jonnypolite wrote:TOtally bogus.
So gameguru, are you saying that you've done the transfer, and you've retained the ability to play arcade titles while not connected to xbox live?
uh offline? I've no clue.. I'll have to test it out..
Thanks for checking this out
TheGameguru wrote:jonnypolite wrote:TOtally bogus.
So gameguru, are you saying that you've done the transfer, and you've retained the ability to play arcade titles while not connected to xbox live?
uh offline? I've no clue.. I'll have to test it out..
TheGameguru wrote:2 for 2 with the transfer kit and 20GB to 120GB Premium to Elite Units.. both worked flawless with all the content copied over.
LOL - i guess you weren't following what the problem was, eh?
yeah heh.. I fail at reading comprehension.. plus I always set Xboxen to auto sign in to Live.
TheGameguru wrote:jonnypolite wrote:TOtally bogus.
So gameguru, are you saying that you've done the transfer, and you've retained the ability to play arcade titles while not connected to xbox live?
uh offline? I've no clue.. I'll have to test it out..
Thanks for checking this out :)
Offline no go..
I'm wondering; could Microsoft's DRM policy be illegal? How can they carve out the elite and say it's not ok to upgrade and take your XBLA games with you?
I'm wondering; could Microsoft's DRM policy be illegal? How can they carve out the elite and say it's not ok to upgrade and take your XBLA games with you?
Probably not because they provide a workaround where they refund your points and you re-buy your stuff. Apparently this is very similar to how they do it on the Wii (With the Wii you can't even play your games when signed in). Fortunately Wiis don't break and unfortunately 360s do.
They don't provide that workaround for those who upgrade to the Elite, though. "That's our policy."
They don't provide that workaround for those who upgrade to the Elite, though. "That's our policy."
Oh, thats just ridiculous (Edit for clarity: The policy, not your complaint). Why the hell would they even include the transfer cable then? Is that statement the policy from a customer support rep or is that in fine print somewhere?
I find their support reps know less then the general public. After I paid for a repair, I was told I could not warranty the repaired unit. After filing a complaint with the BBB I got a call from a 3rd tier letting me know that it was not the case and the rep must have been mistaken. A week later they announced a one year warranty on all repairs.
I filed a complaint with the BBB about the fact that i couldn't play my games offline on my new elite. I received a call from MS saying it was their policy that they couldn't provide any solution, that if had bought a new premium, say, with HDMI, they could have reauthorized the console. But not for the elite. Something about the whole situation is starting to suggest class action lawsuit to me.
Edwin posted an anti-DRM link earlier in this thread. It sounds pretty similar, if not more restrictive, to the 360 in terms of DRM. Quoted from the link:
"Once a Virtual Console game has been purchased and downloaded, it's forever locked to the console it was purchased on. You cannot move the games to a different Wii console and play them, period. If your Wii console is defective, needs to be repaired, or it just dies of old age in the next 10 years, every virtual console game you purchased is gone forever. If you happened to back-up your Virtual Console games to an SD memory card, you'll only be able to copy them back to the system they originated from.
Fairly good news: Several people who have had their Nintendo Wii console replaced or repaired have been pleased at how the company is handling the refund of their Wii Points. Once the new console is received, the customer contacts Nintendo and provides them with their new console information. Codes for refunded Wii Points are then sent via Wii-mail to the new console and the Virtual Console games can then be repurchased. "
I filed a complaint with the BBB about the fact that i couldn't play my games offline on my new elite. I received a call from MS saying it was their policy that they couldn't provide any solution, that if had bought a new premium, say, with HDMI, they could have reauthorized the console. But not for the elite. Something about the whole situation is starting to suggest class action lawsuit to me.
This is really a downer. Hopefully they will get their heads out of their @sses and it won't get to that point. Good job on deterring people from buying new hardware Microsoft!
Nintendo has been tying purchases to your Nintendo Gamer Account, or whatever it is, from what I understand. This way you can register your Wii can get your stuff back.
A little too neon. The site design could definetly use some polishing but I spent some time reading the content and it's good to know that my issues with this DRM aren't only my own. My wife has to sign in my gamertag all the time to play games like Luxur and Outpost Kalati.
So.. I'm a little confused after reading this thread and the posts. If I get an elite for the living room and move my premium (with all the games) to the bedroom, can I just redownload them on the elite?
Well, if you migrate your gamertag to the new elite, then yea, but you'll have the restriction that you need to be online, and other tags can't play them. The game will still be on the old box, but your gamertag won't be.
