... hmmm $40 for Uno and the joy of self-conscious gaming.... tempting?
I have only been checking the Racing clan account once a day. There did not seem to be a great deal of interest. I will do my best to keep on top of it while I am at work. If I am playing online feel free to shoot me a XBL message.
Tag: ChromeTech
Great fun last night guys. I enjoyed the game of tag and the races quite a bit.
An observation about the open map and the racing specifically though:
There was a point in one of the races last night where a group of cars was running in a tight pack. The leader of that group decides he needs to make a turn (a wrong turn). Now I realize that once we become accustomed to the map, these wrong turns will become fewer and fewer. The interesting thing was though, the rest of the group following him fell right into the herd mentality and took the wrong turn as well. It struck me as very funny to watch several little triangles make an abrupt 180 once the error was discovered.
Also, unless more people start showing up with the camera thing, the only pic's you will be getting from me will be of the still life in my office.
Thanks for inviting me to play along gentlemen,
Aww, comeon the expressions were priceless last night. I'll pick up a camera soon just so I can have signs made with phrases like "WTF" and >0 and lets not forget the loveable "h8 u"
Sorry for ignoring all y'alls invites last night. I had a date last night and he and I were playing burnout together. Didn't think he'd want to be exposed to the GWJ clan just yet
Oops! Sorry to have kept pestering you -- just tell us to go take a hike next time, yeah?
Trachalio wrote:Sorry for ignoring all y'alls invites last night. I had a date last night and he and I were playing burnout together. Didn't think he'd want to be exposed to the GWJ clan just yet
Oops! Sorry to have kept pestering you -- just tell us to go take a hike next time, yeah? :D
You were hardly pestering, so don't worry. I felt bad because I didn't want you to think I was standing y'all up!
Nah, no worries. Team Awesome will be glad to have you back, though.
Unless my room mate needs the TV tonight I'll be happy to be back with Team Awesome
I must say that the greatest moment in the game I had last night was doing a Takedown run while listening to Faith No More's - Epic. I wish there was a way to replay a song that you like. I ended up getting 30 takedowns when the target was only 5.
I really wish they included a movie feature like Halo 3.
I really wish they included a movie feature like Halo 3.
That would have been awesome.
I wish they included a way to pull everyone in your game into another game like Halo 3, but alas, not everyone has the ability to do what Bungie does.
I must say that the greatest moment in the game I had last night was doing a Takedown run while listening to Faith No More's - Epic. I wish there was a way to replay a song that you like.
I ended up getting 30 takedowns when the target was only 5. :D
I really really loved hearing Epic. And the song they have by Soundgarden. Good stuff. By the way, had a lot of fun with you guys last night, Rocky. Sorry to Souldaddy and Stupidhaiku that I kind of went silent last night. My wife really realy wanted to talk to me and I didn't want to interrupt her to bail. I'll try to bail at the start next time.
SirRockford wrote:I must say that the greatest moment in the game I had last night was doing a Takedown run while listening to Faith No More's - Epic. I wish there was a way to replay a song that you like.
I ended up getting 30 takedowns when the target was only 5. :D
I really really loved hearing Epic. And the song they have by Soundgarden. Good stuff. By the way, had a lot of fun with you guys last night, Rocky. Sorry to Souldaddy and Stupidhaiku that I kind of went silent last night. My wife really realy wanted to talk to me and I didn't want to interrupt her to bail. I'll try to bail at the start next time.
Yeah, I had a great time too. I was a little quite as well, but I am most nights since once my wife goes to bed, I have to keep it down. My voice has a tendency to carry, and then wake her up. Sometime soon, me and the 360 (as well as the HD) are going down to the basement. Then it won't matter.
My copy arrived this morning! Invite me if you see me on.
TIP: If you see Lupus coming at you in a lime green version of "Christine"..... get the hell outta the way.
There was one point last night when the 8 of us found an old airfield, and we proceeded to drive around that tiny space for over an hour. All challenge completion ground to a halt. I Female Doggo about Forza and racing the same turn again and again, and damned if I didn't do just that last night. *#$%ing loop. So much fun.
Stupidhaiku and I were talking last night at how this game would be a perfect Friday-night-drunken-goodjer game. 8 people seems to be the magic number for multiplayer. Any more and folks start talking over each other.
So, last night we were racing and one of the car options was a "Carbon Ikusa GT." My understanding is that when in online race mode you have access to the cars that other people in the race have (although I could be wrong). Assuming that is the case, someone we were playing with has that car, but when I look around on the internet I can't find out how to unlock it.
It's not the car you get for running the burning lap for the regular Ikusa GT; that is how you get the Ikusa Samurai. From looking around, it seems that other "carbon" cars are unlocked by getting all the billboards, smash gates and jumps (which give a Carbon Hawker, a Carbon GT Concept, and a Carbon X12 respectively). However, no one seems to know about the Carbon Ikusa GT. So if someone here does actually have it, do you know if you've done anything special in the game that might have earned it?
Stupidhaiku and I were talking last night at how this game would be a perfect Friday-night-drunken-goodjer game. 8 people seems to be the magic number for multiplayer. Any more and folks start talking over each other.
Is 8 the limit, or is there a way to game with more? 10? 16?
After playing more last night, I highly recommend racing in first person mode for the races. I found it really helped see turns coming and prepare for them a bit better. I crashed WAY less after doing that.
After playing more last night, I highly recommend racing in first person mode for the races. I found it really helped see turns coming and prepare for them a bit better. I crashed WAY less after doing that.
Agreed. I stumbled upon first person view by accident this morning. It helps a lot with judging when you should start your high-speed drifting turn.
Just picked the game up during lunch. Hoping to be online tonight!
I have a question about multiplayer.
Sometimes when I bring up my friends list I can see someone playing Forza 2 for example. Next to their name is a little arrow that offers me the chance to join their game. If I go into Burnout and create a game for friends/invite only, are you then able to see the little arrow and join my game if you're on my friends list, or do I still have to send out invites?
Unfortunately, last night was surrounded by an unusual amount of chaos, limiting me to less time in the game than I hoped.
Fortunately, it looks like I'll get a surprise full night's racing in tonight. Yay! I'll see everyone online!
Just got my copy... yay!
Quick question, does any one know how to unlock Carson GT Concept?
Quick question -- is there a way in the map to set markers and have the game direct you to turns like it does during a race? For example, if you wanted to go back to a junk yard or get to a repair shop.
Just got my copy... yay!
Quick question, does any one know how to unlock Carson GT Concept?
From looking around, it seems that other "carbon" cars are unlocked by getting all the billboards, smash gates and jumps (which give a Carbon Hawker, a Carbon GT Concept, and a Carbon X12 respectively). However, no one seems to know about the Carbon Ikusa GT. So if someone here does actually have it, do you know if you've done anything special in the game that might have earned it?
Zero, I'm not asking about Carbon Carson GT Concept, I'm asking about the original.
Ah, yeah, don't know about that. I would assume that it will probably show up in the city as you progress through the game, and then you will have to take it out to unlock it for use. From the look of its stats, it will probably show up at the "A" or "Burnout" class levels.
However, oddly enough on the first night we played, that car was available for use in online races (as the Carbon Ikusa GT was last night), so maybe there is some system whereby they just taunt you with awesome cars from time to time when you run an online race.
btw, Speaking of Nakamura Carbon Ikusa GT... you need to complete all 64 Time Road Rules.
*Info from Iceydragon@Xbox Forum
Thank you, good sir. I now have my first long term goal.
You want sake with that?