units as well; if your SM commander is holding a Thunder Hammer f.e. then the opponent will specifically comment on that, Ork Warchief saying something like "Ooh, nice hammer, but mine is bigger!". The warchief will say something else if the commander doesn't have the hammer.
- The campaign lets Space Marines operate from a spaceship, you'll get a view of an underlying planet and you'll be able to choose from different missions (which are tagged with difficulty colours, green, blue and red).
- Certain reward items won't be useable at once in the campaign, so they'll be taken back to the SM spaceship for research.
- Dreadnought can now also trample Orkz.
- No sea or air units (though jetpacks are still in of course).
- Development team of 55 people has been working on it since September 2006.
- Release in early 2009 or later.
hehe I couldn't resist and bought the dutch gamemagazine.Haven't read the article, but judging from the, thank god, many screenshots, it looks awesome.
Some quick info:
-Buildings can be occupied (like in coh)
-Environment completely destructable ^^
-Vehicles are bigger (there were only a couple of dreadnought shots)
-LOTS of blood (i saw the screens and thought LOL)
-Over the top finishing animations
-when units are in melee, pieces of battle armor can be chopped off in the action
Lots, and lots, and lots of good things
NeoGAF has some more details and couple artwork
Sounds so good, exactly what I've been waiting for. I've been contemplating on whether to re-install the original, but I've been spoiled by Company Of Heroes. I would love a very faithful to the tabletop adaptation, but going the COH route is fine as well. Bring it on!
The whole thing with commander units and items sounds like Warcraft III. They'll handle it differently but forgive me if I'm a might tentative.
The whole thing with commander units and items sounds like Warcraft III. They'll handle it differently but forgive me if I'm a might tentative.
From a WH40k standpoint having commander units make perfect sense.
The idea of dealing with another Warcraft 3 style disappointment really doesn't make me happy, but that's kind of where my mind wanders everytime someone mentions commander/hero units in a new RTS.
Maybe Relic will handle it differently and it'll be awesome but I'm with Vector. I'm hesitant to even get excited about it now since that little tidbit of info was released.
I like that they're avoiding air and sea units again though. The fact that the new DoW expansion added air units made me sad and I skipped it completely. One of the things I love most about CoH is the focus on smaller scale ground combat.
I like that J can express my thoughts so I don't have to.
Heroes units and WCIII go hand in hand. That's not to say that WCIII was a catastrophic failure, I enjoyed it, but it had many flaw. DoW and CoH are some of the best RTSs I have ever played (limited exposure, I admit). They fix almost every gripe I have with the genre and provide really intriguing settings (I don't care how many WW2 games there are. I only own CoD1 and it's expansjion and CoH).
Sounds great. Thanks for posting the info!
The idea of dealing with another Warcraft 3 style disappointment really doesn't make me happy, but that's kind of where my mind wanders everytime someone mentions commander/hero units in a new RTS.
What I took from the information Sinatar posted was that the upgrade system for your hero unit would follow Dark Crusade's fashion of rewarding wargear for meeting certain objectives. I assumed that the hero system they were talking about will be handled like your primary commander was in Dark Crusade.
Teaser Trailer and in game screen shots are up:
By the Emperor, the shots look stunning and the trailer is distilled awesomeness. This will be the game that will make me do a massive upgrade on my computer.
I wait with bated breath until Spring 2009.