If you were a Zimbabwean Millionaire...

Oops! The opposition party is MDC not ZANU-PF. Brain farted there for some reason. ZANU-PF is the ruling party

Shadout, everything you say is correct but there is a breaking point for any populace. Lets hope sense will prevail and Mugabe realises, or perhaps those that surround him, cannot hold onto power without serious pain and suffering. Next couple of days are worth keeping an eye on.

Axon wrote:

Shadout, everything you say is correct but there is a breaking point for any populace. Lets hope sense will prevail and Mugabe realises, or perhaps those that surround him, cannot hold onto power without serious pain and suffering. Next couple of days are worth keeping an eye on.

I certainly hope so but it's never stopped dictators before.
Currently the presidential election results aren't being released which implies that either there's fraud going on, someone is making good their escape or plans are being laid to hold on to power by some other means (claiming vote wasn't free and fair and staying on till next election to ensure preservation of democracy is a favourite line). Election observers (african, chinese and iranian(?) only all western observers were expelled for being too critical) have criticised the current elections.

Eoin wrote:

Election observers (african, chinese and iranian(?) only all western observers were expelled for being too critical) have criticised the current elections.

Maybe so, but do you know what the Chinese and Iranians have in common with Westerners? They all hate black people. Or so goes Mugabe's explanation for, well... just about everything.


Yes I know it's the guardian but still...


This could still turn quite interesting it seems.
Why even admit a defeat in the first place, when you are already rigging the election Terrible dictator skills right there.

Apparently a deal has been struck. Mugabe was going to announce he was the winner this morning and the Army said they couldn't assure they could quell any uprising. The talk around the camp fire is Mugabe has lost and Tsvangirai (opposition leader) is going to give a chance to step down. They are all denying this, of course, but we will find out by tomorrow afternoon if this is true or not as that is apparently the deadline for Mugabe to make a move.

I might be getting my hopes up early but with this and Pakistan its good to see soft power and democracy succeeding. Perhaps Burma could be next with the Olympics coming up? I am a dreamer, after all.

Now we wait to see what Mugabe and, perhaps more importantly, the Army does.

Axon wrote:

Apparently a deal has been struck. Mugabe was going to announce he was the winner this morning and the Army said they couldn't assure they could quell any uprising.

How is this a "deal?" Mugabe's been saying all along he wouldn't step down while he was alive. This is just the Army saying, "your funeral, pal."

The deal would be around prosecution of any crimes he may have committed. Nevermind what he said in the past, what you want to avoid is a man in power getting desperate and perhaps triggering a civil war. Best to put aside principles to avoid greater bloodshed.

Axon wrote:

The deal would be around prosecution of any crimes he may have committed. Nevermind what he said in the past, what you want to avoid is a man in power getting desperate and perhaps triggering a civil war. Best to put aside principles to avoid greater bloodshed.

Yeah, I guess if they had a civil war they'd have to re-zero all those signs...