One of the mods at Achieve360points.com has big trouble with little 360. In particular he's spunked away $300 on DLC that he can't play anymore. His tally:
Number of Xbox 360s that have died on me: 3 dead Xbox 360s
Number of lights that I've encountered: 9 flashing red ones
Number of calls to 1-800-4MY-XBOX since March: 22 calls
Number of callbacks promised: 15
Number of callbacks received: 3
Number of SR's started: 9
Number of SR's closed or replaced due to being set up incorrectly: 5
Number of SR's closed due to issues actually being resolved: 2
Most Number of times I was asked my name and phone number during a single call: 11 times
Number of times I was told "Microsoft will contact you when the investigation is complete": 40+
Number of times that I ended up on the Spanish language hold line: 8
Total spent on Xbox 360 related products: $3120.78
Amount of XBL content not working properly: 25,600 points ($319.87)
Total time spent on the phone with 1-800-4MY-XBOX: 1 day, 2 hours, 55 minutes
Total time spent trying various remedies*: 1 day, 9 hours, 55 minutes
TOTAL TIME TRYING TO RESOLVE ISSUES WITH MY XBOX 360's: 2 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes**
His story:
I might rather be routed through Spanish language customer support. I sort of bet they'd be less snooty.
I might rather be routed through Spanish language customer support. I sort of bet they'd be less snooty.
I used to do that with Time Warner. If you called the normal line hold times were absolutely horrific; sometimes the message would just tell you to call back later and hang up. The Spanish number would get you a rep practically immediately. I guess they wised up because they consolidated the numbers. Luckily they seemed to have greatly increased their staff as it wasn't near as bad to get someone.
I didn't realize this crap was still going on; I'm dreading getting my "repaired" console back now and having to argue with Xbox customer service.
The first time I had my console replaced, they reimbursed points quickly.
On my second replacement in the fall, I got the run-around and was asked to try re-downloading in a few weeks when my license should be transferred. That was after a 45 minute call, and I've done enough of those calls with XBOX LIVE service in the past. The level of service and training is downright pathetic.
To this day, my XBOX LIVE purchases are locked to my gamertag only, and only available when logged into Live. So personally, I can't say that their new license transfer system works at all. This has kept me from making further purchases of XBLA games. I'd like to get Boogie Bunnies for my boys. They enjoy it and I think it's cute. Maybe Puzzle Quest or Rez HD. It's not going to happen though. Sure, worst comes to worst, the boys can log into my gamertag and play, but that's not the point. My system was replaced because of faulty hardware. I shouldn't have to worry about having access to purchased content. They seem to forget that their product is already inconveniencing the customer through the sheer fact that it needs to be replaced/repaired.
I enjoy my 360 tremendously, but no way am I buying anymore XBLA content with the current DRM and poor customer service.
To take it a bit further, this has turned me off to digital content enough that I wont be buying it for other systems either. Maybe the Wii, but that is only based on how Nintendo pro-actively asked me if they needed to transfer any VC purchases when my original Wii had a hardware issue and needed to be replaced. Nintendo customer service was an absolutely pleasurable, efficient, professional and ultimately satisfying experience, exhibiting the same philosophy they deliver with their products.
Microsoft's customer service remains an obviously outsourced and ill-trained set of disjointed non-communicative call centers, only to be dealt with when absolutely needed.
So do they not do the "issue points to a silver account" fix anymore? I guess once they came up with their "re-licensing" system they must have decided that the old fix was no longer kosher, even though clearly the new one doesn't work.
So has anyone had luck with fixing their DRM after having a repair lately? Should I even hold out a sliver of hope that I'll be able to get my DRM fixed when my repair gets back?
When xLive was having issues... half of my Arcade games where in trial mode. What really blows is the fact that if I would be playing an Arcade game and get disconnected from xLive, my saves would be deleted.
I had got my 360 back and my arcade games didn't work offline they would revert to a trial version and was told that it would be 30 days for the license to come back, well my 360 has rrod but I really wish Microsoft would fix this and soon, but they don't care and will never care, but I can't say I am surprised.
One of the mods at Achieve360points.com has big trouble with little 360. In particular he's spunked away $300 on DLC that he can't play anymore. His tally:
Man that's a depressing story and I honestly feel the same way he does as well, really disheartened, it's pretty bad.
Yeah, that's a familiar story. I've certainly spent close to that much money. Well, we'll see if I get treated any better in a few weeks here.
Mine was fixed in November.... 3 calls, each with a "1 month to fix" reply, and my wife is still locked out of her 120 hour Oblivion save under her account, as well as any XBLA games I've purchased before sending it in. I'd say theses issues are still going on.
Got mine back today, none of my arcade games work offline or with any of my family's accounts. Live support wants me to delete & redownload all of the games to see if it will work again...why do I get the feeling they are just delaying telling me I'm screwed?
Well, I have already been escalated to tier two support. I got the same line everyone else is getting, wait 20-30 days for all of the licenses to be renewed. Anyone want to bet at the end of 30 days nothing has changed?